Chapter 1214 Skeletons, bones and cranes!

The reunion of several people was unspeakable joy.

Just listen to that Ouyang Jian said, “But I finally found you!”

Ouyang Xue, Shang Ruyi, and Qiao Ling even hugged tightly together, and tears even flashed in Ouyang Xue’s eyes, “I really feel relieved when I meet you.”

Qiao Ling patted Ouyang Xue on the shoulder with some excitement, “Sister Xue, are you all right? We are worried about us on this journey.” The little girl’s cute and naughty voice made Ouyang Xue’s nose sore, and replied. road,

“Well, we are all right.

I saw a few people encounter the Deer Demon Clan and his party in the black forest. Because of Ouyang Xue’s low spiritual power, Ouyang Jianxian led Ouyang Xue to evacuate.

The five were divided into two groups at the time. Although Ouyang Jian left marks along the way, because of Chu Xiao and the others, after they escaped from the black forest, they encountered the skeleton and bone crane again. Therefore, a lot of time was lost, and the two teams could not meet for a while.

Seeing Ouyang Xue and Ouyang Jian’s arrival, Chu Xiao could finally put down the rock that was originally hanging in his heart. In this dangerous dungeon, Ouyang Jian, a half-hearted man, and Ouyang Xue with low spiritual power in front of him, don’t know if he can handle it.

But looking at the appearance of the two of them, apart from being a little tired, fortunately, there are no other problems.

Just listen to Shang Ruyi saying towards Ouyang Xue, “Sister Xue, did you encounter any danger on the road?”

With a red nose, Ouyang Xue shook her head and said, “After we came out of the black forest, we hid all the way to Tibet, for fear of encountering some terrifying monster.”

“I just heard the sound of fighting on this side, so we dared to look at it from a distance, and after confirming that it was you, we dared to come closer.” Ouyang Xue was very wronged, and the tears just stopped. Then it started to fall again.

Then Ouyang Jian said, “Well, sister, didn’t we find Chu Xiao and the others? Don’t cry.”

Seeing the appearance of Ouyang Xuelihua with rain, Chu Xiao’s heart suddenly moved and thought of another thing.

I saw that he once again took out a radiant inner alchemy from his arms and handed it to Ouyang Xue.

Ouyang Xue was startled, raised a pair of rabbit-like red eyes, and looked at Chu Xiao with a little surprise.

“this is?”

Obviously, this is a high-level inner alchemy, Ouyang Xue naturally knows the utility of this inner alchemy, but Chu Xiao, such a high-end inner alchemy, didn’t even keep improving his internal strength and gave it to her.

“Sister Xue, this inner pill can replenish your lost inner strength.” Chu Xiao said.

This is probably nothing to Chu Xiao for the inner alchemy, because with his current Cultivation Base, such an inner alchemy has little effect on him, because the stronger the strength, the more you want to improve, you need to save. The more abundance of energy.

For Ouyang Xue, who has low spiritual power, such an inner pill can quickly improve her current strength. For her, it is simply giving charcoal in the snow.

Ouyang Xue had a look of movement on her face. Although this inner alchemy was nothing, she also knew that such a high-level inner alchemy had been bought by Chu Xiao desperately.

But he and Chu Xiao are not relatives, but he never thought that he would always remember his internal injury, and gifted such a high-level inner alchemy to her, so excited for a while, I don’t know whether to pick it up or not to pick it up.

Seeing Ouyang Xue hesitated, Qiao Ling stepped forward, grabbed Chu Xiao’s inner alchemy and stuffed it into Ouyang Xue’s hand.

“Sister Xue, don’t hesitate. Brother Chu Xiao gave it to you, so you can catch it,” Qiao Ling said with a smile, “With this inner alchemy, we can walk sideways in this dungeon.”

Ouyang Jian naturally knew that it was an excellent thing for Ouyang Xue, and said in his heart, “With this inner pill, Xue’er’s internal strength can be basically repaired.,

Shang Ruyi also shook Ouyang Xue’s arm, “Sister Xue, don’t hesitate, hurry up.

Ouyang Xue knew that Qiao Ling was helping her to dissolve the atmosphere. She looked up at Chu Xiao. To him, Dan was nothing more than an ordinary thing.

It seems that she is not a special existence in Chu Xiao’s heart. For some reason, Ouyang Xue has a bitter taste in her heart.

She lowered her head, looked at the inner alchemy in her hand, and her feelings flashed through her heart.

Chu Xiao saw her lingering, thinking that Ouyang Xue was worried that the inner alchemy had a backlash, and said patiently, “Sister Xue, don’t worry, this inner alchemy is completely different from the essence pill, you can rest assured The make…”

What Ouyang Xue cares about is this, she sighed deeply in her heart, “Chu Xiao, Chu Xiao, I only hate you for being a root of wood.” She didn’t hesitate anymore, swallowing that inner alchemy into her abdomen, and closed. Closed eyes.

At the moment Neidan entered her abdomen, she only felt a heat flow from her chest and abdomen to her whole body.The balloon-like meridians that she had originally seemed to be alarmed were filled with this bone heat, a little bit. Fill it up.

Ouyang Xue clearly felt that her body seemed to be getting lighter and lighter, and her body was gradually being filled with this gentle force.

This inner alchemy is exactly the thing of the skull, bones and cranes.

Skeleton and bone crane, I don’t know how many years of cultivation, the inner alchemy that it transforms is naturally not a common product. After years of baptism, this inner alchemy’s original domineering power has long been wiped out, leaving only this gentle and full power.

This is the main reason why Chu Xiao dared to directly absorb this inner alchemy to Ouyang Xue.

Moreover, such an inner alchemy works best for people like Ouyang Xue who have almost lost their internal strength, and can greatly improve the Cultivation Base in a short period of time.

Sure enough, in a short while, Ouyang Xue’s haggard face had changed with the naked eye because of running around, and her pale face became ruddy.

After another while, 1.8 Ouyang Xue slowly opened her eyes, and her eyes, which were originally huge, are now brighter.

Ouyang Xue tried her internal strength with some joy. Sure enough, her internal strength was extremely full at this moment, even higher than the Cultivation Base before the injury.

She summoned her own full moon scimitar, and saw the long-lost icy blue rainbow light shine again.

Everyone present was all happy for Ouyang Xue.

Just listen to Shang Ruyi saying, “Sister Xue, it’s great, it looks like you have not only recovered, but you have been better than before.”

Qiao Ling acted like a bird and leaned against Ouyang Xue, “Sister Xue, we can fight together again in the future.”

Ouyang Jian was even more excited. He kept shaking his fan, limp back and forth, and kept chanting “It’s so good, so good.” It seemed that he was much happier than his Cultivation Base had improved. .

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