Chapter 950 The mentality is not peaceful, ups and downs!

The battle is still going on at this moment, this fierce battle, this protracted battle, I don’t know how long it will last.

Everyone is not clear in their hearts now, because they don’t know how to defeat these guys.

Because their strength is also very strong, they can’t be solved so quickly.

In this case, they still feel a headache.

But there is no way to do it, because it is indeed more reasonable to encounter such a thing.

Because they are already close to the eye of the storm, there is only a small distance left, and they can reach it completely.

But it is not easy to go to the opposite side.

So under this circumstance, I really don’t know what to say.

Every one of them is now dealing with the dangers in front of them.

The attacks of those guys are also very powerful.

If one is not careful, it will probably be injured.

So of course they can’t have such a situation, and they can’t take it lightly.

If there is such a thing, there must be nothing to think about. 11

They have no other ideas except to be more serious.

So when you get here, you really can only stick to it.

And during this period, we also need to look for opportunities seriously.

As long as he can make a move, he will not hesitate to use his magical powers.

Not only that, no one still has something to hide at this time, and the strength is all out!

They also know that if there are any reservations about this kind of thing, it should be looking for death.

And if you do this, you may also hurt others.

So no one will choose to do this at this time, they have no reservations at this time.

If there are any means, as long as they can’t handle it, then they will show it.

It was here that the brilliance was overwhelming, and the sound was trembling, which seemed very violent at this moment.

Not only that, there are extremely violent fluctuations from time to time.

That is exactly the movement formed by the attack of the two sides.

Then in this Promise Realm, at this moment, it became very restless.

It was not calm before, but now it has become more serious!

Things at this time are indeed not a good thing.

And if you want to solve it completely, it shouldn’t be that simple.

So it’s already here, and there is nothing else to say.

Because they all know that this kind of thing is indeed not solved so quickly.

Apart from this, obviously there is nothing else to say.

Because they all know that this kind of thing cannot be distracted.

Moreover, in this situation at this time, there is indeed no good solution.

Therefore, apart from carefully searching for each other’s flaws, they can only get more serious.

For this kind of thing, it really can only be so.

Then there is no peace in it, and I don’t know what other existences will be attracted.

Only after a while, there was no other danger.

In this way, everyone can breathe a sigh of relief.

In addition to this, they also know that if those people or other existences who come in from the outside, they will not be able to get here so quickly.

Even if they sense the unrest here, sense the movement here, it is impossible to get here so soon.

Because when they got here before, they also spent a lot of time.

In this way, such troubles can also be eliminated.

So they all know that this situation is indeed a serious challenge for them.

They are like challengers, only if they defeat all the existence here, they can break the eye of the storm.

Thinking of this, no one wants to give up at this time, but will be more other.

Then their current situation is indeed a bit not optimistic.

But they can handle it, and they can accept it.

Anyway, the other party hasn’t completely crushed himself, this is indeed still possible.

So after thinking of this, it is indeed a good thing for them.

Because as long as they solve the trouble here, they can continue to approach.

When they get to the place, they can take a good look at what is strange about the eye of the storm.

Or when it comes time to see how to get rid of the eye of the storm.

Then they didn’t know what kind of changes this Promise Realm would have after it was broken.

Therefore, I must be more curious about this matter in my heart.

There is no need to think too much about what will happen afterwards.

Anyway, it’s this time, so I can only deal with it more seriously.

Boom! Boom!

In the following battles, loud noises were heard from time to time.

Then the collision between the two sides’ attacks also has greater movement and extremely strong fluctuations.

There is really nothing to think about for things like this.

As for whether they can solve the trouble here in the future, they are still not sure.

But whether it is Chu Xiao, Qiao Ling, and everyone else, they all know that this is what they have to solve.

Because only when it is resolved can they continue to approach and understand the eye of the storm.

Otherwise, if you want to have the latter situation, it must be impossible to 550.

So they are also very clear that there can be no other situations.

There can even be no injuries.

Once they are like that, they will have a lot of trouble.

So now I still think clearly about how long the battle here will continue.

We still have to see when Chu Xiao and Qiao Ling will find a chance to defeat their opponents.

As long as they find an opportunity, it should still have a great possibility.

Because in that way, their troubles here will also be resolved.

So thinking of this, there is no other need to think about it.

Except for the fierce confrontation between Chu Xiao and Qiao Ling, Song Zhiyi and the others did what they did before, just dragging the two monsters they dealt with, and didn’t want to risk defeating each other.

Because they all know that what they can do is just a little safer.

Just don’t have an accident. In this case, it can be regarded as helping Chu Xiao and Qiao Ling.

In this case, it is indeed their top priority.

After thinking about it all at this time, then the battle became fierce again.

You don’t need to think too much about this kind of thing, but it will make them have a certain amount of trouble.

At this time, the battle is still going on, and the opponents of the two sides are getting more and more fierce, as if they can’t stop!,

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