Chapter 326 Heaven-defying armor, immovable!

This armor is just standing in place like this, it seems that it is completely fearless, the terrifying power that Chu Xiao displayed at this time.

That huge sword-qi Canglong, now roaring like this, rushed towards the armor.

Everything along the way, almost every inch of it, turned into a child’s powder, the surrounding sword mountain, in an instant, it was constantly shattering, and it seemed that it was unbearable. At this time, the sword Qi Canglong displayed average terrifying power.

Just as this sword-qi blue dragon was about to approach the armor, he saw that the sapphire ring behind the armor suddenly split.

This ring split into four or five pieces in an instant, but the whole, still floating in the air, can still be seen, faintly condensed into a circle.

However, at this moment, above the sapphire circle, cyan rays of light came in instantly.

Condensed into an ellipsoid-shaped light curtain, directly wrapping the armor into it.

And the sword-qi Canglong slammed against the light curtain, and for a moment, it seemed as if it was completely unable to help the opponent. After the stalemate had passed for a while, I saw a huge gap cracked above the light curtain.

But at the same time, this sword-qi Canglong finally ran out of power and began to slowly dissipate.

As for the armor, it was natural to play as well as before, and there was no trace of damage.

After seeing this sapphire ring with such terrible power, Chu Xiao also took a breath of cold air.

He also did not expect that this sapphire ring had such a terrible defense.

There was a solemn expression on Chu Xiao’s face.

“Such a magic weapon, there is such a heaven-defying power!”

Chu Xiao took a deep breath. Obviously, he did not expect that the power of this sapphire ring had already reached such a point.

However, at this moment, the armor seemed to sneer, but only a humming sound could be heard.

After that, dragging the huge long knife in his hand, step by step, he walked slowly towards Chu Xiao.

At this time, Daoshan Giant Python seemed to want to stop the so-called armor and rushed directly up.

He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to swallow the armor directly.

But this armor, after looking up at the giant Daoshan Python, it just punched hard and slammed it at the Daoshan Python.

The sword mountain python and the armor’s fists directly hit together, making the sound of gold and iron clashing. When that sound, the sword mountain python flew out directly.

The armor also receded slightly.

After staggering for two or three steps, he also stopped his body, but it can be seen that it is the Sword Mountain Python, which suffers even more.

A large part of the body was knocked off, but because of the ability of the amber python swallowing beads, it was also rapidly healing itself, as if, it did not cause the opponent to hurt himself, and he took it too seriously.

The armor, at this time, looked at Chu Xiao again, and walked slowly towards Chu Xiao step by step.

The huge long knife in his hand dragged to the ground, leaving a deep gully.

Looking at the armor in front of him, Chu Xiao only felt the thorny for a while. After all, his opponent also had the magic weapon for protecting him, and his sword-qi Canglong couldn’t hurt the armor.

Suddenly, this faulty armour dragged the long knife in his hand, slashed fiercely, and hit Chu Xiao directly.

Seeing the long knife in the armour’s hand, Chu Xiao also took a deep breath. Then, he raised the Wandi Sword and stopped it on top of his head.

As if trying to resist, this armor slashed violently!


The long knife in the armour’s hand smashed directly on the Wandi Sword.

Chu Xiao just felt that a terrible power came directly from the armor, and it smashed Chu Xiao away.

Chu Xiao flew upside down, a full distance of several tens of feet, and then crashed on the ground, grunting, and his face turned pale.

Fortunately, the mountain of swords around this has been summoned by the armor and turned into a long knife in his hand, otherwise, I must have been broken by this mountain of swords now.

“Unexpectedly, the essence of gold is so difficult to tame,”!”

Chu Xiao took a deep breath, with a solemn expression on his face. He didn’t expect that this golden essence could have such terrifying power. It really made Chu Xiao himself a little unexpected.

There was a strong killing aura from the armor body, making Chu Xiao also particularly jealous. The sapphire ring behind it had extremely terrifying defensive power, and his sword aura Canglong was almost impossible to defeat.

“Is it possible that you can only use the sharp gun?”

Chu Xiao suddenly shrank his pupils to the tip of the needle.

He instantly thought of the existence of the Gunslinger.

After all, in the current situation, it seems that there is indeed only the Killing Spear, which can exert its full power to subdue the so-called armor in front of him.

It is also the essence of gold.

But Chu Xiao quickly dispelled this idea. After all, using the God Spear would consume too much for himself. If at this time, the opponent rushes directly, there are more than 30 Great Sages, and more than 70. A cultivator of the cultivator.

No matter which one is, it is a very tricky existence in front of your own eyes.At that time, you will definitely kill yourself without the power of a chicken in an instant!

You still have to be very careful about this risk.

Chu Xiao gritted his teeth fiercely, so it seemed that he could only fight with this armor.

This armor, the terrifying place, lies in its powerful strength and terrifying killing air.

Among them, Fengrui can even cut himself in half directly.

At the same time, this armor still has a magic sapphire ring that is not available in the other two essences.

This magic weapon can even resist the sword qi blue dragon, and you can also see the terrifying power of this magic weapon.

It can be said that it is still extremely difficult to deal with the essence of Jinzhi (obtained).

Thinking of this, Chu Xiao also took a breath, with a solemn expression on his face, gritting his teeth severely.

The Wandi Sword in his hand suddenly burst into light.

No matter what you say, the current Chu Xiao still doesn’t want to let his opponent go, but he still wants to obliterate his opponent.

Afterwards, he gained the power of the essence of gold. In this way, he completed more than half of his five-element gossip plate. It can be said that he has confidence in dealing with a few great sages.

In an instant, Chu Xiao suddenly cut out several sword-to-light ratios.

Countless sword lights rushed directly to this armor.

Behind the armor, the sapphire ring was activated again, and then, in front of this, a light curtain appeared in an instant.

These countless sword auras smashed on the light curtain, and they could only see countless incoming rays of light, but could not see what damage the armor had. .

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