Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1097: Gained new knowledge

Luo Chuan was eating a different world version of Pippi Shrimp, and looked at the manager of the Black Rock Harbor Restaurant, the man who was as strong as a beast.

From what he said and the expression on his face, Luo Chuan had almost guessed what he wanted to say next, nothing more than being surprised by Yao Ziyan's cooking skills that the heavens wanted to hire them at a high price.

After all, Luochuan also saw an advertisement for recruiting employees at the Blackstone Harbor Restaurant in the newspaper during the day.

"Just speak straight." Luo Chuan drank a drink similar to orange juice.

Although he had some guesses in his heart, the man's attitude was not bad. It would be better to refuse to listen to him.

The man smiled. He has already seen that Yao Ziyan is based on Luochuan: "I am going to add a self-service barbecue function to the Heishi Port Restaurant. Do you have any opinions?"

Eh? It was different from what I had originally thought. But after thinking about it, Luo Chuan was relieved. As he and Yao Ziyan looked like aristocrats, how could they be a chef in the restaurant? The man obviously knew this.

But what does it mean to ask him and Yao Ziyan's opinion? Is Sonia's copyright management so strict? Does it require the consent of the proposer to adopt an idea?

"My opinion?" Luo Chuan put down the cup, with some doubts in his tone.

"After all, this was raised by you. I want to ask what you think." The man with a smile on his face seemed not to be due to copyright reasons, but simply to seek advice.

Luo Chuan thought about it for a while, and casually mentioned a few cafeteria creation concepts. The man nodded his head again and again, full of educated expressions.

"Finally, I want to ask, where did you learn your barbecue skills?" Before leaving, the man asked Yao Ziyan the most anticipated question.

"This..." Yao Ziyan thought of the cooking tutorial in the holographic device, but he certainly couldn't say that, "I learned from the servant at home."

The man nodded and sighed in his heart. It seemed that his thoughts should be lost. He bowed and left, and left something that looked like a business card: "Excuse me. If the other two come back, they can enjoy a half price discount."

It should be a business card, it seems that even if different civilizations develop to a certain extent, they will show common ground.

Luo Chuan picked up the business card and looked at it. The information on it was very simple, the address and the name of the Blackstone Harbor Restaurant, and the name of Evan Leonard.

Yao Ziyan also glanced curiously, and then Luo Chuan put the business card in his pocket. Nothing important, maybe I will come back several times in the future, I don't know what it will be transformed by Evan at that time.

Judging from the expression he had just left, Luochuan felt that this newly opened restaurant might be closed tomorrow due to major renovations.

Being able to open a restaurant in this place, and advertise the restaurant in Sonia’s newspaper, and use those magic inscriptions, all of which indicate that Evan is not an ordinary person.

According to Luochuan’s observations, ordinary people accounted for a huge proportion of the residents in the city of Saintia, while those with extraordinary powers were registered to record their identities.

Only a very small number of people can access the registration of the extraordinary, but most of the registered information is very vague. After all, no one likes their news being controlled by another behemoth.

When he first learned of the news, Luo Chuan was still surprised for a while, but soon he was relieved, because in the country where Sonia is located, the imperial power is supreme.

Of course, since there is official control over the transcendents, those who are outside are naturally indispensable. If they don't cause trouble, basically no one will take care of them, but if they do something, someone will naturally take action.

In addition, in a world full of magical powers, the personal combat power is not as outrageous as the cultivators of Tianlan Continent, and it is definitely impossible to tear the space directly.

Of course, after all, they are two completely different powers, which cannot be measured by the same standard. For example, a mage who just got started can rub a fireball with his hands, while a cultivator who has advanced to the realm of good fortune can barely remove his spiritual power from his body.

"Huh, I'm full." Yao Ziyan drank the juice in the cup and sighed with satisfaction. She suddenly thought of a question, "Boss, we all came to this world using holographic devices, why do we need to eat? thing?"

"The world is in an information state. As long as you have enough information parameters, you can realize the corresponding things." Luochuan said what the system once told him, "The holographic device is equivalent to copying the world in this world. The original body, but some parameters have to be changed due to the difference in the world, such as the disappearance of spiritual power."

"It turned out to be like this." Yao Ziyan nodded suddenly, and today he has gained new knowledge, although it is as difficult as ever to understand.

There was also a long line in front of the barbecue grill not far away. The enthusiasm of the guests was very high, because from time to time someone came forward to experience it for themselves, most of them ended in failure, and then caused bursts of laughter.

Compared with Luochuan and Yao Ziyan before they came, great changes have taken place. This production process that allows diners to participate in person is very popular, and Evan and the waiters maintain order on the scene.

"It's time to go." Luo Chuan wiped his mouth, and the barbecue was all eaten-mainly because of his work-only the skewers and the shells of seafood were left.

The departure of Luochuan and Yao Ziyan did not cause any movement. The two of them here are just ordinary guests. Most people have forgotten the movement just now.

It's not too late, walking aimlessly on the street by the sea, feeling the cool night breeze beating on him, watching the waves in the distance rushing to the beach, quiet and peaceful scene.


Rona was walking on the road, and he could still perceive bursts of burning tingling from all over his body, but those were just the hallucinations left by the brain of the previous experience.

He went to the store that looked like a **** and devil again, and drank coffee again, the effect was completely different from last time, this time it was actually a physical alienation.

The emblem in the hand can have an effect on the call of energy, and the alienation of the fingers this time is a pure means of attack.

Horror and magical shop, who is the young owner, why he chose Saintia, and what is his purpose...

Questions emerged in Rona's heart, but he couldn't find the answer at all. Everything seemed to be shrouded in a thick mist. The truth was hidden in it, but it was impossible to reach.

How long has it been, I felt this feeling of weakness again. But the effect of the coffee sold in that shop is so ridiculous that Rona has even begun to look forward to what he will get tomorrow.

Like the temptation of the devil, the person who accepts the contract step by step to the endless abyss by means of equivalent exchange...

Thinking wildly in his mind, Rona returned to his residence-a separate apartment that was used as a rented out. He had decided to live long in Saintia.

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