Chapter 600 Crazy unicorn beast!

In Chu Xiao’s eyes at this moment, fighting spirit surged.

Of course he didn’t know, Song Zhiyi and the others were surprised now.

Because he didn’t get distracted to look at others.

He only knew that the unicorn at the moment was also a good training partner for him.

Otherwise, he would not have used his true strength directly before.

I thought I could play for a while.

But Qilin seemed to be angry, and finally showed his strongest strength.

Of course, I can’t neglect, I’m all showing my true strength right now.

It’s just that this way of oneself seems to have suppressed Qilin.

But that’s it, Qilin became even more manic than before.

Chu Xiao didn’t think there was any such result.

Because he knows very well that a beast like this is certainly not that simple.

If it is so easy to be killed by oneself, it is really not justified.

Although his strength is very strong, it is of course impossible to achieve a spike in an instant.

When Chu Xiao thought of this, he smiled and shook his head.

For the current situation, he certainly can accept it.

On the contrary, I feel that this time my 11 strength has also been improved.

In the battle with Qilin, his constant collisions can also form the benefit of tempering himself.

Of course, he is very happy to see such a result.

But now Chu Xiao is also retreating.

Because he could see it, Qilin’s eyes were full of madness when he looked at him.

There was only fear before, but now they are all crazy.

From that look, it seemed that I was tortured crazy by myself.

However, what made Chu Xiao feel a little surprised was that a stronger aura burst out from its body at this time.

When seeing this, Chu Xiao was not as careless as before.

He is also serious now.

For such an opponent, I still have to give a little respect.

It’s time to play by yourself, and then the battle should be over.

If it really goes on like this, maybe it will really get off.

At that time, it is too late to regret.

So of course he would not think so much, and he is also serious now.

Looking at Qilin, the aura on the opponent’s body was stronger than before.

In addition to this, there was flames on his body and Razer roaming.

Its two attributes also made him feel a little curious.

Had it not been for the blessing of these two attributes, maybe I would have already ended this battle.

Therefore, he is also very clear that this situation is also dangerous.

But he has always been very careful, so there is no injury at all.

In addition to this, it actually caused a lot of injuries on Qilin’s body.

Of course, his plan this time was a great success.

Now Qilin’s breath looks very violent, but in fact it has been weakened to a certain extent.

Then this is his best opportunity.

In fact, Chu Xiao knew in his heart that this should be the consequence of Qilin’s carelessness.

It seemed that it felt that it had defeated the two brothers and sisters of Ouyang before, and then came up by itself, so it didn’t need to care.

But now at this time, it should have been aware of it, it is not that simple at all.

So at this moment I want to get serious and I want to get rid of myself.

But in Chu Xiao’s view, all this is already too late.

Because he also knows that this situation is not a big threat to him.

Then if he wants to get rid of Qilin, it is still a simple matter.

Therefore, the Wandi Sword also appeared in his hand, knowing that he couldn’t hesitate anymore.

As long as the unicorn is killed, they can move on.

In this way, he doesn’t have to worry so much anymore.

In the current situation, he also knew it was time.

If he really continued like this, he wouldn’t want to see it either.

Because dealing with Kylin itself still has a certain amount of consumption.

So of course he won’t think about anything more.

Now is the best time. If you don’t make a move, it would be too wasteful.

“Bring your horse here.

Chu Xiao looked at Qilin and said with a smile, then hooked his finger.

He is now ready for everything.

To deal with this unicorn, in his opinion, it doesn’t take much effort at all.

Now he is just a little more careful, without much defense.

Because he can suppress it now, of course there is no need to worry so much.

No matter what the final result is, it is a unicorn who will die in his own hands.

This is the great confidence in his heart.

So when he thought of this, he certainly didn’t hesitate so much.

The situation now makes him very satisfied.

Except for this, he doesn’t need to worry about other things.

Without thinking about it, Chu Xiao looked at Qilin.

He wants to see what kind of strength the opponent will show next.

Now it looks like the aura on his body is quite strong.

But I don’t know what will happen next.

However, Chu Xiao also knew that he didn’t need to take the initiative anymore.

Because the situation has completely fallen to his side, he has the initiative no matter what.

As for the unicorn, 290 seems very passive now.

Because I was suppressed by myself, and there were still injuries on his body, which of course was a bad thing for it.

It is impossible to get the initiative back at this time.

Because Chu Xiao had already thought clearly, and he would not let this opportunity pass.

Then he naturally wouldn’t worry so much.

After hearing Chu Xiao’s words, the unicorn in the distance narrowed his red eyes.

The breath of the body rose to the sky at this moment.

It seems to be very angry!

After seeing this, Chu Xiao chuckled softly.

Knowing the current situation is already satisfying him, and everything is in accordance with his ideas.

Then he naturally wouldn’t worry so much, and he wouldn’t have any thoughts.

He only knew that it was time for him to end this battle.

If this continues, it will take some time.

At this moment, the battle between them has lasted for half an hour, if it continues like this. There is no good effect for him.

Then Qilin also rushed over directly, with an extremely violent aura.

It looked like it was about to swallow Chu Xiao in one bite.

In those eyes, it was already full of madness at the moment.

At this moment, I went crazy, and my aura became extremely powerful!

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