Chapter 633 Goodbye, the posture of a wild beast!

Several people were frightened at this moment, and they all froze in place.

At this time they seemed to have forgotten that they were still under such a strong pressure.

In the current situation, they don’t know what’s going on.

Chu Xiao has gone so far, yet he hasn’t been affected in any way.

Seeing him like that, it seems to be relatively relaxed-.

Then their situation at this time, it seems to be compared with Chu Xiao, it is really a huge difference.

And they also think that their strength is not much weaker than Chu Xiao.

But this is the case, and they are encountering such a problem now.

And it is very difficult for them to move forward at this moment.

After seeing Chu Xiao so relaxed, how could they not be shocked.

Such things really made them feel too shocked.

For so long, I thought Chu Xiao was just better than them.

But by this time, several people don’t think so.

Because Chu Xiao really opened their eyes.

As it is now, in any case, they feel that things are not that simple.

Chu Xiao actually walked a few steps, nothing happened.

On the contrary, looking at them, halfway through, they have not been able to move forward so easily.

Every next step is extremely difficult.

That Chu Xiao can be so relaxed now is really beyond their expectation.

At this moment, one person stared at Chu Xiao’s back in a daze.

Because of Chu Xiao, it is still moving forward.

Although the speed of his fall was not fast, it seemed like it was really scary.

That coercion was so terrifying that Chu Xiao had nothing to do.

On the contrary, they really encountered extremely hardships here.

That’s really a huge difference, it’s not of the same grade at all.

Chu Xiao’s ability to do this is really beyond their expectations.

In this way, they don’t know what they should do next.

But they also knew that Chu Xiao couldn’t help them either, everything was up to them.

When thinking of this, everyone sighed in their hearts.

The gap between the two is really too big.

If it can be like Chu Xiao, it is of course a good thing for them.

But such a situation is definitely impossible.

Because it has been so long, they feel that the terrifying coercion is still there.

If they want to move on, they must bear this pressure.

And during this period, there may be certain risks.

If you can’t pass, you can’t bear it, then it’s not good.

Because at that time, you can only give up, and you don’t have to think about other things.

I hope that Chu Xiao can help them win some opportunities in front, so that this coercion can be alleviated.

This is what everyone is thinking now.

Because at this time, they also felt that they should not be able to move far.

After all, there is still such a long distance ahead.

If they want to move on, they may have to withstand greater coercion and restraint.

In that case, of course they will be very difficult.

So if Chu Xiao can encounter anything in front, if these coercion and restraining forces can be alleviated a little, maybe they can also reach the opposite side safely.

In that case, it is really a good thing for them.

Because there is no need to face so many dangers.

Chu Xiao is already ahead. If there is danger, he should see it first.

Then his strength like this should also be able to solve it.

So they moved on when the time came, and all obstacles were solved by Chu Xiao.

Then of course they won’t have any problems.

Everyone sighed again at this moment, feeling that such a thing seemed really difficult.

After all, if this is possible, there should be little chance.

“I really didn’t expect Chu Xiao to be able to do such a step. This is really too scary. How can he be so strong?”

Song Zhiyi said.

After seeing Chu Xiao so relaxed earlier, he took a breath.

Now it seems that Chu Xiao is really not easy.

If it were that simple, it would be impossible to say that the current step could be achieved.

Even being able to face those coercive and restraining forces can still be so easy.

And the whole person was not affected in any way.

He could clearly see this.

So when I see this, I know that things are not simple.

…For flowers…………

In addition to this, Chu Xiao may be able to easily reach the opposite side.

He also had great confidence in this in his heart.

After all, Chu Xiao hasn’t been affected by it for so long.

If it is affected next, it should also be possible to move forward.

This is a great certainty in his heart.

Because Chu Xiao is like this, there will definitely be no problems next.

Compared with them, Chu Xiao has a great chance to reach the opposite side.

If Chu Xiao can’t reach the other side, then they don’t have to think about it.

“Indeed, I thought he could not be so relaxed, but he still looks like this now. It really doesn’t seem to be affected. The difference from us is really too big.”


Ouyang Jian nodded and said.

His face became solemn, knowing that it was not so good for them at this time.

Because if Chu Xiao reaches the opposite side and fails to relieve such coercion, they may not have the opportunity to go to the opposite side.

In this way, they could only give up in the end.

After thinking of this situation, Ouyang Jian also shook his head.

There is no way to know such things.

If there is any way, he won’t be as uncomfortable as he is now.

“We still don’t want to think so much. After all, Chu Xiao has done this and helped us to find the way. Then we should continue to move forward. It is best to go to the opposite side and cheer together!”

Ouyang Xue said with a smile at the moment.

She knows very well that in the end, she has to rely on herself for this kind of thing.

In this way, of course, there is no need to continue to think about other things.

After all, as long as they endure some coercive force, they will not be in any danger.

Because Chu Xiao walked in front of them, if there was danger, he had already seen him.

Then they can only move forward by themselves at this time, and they can go as far as they can, because there is no way.

“That said, keep going, who makes us worse than Chu Xiao.”

Chu Yu said a little helplessly and smiled.

Then I tried to move on.

Several other people did the same. They didn’t speak at the moment and started to try again. Son.

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