Chapter 719 Upgrade again, a lot of effort!

“I finally got it, and now I don’t have to worry so much. It seems that this sword has been completely weakened, and it has no resistance to it!”

Song Zhiyi said with a smile on his face when he saw Chu Yu got the sword.

This is naturally a thing worthy of happiness.

Because it really took a lot of effort to get this sword in hand.

Now it’s finally finished, of course, you can rest assured, and relieved.

There is no need to think about other things at all.

If you think about it so much, of course it is very bad.

There is also a very bright smile on his face now.

This is the first time they have joined forces to deal with a sword.

But this time together, he felt very happy.

Because there hadn’t been any accidents, the “Three Seven Zero” sword was suppressed, and Chu Yu held it in his hand at this time.

Even if there are any problems, there will be no other ideas.

Even if there is too much danger, there is nothing to say.

When the matter has reached this point, it will naturally be completely resolved.

“It’s really not that simple this time. Fortunately, Chu Xiao is here, otherwise it won’t be that simple.

Ouyang Jian clapped his hands beside and said.

This thing, of course, is a simple and good thing.

In the end, of course, it is necessary to see if Chu Yu can be completely imprinted.

If you can, of course the sword belongs to him.

So at this time, it is naturally worth looking forward to.

So now I also look at Chu Yu, and feel that this is indeed very much anticipated.

“It seems that this time we didn’t waste our work in vain. Now we can proceed with the next thing, and then we can also start looking for things here.

Ouyang Xue said with a smile beside her.

She knows that this step is not easy.

But now it has been successful, so there is no need to discuss that much.

What will happen next, of course, depends on Chu Yu.

Although it has been obtained, it has not yet been completely conquered.

If you can imprint your soul on this sword, then don’t worry.

But want to do this, it is really difficult, how does she feel.

But since this has been done, it is worthy of joy.

After all, there is no need to face anything next, and there is nothing dangerous.

There seems to be only this sword here, and nothing else.

In this way, the matter is of course resolved.

“Fortunately, if it weren’t for it to become weak, it would still be difficult to achieve this step. It is indeed a bit difficult.

There was no overly happy expression on Chu Xiao’s face at this time.

He felt that there seemed to be something strange in this.

But I didn’t think anything was wrong, so I didn’t think about it anymore.

But this series of things really seems to be full of strangeness.

But you don’t have to think about it anymore, it’s almost the same now.

There is no need to think about what will happen in the end at this time.

Because the last thing is to see if Chu Yu can do it.

If it did, then the sword would already be completely his.

But not yet, so this sword does not belong to him completely yet.

“Chu Yu, let’s see if you can get the brand on it. If you succeed, then this sword will be completely yours.

Thinking of this, Chu Xiao looked at Chu Yu and said something.

The same is true for several other people, their faces are full of expectation.

After all, such a thing must of course be understood.

Because even though it has been suppressed, it still doesn’t belong to Chu Yu completely.

If you don’t do such a thing quickly, there is still a certain danger in it.

Taking advantage of the weakness now, of course, we have to do it as soon as possible.

“Okay, let me try!”

Chu Yu heard what Chu Xiao said, then looked at several other people and nodded seriously.

Of course he was very excited in his heart.

Because he just wanted to get this sword, he felt very comfortable holding it in his hand now.

If you can completely turn it into your own, it should be a great thing.

At that time, his strength will definitely be improved.

In this way, of course, there are no other problems.

Now is my best opportunity.

Because this sword seems to be weakened, of course we can’t let go of this good opportunity.

Chu Xiao was right, he must do this as soon as possible.

So Chu Yu didn’t hesitate at all. At this time, he bit his fingertips directly, dripping out a wisp of “blood essence”.

That drop of blood directly fell on the blade of this sword, and then it was directly absorbed.

“No prohibition!”

Chu Yu saw this, with an excited expression on his face, watching everyone laugh, looking forward to the next thing.

If you can recognize the master, then of course he is the master of this sword.

When the other people saw this, of course there was a happy expression on their faces.

Because now has reached the most critical step, of course, it is necessary to see how the final things develop.

If you can recognize the Lord, then this matter can be resolved.

Of course they didn’t think so much now, they were all looking at the sword.

Chu Xiao had no expression on his face at this time, but looked at the sword seriously.

I don’t know why, but he just feels a strange feeling.

The feeling that the sword gave him made him wonder if it was his own illusion.

But after taking a look, Chu Xiao shook his head.

If this were the case, it would probably not be as simple as it is now.

But if you think about it carefully, Chu Xiao also thinks how this sword could be a masterless thing!

When he thought of this, he felt even more strange.

1.8 But there is nothing strange, so he has no other way.

Even if there is something later, it doesn’t seem to be what he can tell now.

As time passed, the sword hadn’t even responded.


Just under the gaze of everyone, a cold hum came out at this time!

At this moment, it echoed in the Great Hall, very weird!

Everyone began to be vigilant at this time, and their expressions changed in an instant.

At this time, I kept looking around, but I couldn’t see anything at all.

And the voice didn’t know when it came out, so they didn’t have any clue.

In this way, they know that something bad will happen next!

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