Chapter 992 The artifact is born, fight together!

After Ouyang Xue finished speaking, the others were silent again.

Because they all know that this is also very reasonable.

They really have no way, and now they really can only look at it.

But what can they do? They really can’t do anything at all, let alone share the pressure, because this is impossible.

So they all know that this matter is still quite bad.

In this situation, it is true that he can only wait for Chu Xiao.

Chu Xiao is indeed their hope and the key.

So what will happen in the end? Now they don’t have to think about that much.

They also know that this is the only thing they can do, and they really can only accept it.

“If we continue like this, maybe Chu Xiao will be very dangerous, and we can’t do anything. Then we really can only rely on him. This time, we can only rely on him!”

Song Zhiyi said with a gloomy face, he was in a bad mood.

And the whole person is very uncomfortable and crazy at this time.

But what else can they do? They are all like this, and they really can’t do much.

So in this case, I don’t know what to say.

After saying this, he was quiet again.

Of course, in his 570 heart, it was all very uncomfortable.

I have tried to help, but it has no effect. I can’t even do any action, let alone tell me. It’s impossible.

So after the struggle, he gave up.

Because there is really no way to do this, nothing can be done.

It’s really uncomfortable to be like this, and I don’t know how to say it.

It was already this time, and they could only watch.

If he can help, he wants to be the first to rush over.

But it is very clear in my heart that this is completely impossible, and there will be no such situation.

There is really no other way besides admitting fate.

The way things are, you know that this is a trap.

As for how it was arranged, he is not quite sure now.

I just can know this.

So what will happen next, he thinks it should also be more dangerous.

Chu Xiao’s life may be in danger.

Although knowing that Chu Xiao’s strength is very strong, facing that Bai Ze, this seems a bit dangerous.

If you put it at other times, you may not have to think about it so much.

But at this time, it is really hard not to worry about it.

Because that guy is really too strong, and the aura on his body is very strong, don’t say what extent will it be if he launches an attack next?

Song Zhiyi also understood that there was nothing to do with this kind of thing.

In this case, indeed, we can only wait.

What will happen afterwards, there is really no way at all.

They can’t do anything at all, here, they can only watch here.

So this matter, I don’t know what to say here.

The development of this incident completely exceeded their expectations.

And under this kind of thing, they still have no way, and there will be no way.

If we can help out together, it shouldn’t be that dangerous.

So now thinking of this, I also know that this matter is very troublesome.

But I don’t know how to say it.

This matter, they really only have to watch.

As for other things, it will have no effect, and there will be no way for them.

“It seems that we can only wait, but what will happen? Maybe Chu Xiao will be very bad. Anyway, as long as he dies, we will be buried, but if you think about it this way, it seems to be acceptable. .

Chu Yu, who usually didn’t have much words, said with a smile at this time.

He looked away. Indeed, in this case, he could only look away.

After all, there is no way at all, no matter how they try, it will have no effect.

(bbbi) If you still don’t look away, you don’t know how to say it.

He also knew that it was indeed the only way, and only this way.

So now that I think about it clearly, I don’t think about it so much anymore.

Now this thing is still quite bad.

If this goes on, it is really not easy to say.

The situation at this time really only depends on Chu Xiao himself.

Because as long as he can act on his own, they can’t help.

In that case, of course, you can only wait here, and you can’t do anything else.

So what will happen later, I don’t want to care so much now.

This development of the matter also made them wait here.

This situation is indeed not what they want to see.

But there is no other good way, and really can’t do anything.

Here, if they can’t look away, it might be uncomfortable.

Therefore, he didn’t have to think about it so much, and he could only look away at this time.

So here, of course, I won’t think about the next thing again.

Now that such a situation has occurred, it really can only be accepted frankly.

Even if it is unacceptable, this matter will not change because of this.

So here, that’s the only way to think about it.

Then he can’t control so much about who the other people are.

In general, he has completely figured it out.

If Chu Xiao couldn’t deal with it and died inside, of course they would also be buried.

If you think about it this way, it is indeed acceptable.

So of course I won’t think about it so much anymore. When I get here, I can only think about it like this.

Then I didn’t think so much at this time. Under this situation, I naturally looked away and felt calm.

“This is indeed the same problem. Indeed, we can only look at it a little bit. No matter how lifeless, there is really no hope at all. We have to believe in Chu Xiao.

Shang Ruyi, who hadn’t spoken before, said something seriously at this time.

Regarding this matter, I don’t think about it so much now.

Because I also know that this thing can only be like this, can only think like this.

They have no choice, of course they can only do this, they can only believe in Chu Xiao!

After hearing this sentence, several other people all cleared up their minds, and did not give up on themselves as before.

They also feel that this sentence is also very reasonable.

If they don’t believe Chu Xiao, who else can believe it?

Even if you are deceiving yourself, it seems that you can accept it if you think like this

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