Chapter 542 The strongest killer move, perfect offset!

Chu Xiao’s punch at this time and the mixed power almost made Tang Qin a little bit unbelievable. Tang Qin’s Cultivation Base before it was not low, and it can be seen naturally now that Chu Xiao’s strength is still very heaven- defying.

For a moment, Tang Qin also muttered to himself: “How is it possible! It’s just the Conferred King Realm, and it has such strength! Is it really that I have been sleeping for too long?

Through the secret method, he only reluctantly extended his lifespan, allowing himself to come to a million years later, half-dead, in fact, his current strength is also temporary, and when the power of the soul around him disappears, he will return The previous state, the thin state.

But now Tang Qin can still raise his strength to the peak of the Great Sage for a short time.Now he still believes that the strength of the peak of the Great Sage should be enough for the Chu Xiao in front of him, but now it is coming. Look, it seems that I think it is too simple.

In Chu Xiao’s eyes, the fighting spirit was brilliant, he punched out fiercely, this seemingly simple punch, the mighty power contained in it could destroy everything.


This punch directly hit Tang Qin’s sword. Tang Qin’s face suddenly changed 243. Now, he almost never thought that Chu Xiao still has such a power. At this moment, he seems to know that too. Now, Chu Xiao’s strength is really so amazing and terrifying.

He almost couldn’t believe it. Chu Xiao still has this kind of strength now, even if it is himself, for a time, there is no other way but Chu Xiao can do it.

I saw this punch, with a power that ordinary people could hardly imagine, and instantly smashed Tang Qin’s sword to pieces.

Tang Qin’s expression suddenly became very ugly. He looked at Chu Xiao, gritted his teeth, and said for a while, “I didn’t expect your strength to be so tyrannical! As expected, you have the King’s Body!”

Tang Qin closed his eyes slightly, how long hadn’t he encountered such a genius evildoer.

It is only the Conferred King Realm, which is a cultivator that can contend against the pinnacle of the Great Sage.

This almost makes ordinary people can’t believe it.

At this moment, Tang Qin also took a breath, with a solemn expression on his face.

He gritted his teeth hard, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and then looked at Chu Xiao, and said: “In this way, maybe you are not that simple, you will die in my hands.”

But this Chu Xiao just smiled coldly, and said: “Naturally, I will not die in your hands, because now, there is still no one who has the ability to kill me.

What Chu Xiao said was naturally the truth. In this deserted island treasure house, he really couldn’t think of how many cultivators could kill himself in an instant.

It’s just that most of them may be the same as Tang Qin, and only the aborigines of this deserted island treasure can threaten themselves.

But at this time Chu Xiao still wants to know what kind of opportunities are still around here, so that he can take a good look.

Tang Qin looked at Chu Xiao, but shook his head helplessly, and said, “But it’s still a pity, you will still die in my hands in the end!”

To kill Chu Xiao, Tang Qin seemed to have a lot of confidence. He looked at Chu Xiao, and his eyes were also mixed with a very killing intent. It seems that Chu Xiao is not a threat to him now.

In his eyes, the killing intent was vertical and horizontal, and the long sword in his hand flashed with light.

He is like a god of war, standing in the air. At this moment, Chu Xiao can almost dare to conclude that this guy was definitely something not to mess with before.

But millions of years have passed, and the sky has changed a long time ago. This kind of guy, for himself, has always been nothing more than that.

He slowly shook his head and said, “I want to see now, what is your ability, dare to kill me!”

As soon as the voice fell, Chu Xiao’s figure was as fast as thunder in an instant, and he directly smashed his sword, with a majestic killing intent that could almost smash everything, he slashed away! (bbbi)

This time, the target was Tang Qin’s throat!

Tang Qin sneered when he saw this dead hand. He had fought countless battles before and had accumulated countless years of combat experience. Now, in Tang Qin’s own eyes, an opponent like Chu Xiao is actually nothing more than that. .

“Now I want to see, what is your ability to compete with me!

Tang Qin also replied in a similar tone, and then cut it away with a fierce sword!

In an instant, I saw two long swords, directly colliding together.

At this moment, Chu Xiao’s eyes were full of killing intent. For opponents who wanted to kill him, Chu Xiao almost never showed any mercy.

This Tang Qin is naturally the same. Chu Xiao is even sure that his opponent will never be his opponent.

The current Chu Xiao just wants to see what kind of abilities this Tang Qin has, and he dares to compete with himself!

When Tang Qin looked at Chu Xiao, he took a deep breath, with a solemn expression on his face.

He wrinkled his eyebrows slightly, gritted his teeth, and said: “I didn’t expect you to still have such strength, but now that you are still too simple, it is still difficult for an opponent like you to compete with me!

In an instant, the absolute power shrouded in this sword exploded immediately!

At this time, the infinite power is directly raging out, and everything around is almost to be torn apart, powerful and terrifying power, but also burst out instantly!


A loud noise!

Immediately resounded through the world!

Everything around it seems to be falling apart incessantly!

The ground underneath it was also at this time, it exploded directly!

And Chu Xiao’s eyes also flickered a trace of fear.

He felt that the opponent’s terrifying power was instantly shrouded in a ray of light!

In an instant, the infinite energy ripples spread out in an instant, almost sweeping everything.

In Chu Xiao’s eyes, there was also a trace of killing intent. He was still sure that such a logarithm was really amazing. His body instantly felt a trace of extremely terrifying power.

Immediately, it was smashed and flew out!


Chu Xiao’s body directly flew out. The current Chu Xiao hurriedly used the power of the law to protect his body. At the same time, he urged the sapphire ring and ancient fairy armor crazy, hoping to offset the opponent’s strength. .

But there is no doubt that this sword is still very amazing, even if it is Chu Xiao, it cannot be perfectly offset.


Chu Xiao hit the ground, and immediately felt his own flesh, with a fierce pain. .

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