Chapter 1222 Spin at high speed in mid-air!

However, at this moment, there was a loud roar from the other side of the crack.

The roar sounded like thunder, and the black crow birds were stunned by this huge roar.

If it is said that the attack of the black crows and birds just now was still under the rationality of these black crows and birds, and under the dragon roar just now, the black crows and birds had a temporary retreat.

However, after being stimulated by the roar of the space behind the crack, these flying birds seemed to have completely lost their minds, and came towards everyone regardless.

The voice seemed faint, 713 had a stimulating force, and it even aroused the group of black crows and birds to become more ferocious.

The eyes of the black crows and birds glowed with blood-red magical light and made a terrifying cry. A pair of wings were greatly opened, and the sharp claws under their feet were grabbed at Chu Xiao and others fiercely.

“Be careful!” Chu Xiao’s Wandi Sword shot again, and the silver sword light greeted the first wave of black crows and birds that madly attacked them.


It was the sound of a sharp sword breaking through the air.

However, at this moment, these black crow birds don’t seem to know the pain, and after losing their most powerful attack weapon, claws, they even waved the blue-violet poisonous wings and drew towards Chu Xiao. !

Such a weird and terrifying scene made everyone present a little creepy.

“What kind of terrifying monster is this!” Ouyang Jian spit out. Although he spit out, his subordinates dare not relax at all and control the jade bone fan in the air.

The jade-bone fan revolved at a high speed in the air, and shot down those black crow birds that had broken wings and feet.

Such a horrible scene, even Chu Xiao and Ouyang Jian couldn’t stand it, let alone Qiao Ling, Ouyang Xue, Shang Ruyi and others.

In this case, the black crow bird seemed to be motivated by some monster on the other side of the spell restriction, and his eyes were red (bbbi), and he seemed to be in a state of madness.

If this continues, no matter how strong a few people are, I’m afraid they will be exhausted by these thousands of black crows and birds.

Chu Xiao cried secretly in his heart, the crack was close at hand, and right now, everyone was forced by these black crows and birds to make it impossible to move forward.

At this time, he obviously felt that during the long-term internal energy consumption, the internal power in his body had been almost consumed.

He could even feel that the sword light of the Wandi Sword in his hand was getting dim.

The situation in front of him is not good, not to mention the other Ouyang Jian and others whose internal strength is not as good as his.

Just now, Chu Xiao wanted to relied on stimulating the last trace of strength in his body to forcibly break a way out among the black crows, but the roar that suddenly appeared halfway, actually broke his plan.

Could it be that this time, is it really going to stop here?

Chu Xiao looked at the crack close at hand. At this moment, they had been surrounded by black crow birds. The five people in the middle were surrounded by the three and three layers of the black crow birds.

Chu Xiao held the magical instruments and kept strangling the black crow and flying bird who tried to move forward.

Suddenly, those black crows and birds were a little afraid of the combined strength of these five people, and they dared not take a step forward.

However, it is obvious that the encirclement of those black crows and birds is getting smaller and smaller.

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