Chapter 210 Infinite expansion, uncontrollable killing intent

Seeing Xu Changsheng who was transformed into a chaotic animal, Chu Xiao couldn’t help but be speechless.

Unexpectedly, there will be people who choose to merge with the chaotic monster.

In Chu Xiao’s view, this is simply impossible, but at this moment, it appears in front of him.

This makes me disbelieving, and it’s not enough.

Chu Xiao smiled bitterly and said, “Do you think that this kind of power is very strong?”

Xu Changsheng smiled coldly at this time and said: “I was drained of my own “blood essence” by the Great Wuchen, and exiled in the chaos! At that time, I was swearing! If I regain my strength, I will become the emperor. ! I will definitely avenge the Wuchen Great Emperor! At that time, let him see my power!”

After all, the huge chaotic monster stretched out its claws and slapped Chu Xiao fiercely.

At this time, Jiang Zhan and others were almost astonished and unable to speak.They didn’t expect that there would be someone as weird as Xu Changsheng!

This is simply beyond Jiang Zhan’s cognition.

Facing Xu Changsheng, they felt that they were so powerless, even without a trace of fighting power at all!

The original chaotic monster was almost invincible in Jiang Zhan’s eyes.

At this moment, Xu Changsheng, who once again incarnates into a chaotic monster, obviously possesses even more terrifying power!

And now, Chu Xiao almost understood what those so-called chaotic monsters were afraid of.

I am afraid that what they are afraid of is Xu Changsheng at this moment!

Xu Changsheng now possesses such a weird power to control the chaotic monster.

Its strength is already very strange.

Such a strange power, even Chu Xiao, feels a bit unpredictable.

But Chu “Zero 20” Xiao still knew that even if Xu Changsheng was a mere Xu Changsheng, even if he really had the strength of the Conferred King Realm now, he might not be his opponent.

Seeing that the opponent had such a huge body, like a mountain, Jiang Zhan and others were too scared to walk.

They don’t know how to defeat such an opponent at all.

Chu Xiao smiled coldly.

Now, Xu Changsheng’s strength is nothing more than that.

In Chu Xiao’s eyes, with only this kind of strength, it is far from enough to deal with himself.

In an instant, a strange light surged through Chu Xiao’s body.

Condensed the sword finger with one hand, and cried out: “One thought transforms the ocean!”

In an instant!

Canghai Yifa was urged!

With the assistance of the Immortal Emperor’s Law and the Supreme Bone, Cang Hai Yi Min’s Law was completely activated.

After merging into the star-picking technique, once again, the entire world has turned into a shining galaxy!

The galaxy is shining, and the tactics are endless!

Behind Chu Xiao, there are twelve holes in the sky, and the promise of murder continues to bloom.


Chu Xiao once again turned into a giant of chaos, with such a heavy carbon body, it seems to be bigger than the logarithm!

The Wandi Sword expanded countless times and turned into a golden long sword, held in Chu Lei’s hand.

The power of nirvana emerged, and the murderous intent was contained in the Wandi Sword.

At this moment, Chu Xiao, Xu Changsheng, who was fused with the chaotic animal, seemed to be just an ant.

At this time, Jiang Zhan and others discovered that Chu Xiao’s power was so terrifying.

They were all stunned, they didn’t expect that Chu Xiao’s power would be so powerful!

This is almost beyond the limit of what they can understand.

It was the first time they knew that Chu Xiao’s strength had reached this point!

Chu Xiao, who was transformed into a giant of chaos, directly held the neck of the chaotic monster with one hand.

Xu Changsheng, who merged with the chaotic monster, did not expect that Chu Xiao had such a powerful force!

This kind of power, in his opinion, is simply terrifying!

“With only this kind of strength, it is ridiculous to want to avenge the emperor!

Chu Lei smiled indifferently, and a trace of killing intent appeared in the eyes of the Chaos Giant.

The sword points to the sky.

Amidst the shining galaxy, a meteorite flew from the galaxy and hit the chaotic alien beast!

“What kind of method is this! Is this galaxy an illusion?”

Xu Changsheng obviously hadn’t heard of the climactic emperor method of Cang Hai Yi Nian Fa. Facing the power of Chu Xiao, Xu Changsheng seemed so helpless.

Chu Xiao smiled indifferently, and then, the huge meteorite hit Xu Changsheng directly!


The Nuo Da Star at his feet seems to be shattered every inch!

It’s broken at any time!

This Chu Xiao’s power is almost incredible in Xu Changsheng’s eyes!

The body of the Chaos Beast was smashed into a child’s powder in an instant!

And Xu Changsheng was also floating in the air, almost nothing but fear in his eyes!

Chu Xiao smiled lightly at this time.

Even if it is like this, where it is, it is also its own field.

Galaxy Realm!

The huge chaotic giant grabbed Xu Changsheng’s body.

Xu Changsheng snorted and was directly pinched in his hand by the Chaos Giant.

Xu Changsheng, who was transformed into a human form, was already skinny, and was pinched in his hand by Chu Xiao at this time.

It looks like it is holding an ant!

Xu Changsheng snorted and struggled constantly.

“Let go of me! Let go and I will tell you the secrets of the Celestial Clan!”

Xu Changsheng gritted his teeth and said.

He seemed to be desperate. He never thought that Chu Xiao would have such power.

Chu Xiao smiled indifferently. Even though Xu Changsheng had the strength of the Conferred King Realm, it seemed that he was still not as powerful as Shangguan Yuluo.

Perhaps this is the difference between this kind of choppy and the real Tianjiao.

Chu Xiao didn’t mean to let Xu Changsheng go, and now Xu Changsheng was almost desperate. He didn’t expect that Chu Xiao’s power was so terrible.

This is almost impossible for Xu Changsheng to imagine.

However, Jiang Zhan and others saw Xu Changsheng’s chaotic giant turned into by Chu Xiao.

Jiang Zhan knew that his realm was still higher than Chu Xiao.

But Chu Xiao’s power turned out to be countless times his own!

This made Jiang Zhan almost unacceptable!

And now Chu Xiao didn’t mean to let Xu Changsheng go!

At this time, Xu Changsheng was pinched by Chu Xiao in his hand, feeling very shameful.

After begging Chu Xiao to let him go, Chu Xiao was still indifferent.

This made Xu Changsheng move a bit murderous.

In Xu Changsheng’s eyes, even if he died today, he still wanted to take Chu Xiao with him!

“Heh! I still have a drop of the “blood essence” of the Celestial Clan in my body! When I burn out the “blood essence” of the Celestial Clan, I will let you see what is terrifying!”

Xu Changsheng roared, and his eyes became blood red in an instant.

He has already burned his last drop of the “blood essence” of the gods.

In an instant, there was a burst of sound in the hands of the Chaos Giant!


Then I saw Xu Changsheng, who was directly out of Chu Xiao’s control, and he was staring at Chu Xiao.

This picture made Jiang Zhan and others feel terrified to the extreme.

Originally, they thought that Chu Xiao had already controlled Xu Changsheng and had a chance to win.

In the next moment, Xu Changsheng can be completely smashed!

But what I didn’t expect was that Xu Changsheng was directly out of control.

Even at this time, even more terrifying power broke out!

Such a thing makes Jiang Zhan and the others almost unacceptable!

In their minds, there is only the word horror!

Blue veins raged on Xu Changsheng’s face.

In the wound on his body, the original red blood disappeared and turned into blue blood.

Seeing the cyan blood on Xu Changsheng’s body, Chu Xiao frowned slightly.

He knew that one of the characteristics of the Celestial Clan was that the blood on his body was blue.

Even after the eyebrows, there is the legendary third eye

The power of this eye can evolve thousands of ways and kill the enemy!

The magical uses are endless. Almost foreigners rarely see the true power of the third eye on the forehead.

When only able to fight against the Celestial Clan, watch one or two.

But now, it seems that Xu Changsheng, who burns the “blood essence” of the Celestial Clan, has a current strength that has skyrocketed. I don’t know how many times.

In an instant, Xu Changsheng’s face showed a distorted expression, as if he wanted to completely smash Chu Xiao.

“I don’t know who you are! But I know that your power, in my opinion, is just like an ant! The true power of the Celestial Clan is something you cannot stop!’

Xu Changsheng showed a twisted smile and looked at Chu Xiao firmly.

His pupils also seemed to have turned blue at this time.

However, Chu Xiao knew that in the real Celestial Clan, the pupils were still black.

Xu Changsheng only caused his body to be alienated because of the “blood essence” of the Chaos Monster for a long time.

Can’t fully assume the power of the Celestial Clan.

To put it bluntly, now Xu Changsheng is also a poor man.

Become a monster with neither man nor ghost.

He was originally not a human race, and now he is not even a celestial god race. At the same time, even if he has the “blood essence” of a chaotic beast in his body, he will definitely not be a chaotic beast himself.

Xu Changsheng, it’s nothing at all now!

Xu Changsheng showed a gloomy smile…

His originally skinny body swelled instantly!

Become a man who looks strong!

At the same time, the veins and swelling on the body, a wave of spiritual power, constantly surging around Xu Changsheng.

Chu Xiao knows that Xu Changsheng’s strength at this moment has already surpassed just too much.

However, Chu Xiao didn’t care about such power at all.

He smiled indifferently, and slowly said to Xu Changsheng: “You keep saying that you are a god clan, but in fact, you have fallen for so many years, and your body is mixed with the power of the chaotic beast. Could it be that you are right now? , Drag this body, still dare to claim to be the Celestial God Race?

In the voice, a hint of coldness suddenly appeared.

Chu Xiao faded away from the body of the Chaos Giant and slowly stood in front of Xu Changsheng.

The Wandi Sword also changed back to its normal size and returned to Chu Xiao’s hands.

The current Chu Xiao, holding the Wandi Sword, constantly waved in his body, looking very murderous.

As for Xu Changsheng in front of him, it seemed that he had an uncontrollable malice on him.

This is derived from the power of Xu Changsheng who has been soaked by the Qi of Chaos for a long time.

Xu Changsheng was taken aback at this moment.

He looked at his body and seemed to reflect it. The current self and the former emperor of the Celestial Clan looked like two people.

Xu Changsheng can still feel this gap.

There was a trace of hatred in Xu Changsheng’s eyes.

He seemed to know that the current self was just a monster that was neither human nor ghost.

But now Xu Changsheng still cannot agree with this.

Or, I don’t dare to agree at all.

There was a burst of blue light in his eyes.

In an instant.

A gap slowly opened in his forehead.

In the gap, there seemed to be an eye hidden.

Chu Xiao stared at the change in Xu Changsheng’s forehead for a moment.

The Celestial Clan has a third eye, which is not a secret among the three thousand realms.

But in fact, this third eye has infinite power and can evolve infinite ways, unpredictable.

However, these eyes are very susceptible to interference from external forces.

Therefore, the Celestial Clan rarely urges these eyes, after all, they also don’t know whether the use of this third pair of glasses will cause any bad changes.

Of course, this is very easy, and it is only relatively speaking, compared with other forces, it is very easy.

But the true probability may be about the same as when you break through the realm, you get two levels in a row.

It is still not easy.

However, just now Xu Changsheng is in this state.

Even Chu Xiao couldn’t tell.

After all, the current Xu Changsheng contained the “blood essence” of the chaotic beast in his body, and the “blood essence” of the gods in his body was drained by the emperor.

1.8 In other words, at this time, Xu Changsheng’s body strength is quite complicated.

The third eye must have been completely immersed.

This kind of feeling, even Chu Xiao, was aware of something bad.

Xu Changsheng’s third eye has not been fully opened yet, but it seems that a powerful force has burst out.

Countless blue lights burst out from the eyes, and then turned into weird purple lights.

Under the purple light, the vegetation withered, and the rocks shattered!

This seems to be similar to Chu Xiao’s power of extinguishment, but it is far from the subtlety of Chu Xiao’s power of extinguishment, but it still has a fairly powerful power.

Even, all mortal things can be destroyed.

Jiang Zhan was also very jealous of Xu Changsheng’s changes.

They also noticed that Xu Changsheng’s situation had become extremely unstable at this time.

In the blood and light on his body, there are countless purple awns surging.

The whole person’s face also has a distorted expression, which seems to be very painful.

Xu Changsheng also gritted his teeth, as if Ai was resisting something

Suddenly, Xu Changsheng’s eyes burst out with a burst of light, and then, his entire body turned into a purple glow, rushing towards Chu Xiao!

Facing this Xu Changsheng, Chu Xiao also smiled indifferently, the opponent’s strength was far from being able to stop him.

To put it bluntly, this Xu Changsheng was just going to die.

The Chu Xiao Wandi Sword suddenly came out of its sheath. Under the blessing of the Imperial Sword Technique, the Wandi Sword trembles and transforms into a ray of light. It is supplemented by the Immortal Emperor Technique and the Supreme Bone Divine Technique, which directly emits a powerful force.

In an instant, a huge sword light flickered towards Xu Changsheng!

It seems to be cutting Xu Changsheng into two parts!

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