Chapter 389 Eleven Great Sages, join hands with each other!

Chu Xiao looked at these confident great sages, but just smiled without saying a word. In Chu Xiao’s eyes, although the strength of these great sages is very powerful, it may be impossible to kill himself.

On the Wandi sword, the sword light rushed, and the five-element gossip plate behind it was slowly unwinding, showing the infinite power of the law, evolving the five-element aura.

Chu Xiao looked at the eleven great sages in front of him. In the diffractive female position, there was only a strong disdain, as if these people would not be his opponents at all. He looked at these people, just smiled faintly, and said:” Your current strength, in my eyes, is not too strong at all. If you really want to fight for life and death, it can only be yours.

Downwind. ”

As soon as the voice fell, Chu Xiao freed his hand, and in an instant, he blasted away with a punch!

This punch directly condenses the power of infinite laws! “One forty zero”

In an instant, between heaven and earth, a giant void hand appeared directly, turned into a fist, and bombarded everyone!

This power, from the naked eye, it is really terrifying!

But everyone saw in their eyes, they just smiled coldly, in their eyes, there was complete disdain, as if it was just an attack of this level, and they couldn’t get into their Dharma Eye at all.

“If you only have this power, in our eyes, you are nothing at all.”

One person shook his head helplessly, sighed, and said.

Then, opened his eyes.

In the eyes, a piece of heaven and earth was reflected in an instant.

With a flick of his finger, I saw the void instantly shattered, and a finger slammed towards the giant fist of the void!

A bang resounded across the world!

I saw infinite power right here, spreading madly.

This punch turned out to be easily resolved by the opponent directly.

Seeing this scene, Chu Xiao also took a deep breath.

His eyebrows wrinkled slightly, knowing this, maybe it really is not as simple as it seems.

The eleven great sages in front of them, undoubtedly, have real skills, so it seems that the strength of the opponents really cannot be underestimated.

At this time, Chu Xiao smiled lightly, his eyes became more and more murderous, and he slowly walked towards everyone.

Everyone looked at Chu Xiao, but in their eyes, there was only disdain, because in their eyes, the current Chu Xiao still didn’t have much ability to challenge them.

“Now, with the power of one person, you dare to provoke the entire Asura clan!”

“This crime is even more to be punishable!”

“Today, the eleven of us are here to completely kill you!”

In front of him, the eleven great sages roared.

In an instant, a loud bang resounded throughout the world.

Everything around it seems to be trembling non-stop, because now, the strength of these eleven great sages is still too terrifying.

For an instant, Chu Xiao took a deep breath, with a solemn expression on his face.

After all, the opponent’s strength is still a bit exaggerated in front of Chu Lei, but even if it is like this, Chu Lei still has the confidence to deal with the opponent.

He smiled coldly, and there was a glimmer of murderous intent in his eyes.

With a loud shout, the Wandi Sword in his hand burst out with great power in an instant.

A dazzling sword light, directly across the sky and the earth, towards everyone, slashing and killing

“This sword seems invincible, it’s just a pity.”

One person walked out slowly, looking at this sword aura, but with a slight grin on his face.

He stretched out his hand and pointed it!


This sword qi shattered instantly!

Turned into countless spots of light, dissipated between heaven and earth.

When Chu Lei saw this scene, he gritted his teeth fiercely. He didn’t expect that his sword would not threaten them at all.

In this way, the opponent’s strength may even exceed one’s imagination.

When everyone looked at Chu Xiao, they only smiled slightly, as if they didn’t see Chu Xiao in their eyes.

After all, for them, the current Chu Xiao is nothing more than a simple cultivator of heaven and earth.

Even if it is really possible to kill the Great Sage, it is impossible to deal with their Eleven Great Sages.

There was a cold light flashing in Chu Xiao’s eyes.

The opponent’s strength, now it seems, is indeed terrifying, but for Chu Xiao, it is nothing more than that.

In an instant, Chu Xiao screamed, and the five-element gossip plate behind it was directly urged to the extreme.

The power of the infinite law is condensed in midair.

Chu Lei screamed..

Everyone’s complexion changed suddenly, because they also felt a little bit of surprise from it.

They actually felt a strong force of law directly from Chu Xiao’s body.

Although these people still don’t understand the power of the law and the concept of what it looks like, they still know that such power is still extremely difficult for them.

“how is this possible!”

One person exclaimed and his eyes widened.

Although this power is not enough to kill them, the power in it is even more difficult to hide, making them all feel threatened.

“What kind of power is this?”

One person took a deep breath, with a solemn expression on his face.

He still doesn’t understand what kind of power Chu Xiao is showing now. In his eyes, this kind of power is amazing.

Chu Xiao smiled indifferently.

The expression in his eyes was full of contempt. For him, this kind of power was actually nothing more than this.

In an instant, the power of infinite laws converged on a giant sword.

The giant sword condensed by the power of the law reveals terrible power.

The giant sword of this law, it seems, but only a translucent color, floating between the heaven and the earth.

However, the power contained in this resounded through the world, making people almost afraid to look directly at the terrible power of 1.8.

Everyone looked at the giant sword of the law, and they were shocked. They had never thought before that this Chu Xiao could actually be able to show such an incredible horror power.

At this time, Chu Xiao just smiled faintly, and the breath on his body spread instantly.

This terrible breath is equally astonishing in everyone’s eyes.

And Chu Xiao manipulated the law giant sword, screamed, and slashed it directly at the crowd!

Seeing the giant sword of the law, rushing towards their Haizi Street, these people were also shocked. For a while, they seemed to be unable to believe that Chu Xiao now has such an incredible power of terror.

And Chu Xiao smiled indifferently, and in his eyes, killing intent was awe-inspiring. At this moment, he seemed to be unbeatable. .

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