Chapter 1206 Strong opponent!

The beak glowing with the cold light was rapidly enlarged in Chu Xiao’s eyes. In the next second, the light of the Wandi Sword in Chu Xiao’s hand was out.


It was the buzzing sound of Wandi Sword’s fighting spirit.

The speed of the skeleton crane is fast, and Chu Xiao’s movements are naturally not slow. The sharp sword in Chu Xiao’s hand slashed towards the neck of the skeleton skeleton in the sky.

Immediately after Chu Xiao’s body dropped, he rolled forward, while avoiding the attack of the skeleton crane behind him.

The sword light of the Wandi Sword hit the neck of the skull and crane, which was all bones, and was bounced away.

The sword energy of the Wandi Sword has no effect on this skeleton bone crane!

Chu Xiao was too late to be surprised, the strength of these two skeleton bone cranes was actually a bit stronger than the strength of the demon lord of the antlers, he must raise the spirit of twelve points to deal with!

Two skeletal cranes missed a hit, Hao was not discouraged, and immediately adjusted his body shape, and attacked Chu Xiao again aggressively.

Chu Xiao was previously infected by the demon qi of the demon lord of the antlers, and his injuries were not complete. Stagnation, almost the skeletal crane’s way.

Fortunately, his Wandi Sword communicated with his soul and returned to his master in time to block the blow of the long beak again.

All this happened between the fire and light stones. When Shang Ruyi and Qiao Ling reacted, the two skeletal cranes were flapping their huge wings and attacking Chu Xiao again.

As the saying goes, it’s hard to beat four hands.

What’s more, Chu Xiao hadn’t healed from his old injuries at the moment, and when he encountered these two skeleton cranes whose strength was almost equal to his strength, it was really difficult to deal with it.

Just when he once again tried his best to stop the attack of the skeletal crane.

There was a pleasant ringing in the ears.


“Brother Chu, I’ll help you!

It was Qiao Ling’s ancient bell. The bell made a pleasant sound. At the same time, the air was pulsating with spiritual power fluctuations, patted towards the skull and crane.

The Skeleton Crane did not know how many battles he had experienced with that Cao Tu, and he felt the fluctuation of spiritual power in the air for the first time.

A bone crane has a long and thin beak.

A strange cry of “.” Jie!

Qiao Ling discovered that this bone crane only has wings!

Qiao Ling only felt that the aura controlled by her Gu Ling seemed to have encountered a tall and thick wall, and her aura could not rush through.

And in the next moment, the wall seemed to turn into a beast, rushing towards her!

Qiao Ling was shocked. She didn’t expect the bone crane to be as powerful as Shang Ruyi said. She immediately shook the ancient bell to resist the attack from the bone crane.

The Bone Crane’s counterattack came fiercely, and Qiao Ling was almost fainted by the impact of the Skeleton Crane’s counterattack.

At this time, a yellow palace lantern flew in the air, and the faint flowers bloomed in the palace lantern, and countless flames entered and emitted strong spiritual power, and it attacked the single-winged crane.

On Chu Xiao’s side, another bone crane was flying in the air, with its huge wings flapping, and its sharp and sharp beak pierced Chu Xiao’s head again.

Chu Xiao had a sharp pain in his arm at this moment, and he could no longer confront the skeleton crane head-on.

He had to curl up again and roll back, avoiding the attack of the skeleton crane.

The skeletal crane saw Chu Xiao rolling by, moving faster, and the long beak moved toward Chu Xiao’s tumbling body like raindrops.

Chu Xiao moved his body quickly while thinking about the way to deal with this skeleton crane.

Faced with such a tough opponent, if he is not injured, he can still compete with one of them.

However, not only was he injured, he was also affected by the devilish energy, and his skill was now only able to exert 80% of the effect.

The opponents I faced were two skeleton cranes that were higher than my own Cultivation Base.

What’s more, Chu Xiao had been observing the skeleton bone crane for a long time while avoiding the skeleton bone crane.

This bone crane is full of skeletons, and even the wings are ossified, and there is no way to start.

And his current strength is not the opponent of this skeleton bone crane at all.

These thoughts flashed crazily in Chu Xiao’s mind, and his body did not dare to stop at all. Once it stopped, I was afraid that it would become a meal in that bone crane plate.

Seeing that the bone crane couldn’t hit it for a long time, he seemed a little annoyed. He stretched out his neck, which was made up of bones. He yelled and made a harsh sound again.

Chu Lei only felt that his eardrum was almost pierced by the horrible cry. Before he could make any other reactions, he saw that the wings of the bone crane exploded several times in an instant.

As if covering the sky and covering the sun, the huge wings swept right away, raising a huge air current, and the sky was overwhelming towards Chu Xiao.

The air current that was stirred up by the giant wing rushed towards Chu Xiao with majestic strength, let alone the giant wing that followed the terrifying force.

The tumbling air wave carried the power to destroy everything. The willow tree on the river bank had long been uprooted by this terrifying force, and it was stirred by the air wave, and it was crushed into slag.

At this moment, the wind was violent, and the originally calm Yinhe was also stirred up by this terrifying air wave.

Even the monk Ruyi Qiao Ling, who was dealing with another skeleton at this moment, also felt the unusualness of the tumbling waves. The skirts of the clothes were blown up by the wind, and the hair was flying.

The wind puffed on his face like a sharp knife, making his face painful.

This air wave is so powerful, if it is hit by this air wave, it will be shot into meatloaf.

The speed of the air wave was so fast that Chu Xiao had no time to react too much. The Wandi Sword moved with his heart, carrying him back quickly.

However, the billowing waves of air are as fast as lightning, which is beyond the reach of manpower. Chu Xiao hadn’t retreated far, the air wave had already smashed into his follower (Zhao’s good).

At this time of life and death, Chu Xiao couldn’t take care of that much anymore. He adjusted the direction of his advancement, and the Wandi Sword carried him to fly upwards with all his strength.

However, the air wave seemed to have eyes long. Every time Chu Xiao went up a foot, the air wave followed closely, with an endless posture.

Chu Xiao was shocked, he had never encountered such a terrifying opponent. All kinds of thoughts flashed by, I don’t know how to break this deadlock.

However, the air wave did not leave him any time to think about it, and the air wave had already involved him!

Chu Xiao had seen the power of this air wave just now. No grass grew in the place where the air wave passed, and everything was crushed into powder.

At this moment, Chu Xiao felt the terrifying power of the air wave all over his body.He only felt that his entire life was suffering from the crushing force of the air wave. The air wave splits.

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