Chapter 725 Desperate, no choice!

Inside the Great Hall, an extremely terrifying breath broke out at this moment.

There was a strong killing intent in the eyes of the Great Emperor Nine Immortals at this time.

He also looked a little crazy at the moment.

There was a bright red color in those eyes.

After treating Chu Xiao and the others as intruders, something like this happened.

After seeing this scene, everyone felt shocked in their hearts.

It is completely unclear what is going on.

How can such a thing happen in a short period of time?

It was too sudden, and it made them feel a little unacceptable.

Even the current Emperor Jiu Xian looks completely different from before, as if he has changed a person.

Then this has nothing to do with them.

Because the other party regards them as intruders, this is the most terrible problem.

As a result, things have become more dangerous.

What will happen in the end, it seems maybe, but it’s dangerous!

Now, everyone feels a little unbelievable.

Because this change is so fast, there seems to be something wrong with the Great Emperor Jiu Xian.

It looks like he hates intruders.

11So from this point, they can’t guess what’s going on.

But it is very clear that their current situation is very dangerous, maybe it will be even more dangerous in the future.

Once discovered, it’s not a good thing.

At that time, there may be a life and death crisis.

They naturally felt that if they stayed here for so long, it would definitely not work.

But they didn’t think of any way to leave at this time.

When it comes to this, there is really no good way.

Everyone felt a little frightened in their hearts.

Especially the aura on Emperor Nine Immortals was too terrifying.

And that coercion also caused a terrible sense of oppression.

If you can’t bear it, maybe it will become a cloud of blood.

This is not a joke, because it is horrible.

But after waiting for a while, everyone was relieved in their hearts.

Because the Nine Immortals are not the deity, the remnant soul now is not as terrible as before.

But it does make them feel a little uncomfortable.

No way, this situation can’t be solved all at once.

After such a situation, everyone felt that things were also in great crisis.

Can’t handle this matter, it really makes them at a loss.

“He actually wants to kill us all, what is going on, what exactly does he want to do?!

Song Zhiyi also felt a little uncomfortable at this moment.

I didn’t expect the other party to treat them as intruders.

But after thinking about it carefully, it seems that there really is such a reason.

And this place is the place of Emperor Jiuxian.

Then the other party told them so, it seemed that there was really no problem.

Then they really look like intruders.

However, he was unwilling to accept this.

“This time it seems that we are really in trouble, and it seems that we can’t solve it now. This problem can’t be solved, then what should we do?”

Ouyang Jian also spoke next to him.

He did feel terrible in his heart.

Because of this remnant soul, he was a great emperor before!

Now that there is such a movement, of course, it is a very normal thing.

Therefore, there is no more to say.

What will happen in the end, and it is not clear what the result will be.

After all, this kind of thing is not that simple.

If you really want to be that simple, the result is now.

It is really a terrible thing to want to leave here.

So thinking about this, I didn’t continue to think about it.

But here they must think of a solution.

If they can’t find a way, then they’re done.

After all, the strength of Emperor Nine Immortals is not a joke.

When the situation is here, it is of course to think of a way to deal with it.

“Chu Xiao, have you thought of a way, do you have any good ideas?”

Ouyang Xue also asked at this moment.

After asking this sentence, he didn’t continue to say anything.

Because so much is said now, of course there is no benefit.

In his current situation, of course the matter must be resolved as soon as possible.

If this goes on, it will definitely be even worse and terrible.

At this time, the Great Emperor Jiuxian just stood there, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

Then, with such a feeling, it is of course unacceptable.

Because this is too powerful, it is really unacceptable.

If something too big happens, it will be even more difficult to accept.

At this time, everyone’s eyes were all looking at Chu Xiao.

I want to see what kind of decision Chu Xiao will make here.

If you have a good idea, then this is the best.

I just don’t know if this can be done, it’s still a bit difficult.

They also know that now they can only pin their hopes on Chu Xiao.

There is no need to think about other things so much.

Because the most important thing for them now is to think about how to resolve the matter in front of them.

The aura on the Nine Immortals is really terrifying, extremely powerful.

It seems to be a very difficult thing to find a solution to the 377 resolution.

When Chu Xiao heard what everyone said, he felt a little unacceptable at this moment.

Because he really couldn’t make something like that all at once.

So after thinking for a while, Chu Xiao knew that they really couldn’t fight hard.

Especially a few other people, they certainly can’t deal with it.

Here, he doesn’t have much confidence.

Now, Chu Xiao knows very well that things are really not easy.

If you want to resolve this crisis, there will be a very dangerous situation.

But there is no way. Of course, this matter has to be resolved.

If this goes on, of course it is a very terrible thing.

“It seems that I can only bet it all!”

Chu Xiao secretly said in his heart.

He knew very well that he also had certain ideas next.

It’s just that his idea, of course, is a little desperate, and it’s very dangerous.

But if you don’t do this, other people will definitely be in great danger.

Then of course he didn’t want such a thing to happen, after all, it was not this time.

So after thinking about it, Chu Xiao’s gaze was to look at the Great Emperor Jiu Xian on the opposite side.

He didn’t speak, but just looked at each other like this, without saying a word. .

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