Chapter 1217 The cultivator can draw a dungeon as a prison!

“Spell prohibition?” After a while, Ouyang Jian finally found his voice and said in a strange way.

Hearing that there was a magic spell close to the forbidden place, a few other people showed embarrassed expressions on their faces.

After all, a few of them had been walking for a long time before they discovered the anomaly here, thinking that the spell restriction had reached the point of being fake.

Then Shang Ruyi asked with some curiosity, “Brother Chu Xiao, how did you discover it? Although these places have not changed much, I can be sure that we have never been to such places before.

Shang Ruyi asked a group of people’s doubts.

In response to these people’s questioning gazes, Chu Xiao pointed to the slowly flowing Yin River and said,

“It’s this Yin River, it’s the best evidence”

Everyone looked at his worthy direction, and found nothing unusual.

Chu Xiao had no choice but to explain, “Although the scenery in the places we walked is different, but I found that in fact, we have been walking around that section of Yinhe River all the time.”

What he said made the other people even more confused.

Just listen to Ouyang Jiandao, “Chu Xiao, the river has been flowing, how did you find the abnormality?”

Chu Xiao pointed to a place in the water of the river 710 and said, “Look, there is the place where I once fell into the water, and there is a small whirlpool near that place.”

Everyone had a look, and sure enough, there really was a small whirlpool at the river that Chu Xue was pointing at. If it weren’t for Chu Xiao’s words, plus careful discrimination, it would be impossible to find out.

Qiao Ling felt a little unbelievable, and said, “Brother Chu, with such a small whirlpool, can you be sure? There are countless whirlpools in this gloomy river, right?”

Chu Xiao said hurriedly, “Sister Qiao Ling, don’t worry, look at the place where the whirlpool goes up about two steps away, is the color of the river water lighter?”

Qiao Ling parted earnestly, and it turned out that the color of that place was actually much lighter than other places. I am afraid that Chu Xiao fell into the water and urged his internal force under the water. The stones at the bottom of the river were urged by his internal force and rolled. On one side, naturally, there must be a lot of secrets.

At this moment, everyone suddenly realized that if one whirlpool cannot confirm the location of the river, then the evidence from the other is sufficient to prove what Chu Xiao said.

Chu Xiao was able to notice these details, and he was so careful as to make (bbbi) everyone present was extremely impressed.

“You kid, it’s okay, all these details have been taken care of.” Ouyang Jian patted Chu Xiao’s shoulder with a palm, and exclaimed from the bottom of his heart.

Just listen to Chu Xiao saying, “Brother Ouyang, I’m just a coincidence.” Chu Xiao said bitterly on this face, “I was plunged into the water by the skeleton crane just now because I paid special attention to that place.”

Even if Chu Xiao said so, but without keen insight, it would be impossible to spot the anomaly here.

A few people formed a group and discussed a way to break the ban.

This method of spell prohibition is closely related to the mana of the caster. The prohibition placed by a cultivator with low mana can easily be found out, and it is broken by a high-level cultivator, and it is directly broken.

The deeper the mana of the cultivator, the stronger the spell restriction it places, and it is almost impossible for the caster to be found trapped in the spell. Once it can’t be solved, it may be trapped in the magic for the whole life and cannot be freed.

In the spell battle of high-level cultivators, some high-level cultivators can be drawn as prisons, directly trapping the caster in the spell forbidden.

I saw Ouyang Jian with a bitter face, and said with some embarrassment, “Hey, in the academic method, I most hate the deduction and calculation of the heavenly stems and earthly branches. How can I even think that today I will encounter this magical prohibition. .

Qiao Ling also said with some embarrassment, “For this spell restriction, I also know the nine orchestration, and I don’t know anything about it.”

Monk Ouyangxue Ruyi also shook his head, as if he couldn’t catch his head.

At this moment Chu Xiao stood up and said loudly, “Let me try it!

I saw Chu Xiao walk a few steps, he imprinted his fingers on his chest, and muttered words in his mouth. Along with Chu Xiao’s movements, a huge force rose from his chest and headed directly into the midair.

“Boom!” Sure enough, as Chu Xiao had expected, there seemed to be an invisible thick wall in the air that bounced Chu Xiao’s blow directly back.

Chu Lei’s figure was like the wind, and quickly avoided, otherwise he would be hurt by the rebounding force of this restraining force.

The others were shocked by the invisible wall in the air.

Unexpectedly, this technique was so powerful that it not only prevented everyone from getting out of this area, but even set up a powerful protective shield directly in the air.

Chu Xiao tried to urge his internal force to directly break the spell restriction, but he didn’t expect that the restriction was much more powerful than he thought, and he was directly bounced back.

When everyone saw that Chu Xiao’s spell failed, they couldn’t help but feel a little worried.All of them couldn’t help much with this spell.If Chu Xiao fails again, will all of them be trapped in this formation. Can’t it go out anymore?

It’s the same to stay in such a boring environment, just imagine it already feels terrifying.

In this area, apart from the two skeletons and cranes before, there is no living thing.

What’s more, the two skeletons and cranes are not living creatures.

They all pin their hopes on Chu Xiao.

Right now, Chu Xiao was thinking and thinking, and everyone would not dare to step forward and disturb, for fear that it would disrupt Chu Xiao’s thinking and lose the only chance to leave here.

Chu Xiao secretly said, “It seems that it is impossible to break through by force.

Chu Xiao looked at the wall of nothingness in the sky, his mind was spinning fast.

He looked around and saw the slowly flowing yin river, the sparse weeping willows on the bank, and the winding river in the distance, all of which seemed to be in a painting.

And a group of them were actually trapped in this painting.

Suddenly, there was a flash of inspiration in Chu Xiao’s mind.

With such a large area of ​​spell prohibition, it is impossible to have copper walls and iron walls everywhere, as long as the weak points are found, then they will have a ray of life.

It’s just that it will take some time to find the weakness of this spell.

Chu Xiao’s fingers were stamped on his chest again, and a force came from his fingertips, following the direction of the transparent protective cover.

I saw the thin silver power slowly moving along the outline of the transparent protective cover little by little. While moving, it probed the transparent protective cover and carried out a carpet-like probe.

The others didn’t know what Chu Xiao meant. They saw Chu Xiao Xuxu hit the protective cover in the mid-air with a palm, and then made no more moves. .

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