Chapter 819 I was found, concentrate on coping!

Inside the cave, it was calm now, and there was no one talking at all.

In addition to this, Chu Xiao condensed his breath outside.

His expression at this time is also very serious.

But at this moment, he also turned and looked at the people behind him.

I want to see how they are now.

But after watching it for a while, it seems that he can’t recover so quickly.

When seeing this, Chu Xiao also frowned.

It is totally unclear how long it will take them to fully recover.

If the time is really too long, it won’t work.

Thinking of this now, Chu Xiao also feels that this should not be a good thing.

So I feel that this is not a good thing either.

Maybe there will be great danger next.

So when thinking of this, “Four Five Seven” Chu Xiao felt that it should not be a simple matter.

If he looks like this, it might take a long time to follow.

After thinking it through, Chu Xiao didn’t think about it so much anymore.

I also feel that I still have to wait.

“From this look, it shouldn’t be that fast either.”

Chu Xiao muttered in his heart at this moment.

I think they really haven’t recovered so quickly.

After all, there was such a large consumption before, but now it seems to be relatively normal.

In that case, of course he wouldn’t think about it so much anymore.

Thinking about so much now will turn into very bad things.

If I could help them, I would have already taken action.

But this kind of thing I can’t get involved.

It’s better to wait at this time.

After they have fully recovered, they can leave here directly.

It’s just not clear how long it will take.

If it can be faster, of course it is the best.

However, it seems that it will not be fast, because it can be seen that their recovery speed is also a bit slow.

If this continues, it may take a long time.

But they didn’t have a long time here, which seems to be quite normal.

It seems that I think too much.

Chu Xiao also retracted his gaze, and didn’t think about so many things.

Because I think so much at this time, but I will have some troubles.

This issue should not be considered now.

What I should think about is the other direction, the two people coming towards them.

This is what makes him most curious now.

In any case, they are already approaching.

As long as it doesn’t take long, you can directly reach the foot of the mountain when you come back.

This snow-capped mountain is not so high, it is simply in the air.

However, it is not clear whether they will find him when they come here.

However, according to the other party’s anxious appearance, he won’t find himself so quickly.

When he got here, Chu Xiao didn’t think about it anymore.

No matter what, the other party will definitely come to them after a while.

Just wait for them to come here, maybe find an opportunity to see the true face of each other!

Thinking of this, Chu Xiao has a smile on his face.

This should also be a relatively simple matter.

It’s just that I can’t force the other person, I can show myself the true face.

When thinking of this, Chu Xiao felt a little big head.

If the other party is not malicious towards them, then maybe there is nothing wrong with it.

But once it is shot, it may become a more troublesome thing.

However, looking at it this way, the opponent should not be his opponent now.

It can be felt that there is some disorder in the body’s breath.

Then the woman who is still awake at this time seems to be able to cope with it.

In this case, of course he has nothing to think about.

There are many expectations in my heart at this time.

They all want to see when the other party will come over and when will they be able to get here.

If you can’t find him, it seems to be a pretty good thing.

When thinking of this, Chu Xiao also had doubts on his face.

It’s just not clear why these two female generations can come here.

If this is really the case, then the other party is definitely not easy.

Thinking of this, Chu Xiao was also completely determined.

If you really don’t have certain strength, how can you come here.

Then according to this situation, they must have encountered some great danger, and they can’t cope with it, so they become like this…

If you can handle it, how could such a situation arise?

When Chu Xiao saw this scene, he was completely determined.

After being clear, naturally they will not think about it again.

It’s not clear who they are.

But maybe it will be known soon.

After thinking about it, Chu Xiao certainly didn’t think about anything else.

If you think so much, it will become a more troublesome thing for you.

So after having such an idea, there is no more consideration.

Things have come to this time, there is nothing to think about.

If you want to thoroughly understand who the other party is, or what power the other party is, you still have to wait a while to know.

Chu Xiao wouldn’t think about it so much, but just waited in place.

Then it was only a few minutes, the two people were already completely close to them, and they were already at the foot of the mountain.

Although this snow-capped mountain is not very high, it still has a certain distance.

Now that the other party has landed, looking at it like this, maybe it is also necessary to observe it carefully.

Chu Xiao also saw everything below from above.

When he saw this, Chu Xiao didn’t know if the other party would come up.

But depending on the situation, it should also come directly.

But the opponent’s appearance may only come up after 1.8-down is not dangerous.

After Chu Xiao had thought about it clearly, of course he didn’t think so much.

Waiting for the other party to come up now.

I saw the masked woman with a person on her back, constantly looking around at this moment.

Then after watching for a while, it seemed to be a sigh of relief, and finally raised his head and looked up to them.

However, Chu Xiao soon knew that the other party’s eyes seemed to be a little wrong.

“Who? Come out quickly!”

That is to say, at the next moment, the masked woman also said in a cold voice at this time, her voice was very cold, her beautiful eyes were also narrowed, and there was a dangerous light in her eyes.

Chu Xiao was also taken aback for a moment, and he did not expect that he would be discovered so quickly.

At this point, he can still be very sure. .

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