Chapter 788 The body is super big and the response is strong!

At this moment, as the wind and snow suddenly became smaller, of course everyone saw the snow monsters around.

In addition to this, I also saw a snow dog!

Seeing such a thing, of course everyone felt a little unbelievable.

And now I can feel it completely, the aura in the opponent’s body is very strong.

Even the snow dog is very tough.

Then if they really fight against each other next, this is really a more difficult thing, and it will be very troublesome.

But there is no way, we still have to face it.

If you want to leave here now, of course you must solve the troubles here first.

If it is not resolved, they will leave like this, and they will definitely be caught up.

Then I don’t know what dangers will be in the front, and it will definitely be even more dangerous at that time.

Once the front and back flanks, things will not be as simple as it is now.

It just seems to be troublesome now.

But they continued to move forward and encountered a more terrifying existence, which was very dangerous.

Maybe at that time, it was impossible for them to settle such a thing.

Of course this cannot happen.

With such an idea, everyone knows that the situation is now very refined.

And it cannot be dealt with at this time.

If you can handle it, it won’t be like it is now.

“Now, it looks like we are really in trouble. These guys don’t seem to be that simple.

Chu Yu also said solemnly at this time.

After saying this, he watched the snow demon around vigilantly.

Although the number is not very large, the breath on the body is indeed very strong.

If it is dealt with, it may be a relatively difficult thing.

Then there is no way, the situation is already like this, and they can’t avoid it.

Now there is no other good way except to face it.

The situation has reached this point, so naturally there is nothing to say.

Thinking too much, on the contrary, there is something not so good about myself.

Now that I have said, then carefully observe the snow demon around here.

The snow demon is white all over, but those eyes are revealing red light.

Not only that, but the body is also relatively large.

It is several times that of normal people!

Then, if they really deal with it after a while, it might be a little difficult to deal with.

…For flowers…………

But if Chu Xiao is here, it should also be able to share some.

They are going to share some of it, which makes Chu Xiao more relaxed.

As long as Chu Xiao can solve some problems, it is a good thing for them.

What will happen to the situation? Of course, there is no need to worry about it at this time.

We need to see how Chu Xiao will make a decision.


If you really want to fight, it must be extremely serious.

After having such an idea, naturally there is nothing to say.

“Our current situation seems to be really bad. What will happen next is still not clear, but in this way, it is definitely not easy.”

Song Zhiyi also said seriously at this time.

He also knows that this situation is not something they can say to deal with.

Perhaps more terrible things will appear later.

Of course, this cannot happen.

If such a thing happens, it cannot be solved.

What will happen in the end, there is no need to worry about it at this time.

The situation is already like this, so there is nothing to say. Son.

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