Chapter 342 Immortal emperor law, supreme treasure art!

This sword-qi Canglong, with a dazzling light, directly rushed towards the huge shadow of the fist in the air.

This boxing shadow itself is a super powerful blow released by the great sages of the Asura clan with infinite power.

But at this moment, in front of this Jianqi Canglong, it looked like it was a bit inferior.

Just this kind of power is a bit smaller than the sword spirit blue dragon.

Many great sages of the Asura clan also opened their eyes wide, and couldn’t believe it.

They naturally know how powerful this sword-qi blue dragon is, precisely because of this, at this moment, their eyes are all shocked, because they had never thought of the power of Chu Xiao before. It turned out to be terrifying to this point.

Everyone took a deep breath, and there was a hint of shock in their eyes. Looking at Chu Xiao, they only felt a touch of incredible.

I saw this huge sword-qi Canglong suddenly rushing towards Quan Ying, and then directly entangled with Quan Ying.

At this moment, everything in this world seems to have stagnated, and the light from the sky seems to be set at this moment.

Everyone was shocked, but instinctively felt that the two huge powers were completely entangled here.

It was precisely because of this that they felt a sense of horror, because from it, they also noticed that a terrifying force was spreading in this light.

“There will be such a terrifying blow!”

A great sage of the Asura clan took a breath, with a solemn expression on his face, gritted his teeth fiercely.

Obviously, he also did not expect that the current Chu Xiao was already so strong that he also took all this seriously and could not imagine it at all.

And Chu Xiao, at this moment, just smiled indifferently.His power is naturally more than that.Since the crowd in front of this wants to fight against himself, of course, he has to use all his power. is possible to.

In an instant, I saw a ray of light that directly wrapped the sword-qi blue dragon and the huge shadow of the boxing together. At the same time, a terrifying force was spreading.

Not only was the spread, everyone felt a breath of breath, after all, the current power seemed to be too terrifying.

After that, I saw it, centered on the light, a force that was terrifying to the extreme, so that everyone felt the power of incomparable surprise, and it continued to spread. This kind of aura is almost unforgettable.

At this moment, everyone was also completely flustered by this terrible power. After all, in their eyes, this heaven-defying power shouldn’t appear in the hands of a cultivator of heaven and earth.

But now Chu Xiao is really just a life and death state, and it is precisely because of this that they feel a trace of horror.

In an instant, countless waves of air were sweeping away, producing ripples of Dao Dao’s power. It was also at this moment that many great sages hurriedly urged Dao magical arts to protect their entire body, so as not to be affected by this terrible thing. The power spreads.

In their subconsciousness, this kind of power is really terrifying, and because of this, they still don’t want to directly face an enemy with such terrible strength.

At this moment, Chu Xiao felt the terrifying power contained in it.He also smiled coldly and then directly used the Sky Coffin to protect his body.He gritted his teeth slightly, and felt a little bit of this terrible power. Incredible.

Before, he had almost never thought that his opponent still had such a terrible power. From this point of view, this power is really unacceptable for a moment.

Infinite power ripples, constantly shaking, Chu Xiao also used the sky coffin to protect his body. At this moment, countless forces bombarded the sky coffin.

I saw the sky coffin trembling slightly (bbbi), almost broken, but still reluctantly followed the blow.

At this moment, Chu Xiao also took a breath, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes.

At this moment, Chu Xiao was also a little surprised. Looking at his opponent, he also gritted his teeth and clenched the Wandi Sword.

At this moment, the surrounding air is constantly shattering, seeming to tear this piece of space directly.

The heaven and the earth are constantly shaking, it seems that because of this terrible power, I feel a trace of jealousy, and the earth is constantly tearing.

It was originally a devastated earth, but at this moment, it was completely turned into a piece of dust.

The earth in a radius of ten miles was directly shattered into dust, floating in the air, and for an instant, it was almost unbelievable.

This turned out to be a cultivator of heaven and earth, showing terrifying power.

At this moment, Chu Xiao also clenched the Wandi Sword, urging the Immortal Emperor Art and the Supreme Treasure Art, and in an instant, he continuously improved his strength.

Its breath is gradually terrifying

Everyone was naturally aware of Chu Xiao’s breath. The attack just now blasted them back a few hundred feet away. Such strength really made them feel a little shocked.

One person took a deep breath, looked at the torn earth, and could only sigh: “It turns out that there are really such terrifying evildoers in this world!”

Obviously, at this moment, this person’s eyes are almost only jealous. He looked at Chu Xiao, and his eyes were full of doubts.

He still didn’t think that Chu Xiao, now, would have such a terrifying power.

At this moment, they have the same thought in their minds.As the level of the great sage, they are already considered strong, but at this time, in front of Chu Xiao, it seems that they are still vulnerable. , This is also a moment for them, almost not knowing what to say.

And Chu Xiao just smiled indifferently. In his eyes, the killing intent was awe-inspiring. He looked at everyone and said: “Since you dare to do something to me, then at this moment, I am going to kill you. This is your final ending. .”

As soon as the voice fell, Chu Xiao was holding the five elements and gossip in his hands, and the majestic power of the law appeared in an instant.

This five-element gossip plate is also a mysterious treasure. In Chu Xiao’s eyes, his power is naturally terrifying. Now he only has the power of the three five elements, but it is completely enough to deal with them. .

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