Chapter 1235 Lead people to forbidden places!

In fact, I had already scolded Senior Sister to death in my heart. Seeing that he was on the way, Senior Sister nodded and walked in that direction.

Chu Xiao listened to their speech in the dark, but he didn’t expect that there were so many twists and turns between these fellow disciples, and Chu Xiao didn’t come out immediately.

Now Chu Xiao already knows, Zhu Hong already knows that he is by his side, but he is not sure where he is. If Zhu Hong is sure where he is, he will not do so.

Although Chu Xiao didn’t know what the rules in the soul hall were, it was probably related to the rules of outsiders. This is related to how soul cultivation is cultivated.

Chu Xiao is almost able to guess a rough idea. It is estimated that very few people from the core of the Demon Realm come to 11, and their cultivation resources are not enough. If there are outsiders, they must report it, otherwise, they will be punished by the upper level.

Chu Xiao should leave here now, but his companion still doesn’t know where, if he is in the soul hall, his departure will only be a way of abandoning his companion.

Chu Xiao was unwilling to do this. In the place where Crow was before, no one was willing to abandon each other, and Chu Xiao could not abandon them, nor could he fail their trust.

Chu Xiao caught up with the two people, but the senior sister was by Zhu Hong’s side. Chu Xiao couldn’t ask Zhu Hong directly. If he had a fight with the senior sister, it would disturb the others in the soul hall, and the gain would not be worth the loss.

Just now I heard that Zhu Hong’s senior brother had already reported, Chu Xiao vaguely felt that he must immediately catch up with Zhu Hong, ask about the whereabouts of his companions, and then take them away immediately.

“Senior Sister, I just vaguely feel that the person is coming in this direction, and I don’t know where that person is.” Zhu Hong said to Nuonuo.

The senior sister frowned, “Why are you so trash, you don’t know where you are alone, it’s really correct to leave the gatekeeper to you, and you are only worthy of gatekeeper.”

Zhu Hong’s heart was already very angry. He knew that he had to endure it for a while. Even if he could not find that person, he could kill the senior sister in front of him.

The sister’s name is Xu Shuang. She has been in the Soul Hall for a long time. She was once a lower-level disciple who was bullied by others. She has treated Zhu Hong twice as much as she had been scorned and bullied.

Xu Shuang also knew that the place in front was a forbidden area. Generally, only the gatekeeper and high-level disciples would have the activation key for the forbidden area, but ordinary disciples were not allowed to enter the forbidden area.

The goalkeeper disciple has the activation key only because if someone comes in, the goalkeeper disciple can lead people to the forbidden area, but it must be reported to a higher level before that, otherwise it will be considered a concealment.

“Go, that person may have entered the forbidden area. 723” Xu Shuang said firmly. People who enter the forbidden area will be relieved of their breath. There is no such person’s breath nearby, only it may be that they have entered the forbidden area.

Zhu Hong pulled her: “Sister, we can’t go in, and the key is still with me, both are there. That person can’t finish speaking, Zhu Hong exclaimed, “There is still a key!” Zhu Hong only has a key in his hand.

Xu Shuang looked down at him and said, “It’s a waste. I don’t even know the key until now. Let’s go in. It is probably the person from Gang who stole your key.”

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