Chapter 879 Strong sword intent, the best choice!

“Then if we go on like this, won’t we also be in great danger?”

When Chu Xiao finished speaking, Qiao Ling also said something with some doubts.

She is also full of doubts about this matter.

No matter what happens later, I don’t know how to say it.

So with the current situation, of course I feel very curious.

I also feel that I need to pay attention to what will happen.

Chu Xiao has already said that, so surely you can’t neglect.

Because after a while, if danger really appears, then the whole thing becomes dangerous.

So there must be no such situation.

For them at this time, this kind of thing shouldn’t be dangerous.

And although the surrounding wind and snow are very heavy, there is nothing strange about it.

No matter what the “Forty-nine-Seven” will happen later, you don’t have to think too much about it yourself.

The next thing is that as long as you are careful, there should be no problem.

And their previous cooperation, it must have been nothing wrong at all.

However, I also know that this is also the command of Chu Xiao inside.

Otherwise, it is estimated that the snow monster can not be solved so quickly.

In this way, Chu Xiao really has a lot of credit.

So I am sure, and I believe that Chu Xiao can definitely lead them well if they encounter something next.

Although he said he was the young master of the Demon Realm, he also had the arrogance in his heart.

But for this, it must be very convincing to Chu Xiao.

After all, I have never met such a person before.

After seeing it this time, it was of course convincing.

Needless to say, he also saved his master.

Of course, he would listen to what Chu Xiao said.

Because it wasn’t for Chu Xiao, I just didn’t have a master.

In the current situation, I only asked the question I wanted to ask.

So there is no more to say.

The same is true for several other people.

Because they all know that the following things should also be very dangerous.

Maybe they will encounter some risks soon.

Otherwise, it would be really strange.

And Chu Xiao had already said very clearly before, and he didn’t need to think about this kind of thing.

No matter what happens later, they don’t need to think about it anymore.

No one struggles so much with the current situation.

Judging from the current situation, they will not be too dangerous.

Because Chu Xiao walked ahead and didn’t find much.

In that case, they know they are still safe for the time being.

So at this time, of course, you don’t have to think about it so much.

What they can do now, they can only be a little more careful, and then be alert to everything around them.

Although the wind and snow are heavy, they can still feel it.

And it can also be seen not far away, if it is too far away, it won’t work.

Of course they know this situation and they must be careful.

Otherwise, once there is a danger, they will be caught off guard.

When the time comes, it will be dangerous not only to themselves, but also to their group of people.

Because if someone is injured, other people will definitely have more pressure.

Naturally, such a thing cannot happen.

If this kind of thing happens, then the whole thing becomes troublesome.

So it can’t be done, and it can’t happen.

I have already thought very clearly now, and I didn’t think so much about other things.

According to the current situation, there is no need to worry about it anymore.

Otherwise, what will happen next, as long as you be careful, it shouldn’t be a problem.

Don’t say that Chu Xiao is still in front, and if you wait to deal with them, Chu Xiao can also command them well and make arrangements.

In this way, you don’t have to be afraid of anything when you encounter danger.

There must be a certain amount of strength to solve Chu Xiao.

After all, he is really amazing for people like them.

It has such a powerful strength, but also such a powerful mind.

In this way, they certainly believe it very much.

At this time, Shang Ruyi saw everyone’s performance and felt very satisfied.

They didn’t expect that they could listen to Chu Xiao’s words so seriously.

And now I still know how to do it.

In this way, they might be able to reach farther places and go deeper.

It might be possible to understand the eye of the storm.

After having such an idea in my heart, then of course it is just like them, I have a lot of expectations in my heart…

Because this kind of thing is really nothing to say.

And after this kind of thing happened, she also felt very relieved.

Qiao Ling was able to listen to Chu Xiao, which also made herself a little surprised.

After all, sometimes I didn’t listen to my master.

But Chu Xiao just said that, she has no opinion at all.

I even just asked my own question. As for the others, I didn’t say much at all.

What Chu Xiao said, she didn’t seem to refute it.

In that case, it was the first time I saw this in my own apprentice.

Not only that, but it seems that it has been a long time since Qiao Ling can be so happy.

So after seeing it now, of course I still feel a little surprised.

So I didn’t think about so many things later.

No matter what the situation is behind, as long as they pay attention to it now, there will be no problem.

What Chu Xiao said, it is indeed very reasonable.

In any case, as long as they maintain their own safety, there will not be too much danger.

I have already thought about it very clearly now, and don’t have to be too entangled in everything else.

Judging from the current situation, the few of them are relatively safe.

Therefore, there is no need to hesitate at all for this kind of thing.

What they have to do now, of course, is to be alert to those around them, and then move on.

Only when they reach the 1.8 position of the eye of the storm, they can explore it.

Now, we must also take precautions against the surrounding situation.

And if there is any danger, they can only solve the danger first.

But there is no such thing happening now, so don’t worry too much.

It’s just that what Chu Xiao said is also right, this kind of thing really won’t be so peaceful.

And next, they should also encounter some troubles.

But don’t worry so much now, because there is Chu Xiao, and Chu Xiao doesn’t notice anything, it should be nothing.

But I haven’t waited for everyone to think about it, and it was at this time that there were two fierce sword intents in front of them, and they appeared in an instant!

Everyone noticed this appearance, and then their complexion changed, and the footsteps stopped at this moment!

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