Chapter 827 Put it on Qiao Ling’s neck!

After several rounds of confrontation at this moment, Chu Xiao’s face also became a little dignified.

It seems that the strength of the opponent is not vegetarian.

Although he was the Young Master of Demon Domain, it seemed that he had gone through a lot of experience.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to have such a wealth of combat experience.

At this time, no matter what moves she made, Qiao Ling seemed to be able to deal with it.

In that case, Chu Xiao also felt that he really couldn’t take it lightly anymore.

Fortunately, I didn’t care too much, otherwise I would be injured.

Because there have been several rounds before, almost injured, it is indeed a bit dangerous.

This Qiao Ling is really not a simple character.

I have to take it seriously here.

But judging from this situation, his advantage is still great.

And it’s easier to deal with now.

Just be careful and that’s not a problem.

At this moment, Chu Xiao had his own thoughts in his mind.

Then waiting for oneself now, can only wait for one opportunity.

As long as you can get a chance, then you can directly shoot yourself and subdue the opponent with one move.

Otherwise, it won’t do any good to just fight hard.

Anyway, I have thought about it clearly now, and there is nothing to think about.

If this situation continues, there won’t be any problems at all.

Anyway, I have already thought about it clearly, and there is nothing to think about.

After Chu Xiao thought it over, he wouldn’t worry about it anymore.

The shot at the moment has become somewhat conservative.

Because he didn’t want to let go and fight at this time.

If you do that, it is estimated that you will not be able to grasp it properly.

It’s not a good thing to get the opponent injured at that time.

But logically speaking, if you don’t let the other party suffer a little injury at this time, it should not be so easy to subdue it.

When Chu Xiao thought of this, he also felt a little helpless.

After all, the other party didn’t want to talk to him at all.

If you can talk about it, it should be a good thing.

Maybe there won’t be such troublesome things now.

Once you get serious, you can surely subdue it easily.

It’s just that he didn’t want to do this, because that would really be a big risk.

Qiao Ling really suffered some serious injuries after a while, and there is nothing good about herself here.

Because the opponent is a person from the Demon Realm, it would be bad if you set up an enemy against yourself (bbbi).

If it’s some ordinary people, that’s fine, but this is the young master of the Demon Realm.

Once you really do something, you will definitely not let yourself go.

Although I am not afraid, it will cause a lot of trouble to myself.

Already thinking clearly in his heart, Chu Xiao already knew what he should do.

So of course at this kind of time, he would not act too anxiously, nor would he be so serious.

If I really did my best to shoot, it wouldn’t be the way it is now, and I can definitely win it straight away.

It’s just that in that case, it’s life and death.

“It seems I can only wait for the opportunity.”

Chu Lei said in his heart at this moment.

I feel that this thing really cannot be done.

Because I have to be more serious.

Anyway, the thoughts in my heart have been determined, and there is nothing to say when I come down.

Looking at it this way, it should take a certain amount of time.

So he now knows that he can’t go on like this anymore.

After all, passive defense is not a good thing.

Of course, I have to be more serious at this time, and then I can find opportunities.

At this time, I have completely thought about it, and there is nothing to think about.

Anyway, I have nothing to say here.

For the previous attitude of the other party, it is already completely clear.

It seemed that the Young Master of this Demon Realm had nothing to say to himself.

And I don’t want to listen to what I said.

In this way, Chu Xiao also knew that he had to be more serious next.

So no matter what, I will not give up this opportunity.

And you have to actively look for opportunities.

In any case, this is also a doomed thing.

He would not do more at this time.

Anyway, if you do other things at this time, of course it won’t work.

After I think about it clearly, I won’t think about it again at this time.

I completely subdued the opponent, so I should be able to say it well.

“Damn, how could this guy’s strength be so powerful!”

After Qiao Ling continued to take a few rounds, she also found something wrong.

She really did not expect that Chu Xiao’s strength came in and had already thought of this point.

This seems to be completely different from what those people said before.

In that case, things become a little strange.

And if this continues, he will not be the opponent’s opponent at all.

Then this definitely won’t work.

After thinking clearly at this moment, he also began to make a fierce shot.

She wanted to go on like this even if she felt that she was a little bit rival.

She must take ownership of the cave.

Because only in this way can you save the people behind you.

The shot at this moment was even more violent, without any hesitation at all.

Subsequently, the two of Chu Xiao also began to fight fiercely.

The two didn’t back down at all, and didn’t mean to stop.

“It’s this time!”

Chu Xiao continued to shoot for a few rounds, but also saw the opponent’s flaws.

It also seemed to be exhausted, or rather anxious, and then a little less concentrated.

Now that I have found the opportunity by myself, then of course I have to shoot directly.

At this moment, Chu Xiao didn’t think much at all, then his figure flashed and he approached Qiao Ling directly.

Then the other party didn’t take it at all, so at this time, he wanted to attack again.

But how could Chu Xiao give the opponent this opportunity.

So of course there will be no hesitation at this time.

Then the attack will be launched directly after getting close at this time.

Soon, Chu Xiao’s sword was placed directly on Qiao Ling’s neck!

“Now you can always listen to me to talk about it, right?,

Chu Xiao stood behind Qiao Ling at this time, and then spoke.

He has completely subdued Qiao Ling now.

Because it can be felt, the aura on the other party’s body is a little confused now.

It looks a little uneasy.

Perhaps, I can’t accept the fact that I have subdued her now.

No matter what, I have done it now, and of course this is not what I should think about. .

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