Chapter 968 Can’t solve it, stuck here!

Everyone, including Chu Xiao, was also stunned at this moment.

They never expected that such a situation would happen now.

The matter at this time suddenly became a little complicated.

If it really can’t be solved, then this matter is still a bit dangerous, and it becomes even worse!

If they can’t move here, if something goes wrong, what can they do?

Regarding this matter, everyone’s heart is racing.

I think this thing is really weird.

Now I don’t know what the cause of this incident is.

Although it was probably because of the eye of the storm, it was too sudden, and they didn’t even feel it.

I just felt that they could not continue to get close.

But at this time, they can’t even go back!

At this time, it is really a dilemma!

For them, this matter is really something that can’t be dealt with.

Because Chu Xiao couldn’t do anything there, and they couldn’t do it now.

So for such a situation, I really don’t know how to solve it.

If there is really no way, this matter will become even more dangerous.

The current situation is really something that cannot be solved.

If it can’t be resolved, then I don’t know what to say about this matter.

Now that it is here, things become even more uncomfortable.

What will happen in the future? Everyone doesn’t know what to say about this kind of thing.

They were already about to reach their destination, but they couldn’t move at this time.

Although they can’t move forward, they have accepted it.

But at this time, they couldn’t even retreat, which made them somewhat unacceptable.

So the expression on everyone’s face now is ugly.

Because they don’t know what to do next.

If you really can’t handle it, you don’t know what to say about this matter.

The situation now becomes very bad.

If such things are not handled well, they will become very dangerous.

In addition to this, once some monsters appear, they are really bad.

Maybe then they can only be slaughtered.

But it’s okay now, nothing happened, and I couldn’t feel any breath.

It seems that they encountered before, that is, all the existence in it.

Or other existences dare not approach here.

However, although they said they had thought of this, they still felt that they could not accept such a thing.

Because this kind of thing is really too dangerous.

Now their own safety can’t be kept, which also seems very passive.

Except for Chu Xiao, several people have no way to act.

No matter how they try now, there will be no way.

Everyone became anxious at this moment, and Chu Xiao frowned.

“What the hell is going on?! Why can’t we even retreat? Is it possible that we are really going to die here?! Or this is a trap in the first place!!!”

After Song Zhiyi encountered such a situation, his eyes were a little red, and he said.

He really couldn’t accept such things.

Now I even feel that it is being tricked, and that it should be a trap.

Otherwise, how could they not be able to move here, they can’t move at all.

The situation at this time was really bad for him, and even a little dangerous.

But there is really no solution, Chu Xiao has no solution.

So what should I do here, I still don’t know what I should think.

The situation at this time is indeed quite bad, and there is really no way to solve it.

If there is no solution, this becomes a big problem.

He didn’t even know what to say about such a thing.

Now I feel everything around me, very cautious.

He wanted to see if there would be any other existence around here.

If there are really other monsters appearing, they may also be killed here!

He didn’t want him to fall into this situation, but he didn’t want to have such a situation.

So now I also look at this other person.

There is nothing I can do here, just see if they are with me.

Look at their expressions, they all look the same.

…Please ask for flowers………

“It’s the same here for me, damn it, I encountered such a thing at this time, it is clear that I want to trap us here, or even die here!”

Ouyang Xue also said with an ugly expression.

Now I also know the trouble of this matter and the danger of their situation.

But they had nothing to do, and it was useless to try, and they still couldn’t move.

But their bodies can still move, but their feet can’t move anymore.

She also felt a very headache about this matter, but there was nothing to do, because she couldn’t solve it.

In this situation, I don’t know what to say at this time.

Things are like this at this time, it’s really useless to think so much.


So now I also look at other people, and it seems that they are all the same as myself.

Except for Chu Xiao, they have no exceptions!

“Maybe this is really a trap, attracting us, and then trapped here!”

Ouyang Jian said solemnly.

I think this should be the case, because they can’t solve it.

Therefore, the situation at this time is really something that cannot be solved.

If it can’t be solved, then what will happen next will become a troublesome thing, an unknown thing, and even a terrible thing now!

If the situation at this time cannot be resolved, it is really too troublesome.

In addition to this, there will also be great dangers.

Although they didn’t feel the presence of any breath now, it didn’t mean that there was none in the future.

Chu Yu was silent beside him. In fact, he was also thinking about the problem, but he quickly sighed in his heart because he knew there was no way.

Qiao Ling is very upset now, even at this time she is a little angry.

But there is no way, because even she can’t think of a way.

The situation at this time is really bad, so bad that they will lose their lives at any time!

Shang Ruyi could only helplessly shook his head, this is really nothing.

In that case, this dilemma seems to be settled in this way, and they can only stay here!

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