Chapter 670 Everyone’s decision, take risks!

Chu Lei felt a little funny in his heart.

Because I didn’t expect that what I said would be misunderstood by them.

These people actually feel that they want that sword.

And from their words, you can hear it, it seems that there is really nothing to care about.

In addition to this, he also saw that Chu Yu was abnormal.

When I said that, I seemed to hesitate.

Of course he has already caught it.

Then, of course, he sighed in his heart.

I didn’t expect these guys to misunderstand themselves.

He didn’t mean this in the first place, but now he is misunderstood by Chu Xiao, and he feels a little bit dumbfounded.

But there is no way, because they always seem to be like this.

So Chu Xiao can only be a little helpless.

“What are you guys thinking? That’s not what you mean, and it’s not what you think.”

Chu Xiao smiled and said at this moment.

He thinks it is better to make a statement.

After all, it is not a comfortable thing to be misunderstood in this way.

After saying this, I got serious.

The idea he said before was of course not that he wanted the sword.

Because he was curious about the sword, but he didn’t want it.

He already has a weapon that is worthy of his hand, and it is useless if there are not so many.

So the discussion he mentioned before, of course, is to discuss who this sword should belong to.

“What? Since this is not the case, what are you going to discuss with us?”

Ouyang Jian also froze for a moment, and then asked with curiosity.

I think this thing really seems a bit strange.

I thought Chu Xiao wanted the sword, so I wanted to discuss it with them.

But I didn’t expect Chu Xiao to say this.

In that case, he felt even more strange, and he didn’t know exactly what Chu Xiao was going to say.

“That’s right, what you said made me confused. What exactly are you talking about discussing with us?”

Song Zhiyi was also at a loss next to him.

He didn’t think this kind of thing was anything to care about.

Unexpectedly, Chu Xiao said it was not like this.

He was also very curious about what he was going to discuss.

“Chu Xiao, just tell us if you have anything to say, don’t let it go, after all, we can’t guess your thoughts.”

Ouyang Xue also smiled and shook her head.

I feel that this matter still needs to be clarified by Chu Xiao.

After all, if they were just asked to guess, it would be impossible to guess at all.

Chu Xiao seemed so mysterious to her, it was almost impossible to guess his thoughts.

So at this time, he looked at Chu Xiao seriously.

“What is it?”

Chu Yu also asked curiously at this time, but didn’t say much.

I feel that this kind of thing is also beyond my expectation.

So at this time, I felt a little excited in my heart, as if I still had hope.

The most important thing now is to ask what Chu Xiao is going to discuss.

After discussing it, it’s not impossible to talk about it yourself.

Chu Xiao looked at the gazes of several people, and smiled again.

Because he was misunderstood by them before, this made him feel a little funny.

But now that everyone has said so, of course, there is no need to sell it anymore.

“I mean, let’s discuss it, who is this sword for surrendering? Do you have any ideas?”

Chu Xiao also spoke out straightforwardly at this time.

There is no need to sell this kind of thing.

All of them are here.

And for them, I also have a certain understanding here.

If there is anything, of course you have to say it directly.

After saying it at this time, I will also see what everyone will say.

After all, he still felt that he needed to discuss such matters.

“Everyone give me an idea, or what do you think, tell me.”

After Chu Xiao paused for a moment, he spoke again.

After saying this sentence, I feel almost done.

After hearing Chu Xiao’s words, several other people were also taken aback.

But I quickly reacted and started to think.

“I don’t care, this sword has no effect on me, nor does it help my cultivation technique.”

Song Zhiyi shook his head and said his thoughts.

He was just curious about the sword and didn’t mean to want it.

“The same is true for me. This sword has no effect on me. My two brothers and sisters don’t use this weapon, so it has nothing to do with us and has no interest.”

Ouyang Jian said casually, he really didn’t use it, and his sister didn’t use it either.

Ouyang Xue also nodded at this time.

She did exactly the same as her brother said, without any thoughts about the sword.

After having such a statement at this time, there is no longer any more thoughts.

“Chu Yu!”

Just after a while, the three of them spoke out in unison at this moment.

Because among them, there is a sword repair, that is Chu Yu.

After thinking about it, of course it was said at this time.

After several people said it at the same time, they all laughed.

Because they all thought of it almost at the same time, and they also spoke at the same time. 333

Everyone had the same idea at this time.

Then their eyes turned to Chu Yu.

“That’s right, I have the same idea as you, so I just wanted to let Chu Yu surrender this sword before, so it seems that our decision is the same.”

After Chu Xiao heard the words of a few of them at this time, he just said with a smile.

Of course he saw Chu Yu’s longing before, so he had this idea.

I just want to discuss it with everyone.

But I didn’t expect that all of them had the same idea, and none of them wanted to be interesting about that sword.

Of course, this is much simpler.

After all, there is no need to discuss anything in this case, and you can decide directly now.

After Chu Xiao said this sentence, he looked at Chu Yu.

Because this is almost everyone’s decision, he also thinks so here.

So at this time there was a smile on his face.

Regarding this point, I don’t think it should be so troublesome, and there is no need to discuss so much.

It was almost just a matter of saying a few words, and it was completely decided.

They don’t have any idea about the sword, so of course there is no need to worry about that much.

Of course, you can directly make a decision with what a few people say and what you think about here.

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