Fantasy Falls

Chapter 97: : Requiem

In the League of Legends world, there was once a mage who lived in legend: Morello.

In the first rune war, this mage used magic to destroy the entire rune land including the northern ice fields! It caused terrible trauma to the land of Varoland, and it took centuries to recover slowly.

The surviving people, call him "the destroyer"!

As a disciple of Morello, Karzas, Death Singer, learned only magic from the Destroyer.

He is the curse used to destroy the world:


Unlike the game, which only kills enemy heroes, the real "Requiem" has the power to destroy the world and destroy a continent! Everything within range is destroyed, no matter the enemy or his own, no matter beings or buildings.

He left only a barren, bleak ruin full of curses and death.

Of course, if you want to destroy the mainland, you must have god-level strength.

The Death Singer is not the Destroyer!

Demigod was barely able to urge this magic, so to cast the curse, Karthus must use the power of the artifact: the "Death Hat of the World Destroyer" with endless magic, and "Meja" with endless phantom power. The Soul Soul Roll. "

Like Illidan in World of Warcraft, when guiding the curse "Sinking Land" that destroys the Frozen Throne, he needs to absorb the "Skull of Gul'dan" and use the power of "Eye of Sargeras".

Put on a "big hat" and hold the dead song of "The Murder Book", this moment is a real demigod-level Lich!

With the requiem of requiem, curse-level magic, the vision of heaven and earth was triggered, the black clouds of the sky began to swirl and rotate, the pale lightning flashed silently in the clouds, and the air was stained with a thick shadow fog.

The balance of the elements in the radon space was broken. The pale flames ignited along the ground, and the black granular ice particles fell from the sky.

A wave of black, rippled, icy wind began to blow, and the faintly singing ghost song and stern whistle pushed everyone into a world full of thick breath of death, all over darkness and solitude.

The endless undead, heading up to the sky, looking up at the sky, in the eyes, the green soul fire is jumping leisurely, withered hands raised as if to embrace something.

Just like the name of this curse:


Undead souls long for real peace under the spell.

From the magic of "The Hat of the World Destroyer", from the phantom power of "The Book of Murder", the power of death of Karthus itself, covering the dark clouds of the city covering the earth. The four energies, under the guidance of the curse, began to mix.

Mixed, could have greatly enhanced the magic power, dual attribute mixed spells are already powerful, not to mention the four-attribute super cocktail curse?

The wind and clouds changed again, and the dim ripples and lights swept across the sky.

A dazzling pale thunderfire pierced the earth like a sharp sword, and the swelling tide of mixed energy, like the tsunami of fury, will sweep everything.

But the turbulent energy quickly calmed down.

An requiem brings quiet destruction and silent death to people.

The light and shadow of the floating fantasy shook the sky, an egg-shaped sky curtain descended from the sky, like a pot lid, covering the vast area including the distant city of Luzhou.

The sky became dark blue.

Dark green, mixed with a touch of bright red!

The curse has not really erupted, but the undead shrouded in the sky has no vitality to resist. They belong to the dead, and they still ca n’t resist the tide of requiem energy. Only the undead fall into pieces, and each soul Virtual shadow, floating to the sky.

The soul is invisible to the naked eye unless it is in a special state. For example, the soul lamp of the hammer stone shines, such as the attraction of the contract of the Hekarim's Halberd, such as the area covered by Requiem now.

Countless imaginary souls, twinkling stars and shimmers, open arms, and fly toward the sky like a pilgrimage ...

In the faraway city of Luzhou, it became clear that the people who were abandoned and chaotic and irritable gradually calmed down, and an enron never before surged from the heart, and the soul seemed to enter the legendary eternal kingdom of heaven.

Hungry people see rich and delicious food.

The lonely person saw the dead relatives and family.

A young mother hugged to the air ahead. In her sight, the child who had been killed by the monster was running towards her with a smile.

Blinking crystalline tears in her eyes, with a contented smile, her mother who was empty in her arms, slowly crooked.

Tens of millions of civilians are falling down continuously, the breath of life is quietly disappearing, but all the sleepless people have no fear, pain and madness on their faces, they are smiling, their eyes are closed, their contentment seems to be eternal Tranquility.

I sniffed the fragrance of death and found the temple of requiem.


You pray for eternal sleep, Lord!

All souls belong to my Lord!

Let the light shine forever.

Below the shadow island, all the evolutionaries trembled under the power of the heaven and earth caused by the curse. The basic attributes, especially those with higher magic resistance, were not in the requisition stage, because they could not bear the breath of death in the realm. And die.

But first I saw the forbidden spell, the elemental power that was triggered, the pale fire and electricity, the black ice and wind! Then he saw the blue sky that held the earth.

In everyone's mind, there is total despair.

Even, no one wants to resist.

The girls around Qi Linxi, Dong Qing and Ai Li, Ning Shuixin and Faye Wong cried and hugged. I wondered that Fire Dance was kneeling on the ground. She could enter the mobile phone to hide, but what's the point? The master died, and she did not want to live.

The three of the Beast Squad's hands clasped each other tightly. The old cow's chest was undulating and **** eyes looked at the sky.

Su Hongzhang, Zhou Qingyun, and several other evolvers, either sitting paralyzed or insulting madly, Guo Jing and Qiao Feng, two mercenaries, sighed deeply, sitting cross-legged on the ground .

A despair waiting for death.

Suddenly there was someone.

He straightened his spine and stood in front of everyone.

Xi Zonghou.

Suppressed the wind of trembling energy waves, blowing his messy hair, bright red blood flowing from the wound, the knot knot muscle strengthened by the potion of strength, winding down like a snake.

This two-star knight talent, holding a broken Crusader shield, a man carrying a cross, with dead grey eyes, looked at or sat, or kneeled, the evolutionists paralyzed, holding the mouth of the cigar, shocked Ear roar:

"Hope is alive, how can you give up lightly!"

The roar of eight characters on the battlefield blowing the cold and overcast wind caused echoes, and even the dark blue sky covering the earth produced a wave of shocks.

"I have always believed that there is infinite potential in human life and spirit. This kind of power can even exert miracles. This miracle, I call it a hope, as long as it is alive, as long as the soul is alive, it will Hope to survive! "

"People who want to live, stand by me!"

Xi Zonghou inserted the black tea-wood cross behind him into the ground, half-knelt on the ground, his dead grey eyes flashing unyielding light.

"Strong enemies are not afraid of fear, loyalty and loyalty, deserving of God, loyalty and integrity, death rather than indifference, protection of the weak, against the law.

I swear to be kind to the weak

I swear bravely against rape

I swear to fight everything wrong

I swear to fight for the defenseless

I swear to help anyone who asks for help

I swear not to hurt any woman

I swear to help my brother knight

I swear to treat my friends in good faith

I swear I will never die for my love

I am a……

Knight! "

Speaking of the vow of the knight, Zong Hou half-knelt in front of the cross, the power of the body surging, flowing to the shield, the broken red and white crusader shield quickly became bright. To the sky.

The white holy light formed a thin light curtain that fell to the surroundings, creating a small space.

This area can stand about four people, with grass growing inside, flowers opening, twinkling with stars and sacred white light.


He built with light, faith, and piety—

Stay away from death.

"Not enough, not enough!"

Xi Zong's thick body, trembling violently, a trace of milky light penetrated into the sanctuary, and the light curtain of the Holy Light was slightly enlarged, and he could stand in about six people.

层 This layer is less than a finger-wide light curtain. Can it resist the outbreak of Requiem Forbidden Curse? No one knows ~ ~ but Zonghou's actions will undoubtedly bring courage and hope to others.

Next to the three-headed lizard, she looked at everything around silently, watching the crying Wang Feifei, Ai Li, and Ning Shuixin, Yani clenched her fists tightly, as if what decision had been made in her heart, she suddenly violently raised Lin Xi And all the girls, pull to the side.

"Don't mess around!"

She has Slavic ancestry, a beautiful nose and a full of British beauty. Her face becomes stingy, and a dazzling light explodes, followed by waves, blood flowing, and then the sound of assembly of bones and muscles sounds one after another.

"what is this?"

Lin Linxi, Wang Feifei, Dong Qing, Ning Shuixin, Ignorant Fire Dance, Ai Li, six people, tightly crowded, sticking together.

A small space, up and down, left and right, was full of bright red flesh. Lin Xi understood Yani's behavior. She actually used the "giant giant" transformation ability to squeeze the flesh and blood during the transformation. Pressed into the belly.

I found that it was too crowded here. Lin Xi would not know the fire dance with his mobile phone, and gained space for items.

Yan Yani's body, located at the back of the giantess, is also wrapped in flesh and blood, closing her eyes tightly, mobilizing all the energy in the body.

Outside, the 15-meter-tall giantess has a crystal-like luster on her body, such as flowing water.

Within a second, the extreme running ability even inspired Yani's potential. From hair to heels, every piece of skin, every inch of flesh, from the outside to the inside, all became crystal-clear and diamond-like. Special crystal.

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