Chapter 995 Take risks with your own body, so why not!

Chu Xiao has a numb scalp at this time.

Because at this time, he had already seen it completely.

For such a thing, now he finally sees it clearly, and finally knows what it means.

So it’s good to see it clearly now, and I don’t know what to say.

When such a thing occurs, the other party regards himself as a prey, like a very delicious food!

I thought I was just an intruder.

But unexpectedly, Bai Ze just looked at him like this, his eyes were very greedy, it seemed that he was very delicious, and even drooling!

Seeing such a scene, Chu Xiao also knew that this matter seemed to be really troublesome.

So what is going on next, he doesn’t know exactly now.

It’s just that he also knows that he has become a prey!

So what will happen, he still doesn’t know exactly.

It’s just that he knows it’s bad now, and his situation is bad.

If you can’t deal with it, you will definitely be eaten by the other party afterwards.

This is definitely beyond doubt!

I have already thought about it clearly, and I also know that this matter is also very bad.

So what will happen next, I don’t know how to say it now.

Now that this situation is reached, I don’t know how to solve it.

In general, this matter is still very bad for him.

Apart from this, nothing else can even be done.

Now that I think about it, I don’t know how to think about it.

But there is no other way, now is to deal with such a thing.

And he can’t retreat!

If he fails here, then there will only be a dead end, and the few people behind him will die with him.

He didn’t think that as long as he died here, Bai Ze would let others go.

If that’s the case, it may also be considered a good thing.

It’s just that he doesn’t want to die yet, how could he die here.

If he were to die here, it would be really awkward.

So of course there can be no such situation, and I have completely thought about it now.

For this matter, I have fully considered it, but I haven’t wanted to do it yet.

Because the other party just looked at here, but didn’t act.

In his opinion, Bai Ze is appreciating himself like food.

Maybe I was thinking about how to eat myself.

This point is quite clear in Chu Xiao’s mind.

So what is going on in the end, I don’t know how to say it now.

And he didn’t know what to do.

It is less clear what the opponent’s weakness is.

These are all big problems, but there is nothing to do.

He was really helpless. After all, he was treated as food. Apart from this, he still didn’t know how the other party should deal with it.

Is there anything in your body that can attract this guy?

At this point, Chu Xiao was very curious in his heart.

In addition to this, he really couldn’t think of how it was possible.

“It turns out that I can act on my own, but other people can’t move. Is it because of this? Or, this guy has already woken up a long time ago, waiting for his arrival?”

Chu Xiao said something in his heart.

He thinks it is possible, it may be like this.

In this way, he also felt that this might be a trap.

But now they are all in the trap, and it doesn’t make much sense to think about it.

He has completely considered this matter.

What will happen in the end, it is not yet clear.

It’s all like this, and I don’t know how to solve it.

I don’t know how to deal with the current situation.

The development of the matter far exceeded their expectations.

I didn’t expect such a situation to happen.

In fact, he feels very puzzled up to now.

It’s just not clear what this is because of.

But he also didn’t want to understand clearly.

After all, they have already come to other people’s places, and they are treated as food.

He could still see the greed in the opponent’s eyes.

So strong, I don’t know what I can attract him.

But there is no other way. I really feel more puzzled about this matter.

But if he wants to solve it, there may be some troubles, and he may not be able to solve it by himself.

But is there a way, and I know, no matter what, I have to try it.

Otherwise, this matter is really hard to say.

So when I thought about it, I didn’t think about it so much anymore.

Because he also knows that this matter is still quite bad.

In today’s situation, I don’t know how to solve it.

It’s already like this, it’s useless to think about coming back so many times.

It’s better to take a look at how to deal with Bai Ze next.

This guy wants to eat himself, of course he can’t accept it, and things like this won’t happen.

Even if this guy is strong, it won’t make him easy.

Even if you can’t change the situation of being eaten, you have to let it peel off, or drag it to bury it!

Chu Xiao had already thought about this very clearly in his heart.

Regarding this matter, of course, I will not think about it so much now.

He also knows that he cannot accept this kind of thing.

It is eaten like this, of course it is not good 570, and I cannot accept it.

For such a situation, there is no need to think about it too much.

This is how things are happening today, and there is no good way.

What kind of situation will it look like in the future, and what the situation will be like? He won’t think about that much anymore.

It is clear that this matter cannot be explained and resolved, nor can it be resolved so easily.

So after thinking of this, he shook his head and sighed in his heart.

This kind of thing is really bad, and I can’t accept it.

What happened after that, I don’t know how to say it.

The thing is like this, there is really no way other than accepting it frankly.

And he won’t sit and wait for death, it is impossible for the other party to just eat it like this.

Because he is very clear, and the feeling in his heart is also very strong, Bai Ze just wants to eat himself!

Although it is not clear what the situation is, then he can be sure!

“It doesn’t matter what you want, but I can’t force you so easily. The big deal is war, so why not!

Chu Xiao stared at Bai Ze on the opposite side at this time, then his face solemnly said, and there was also a strong war intent in his eyes.

In addition to this, the Wandi Sword also appeared in his hand!

He is already fully prepared, no matter what, he can now shoot at any time!

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