Chapter 119 The Big Dipper welcomes Daozi, and he is supernatural on the burial star mountain (large chapter)

“Chu Xiao?”

Hear the words.

The face of the old celestial master changed slightly, and he vibrated: “Why did he come to the Big Dipper?”

His face was no longer calm, and it became more and more shaking.

Wuliang Sacred Land announced the entire Dao domain and held a Daozi ceremony.

The Beidou Kingdom and Wuliang Sacred Land belonged to the northern part of the Dao domain, and the lord of the kingdom was a powerful man in the kingdom of the kingdom, and he was naturally among those who went there. At that time, he was also a celestial master.

Both the old celestial master and the master of the Big Dipper country have seen Chu Xiao’s demeanor in the arena of Emperor Chuan.

In terms of the realm of Cultivation Base, the two are naturally ahead of Chu Xiao.


Chu Xiao represents now, but the entire Sacred Land is almost the first pride of the world.

Such a character is almost inevitable in the future, so the celestial master will not treat Chu Xiao as a younger generation at all.

When I asked, before waiting for the Lord of the Big Dipper to answer, the old celestial master immediately said: “Mo, he also calculated because of my calculation, that the mysterious land that is about to be born?”

“Do not ”


“People like him, the news from Beidou, I am afraid that he can’t make a special visit.”


The old celestial master frowned, and said solemnly: “I was just the first calculation, and I was backlashed by the air luck. This Chu Xiao Daozi’s own air luck is amazing. In Daozi’s ceremony, we have seen it with our own eyes. , He got the blessing of Sacred Land Qi Luck, and he also got the blessing of Heaven and Earth Qi Luck in the Emperor Chuan arena, his luck is extremely strong!”

“If the mysterious place I calculated is related to him, it is his chance, I am afraid I can’t calculate it at all.

“He came for other things?”

Speaking of which.

The old master looked at the Lord of the Big Dipper.

The Lord of the Big Dipper nodded slightly, and then said: “This Chu Xiao Daozi is my young child Cheng who came across in the imperial capital.

“He almost angered the opponent, but fortunately, this Chu Xiao Daozi had an extraordinary bearing and didn’t care.

“According to what Zicheng said, this Chu Xiao Daozi did come because of a strange land.

“but ”

“You should have nothing to do with what you figured out.”

“Unexpectedly, the Big Dipper would attract such a character.

Master Tian sighed, and then solemnly said: “Brother Yang, in any case, you must not neglect this Daoist Chu Xiao.

“The Dao realm is revived, and the great world is coming. Such a character born by Zhong Tiandi, who is highly regarded by the world, must be a man in the future.

“Such a person can benefit infinitely by befriending him.”

“I know it naturally.

The Lord of the Big Dipper nodded slightly and shook his head: “In the northern part of the Dao domain, there are many major forces. With the Cultivation Base of my kingdom, if it were not for the support of Ziyun Sacred Land, I am afraid that it would have been unable to maintain this country for a long time and keep the country’s luck.

“When the Dao domain is fully recovered, and it borders the rumored 3000 Dao domain, then I am afraid that it will be more chaotic. It is still unknown whether the Big Dipper country can continue.”

“This Daozi Chu Xiao is here, but it’s my opportunity for the Big Dipper.

“I have already planned that this trip is bound to form a good bond with this Taoist Chu Xiao, no matter why he comes, I must try my best to satisfy him.”

“If my Big Dipper can take care of the boundless Sacred Land, then even if the great world is approaching, it will be enough to protect my Big Dipper.

The celestial master looked serious and nodded: “That’s right.


The Imperial Court of the Beidou Kingdom is located in the center of the imperial capital, like an inner city in a city.

After Yang Zicheng returned to the manor, he was prepared and invited Chu Xiao to board a jade palace.


The Jade Palace rose into the air and hung in the air towards the imperial court.

When passing by the outer wall of the imperial court.

Chu Xiao’s spirit power quietly perceives, keenly aware of the surrounding formations flashing, it seems to be fully stimulated, protecting the entire imperial court.

Perceiving this scene, Chu Xiao raised his brow slightly, as if thinking of something.

After entering the imperial court, the Jade Palace went straight outside the Great Hall.

Yang Zicheng’s face was serious and he didn’t dare to be a little sloppy. He took the initiative to open the door of the Jade Palace and asked Chu Xiao to leave.

The moment Chu Xiao stepped out of the Jade Palace.

Quietly, around this discussion Great Hall, there was a sound of music!

Chu Xiao looked around and saw that outside the Great Hall, a young and beautiful musician in palace costumes, no fewer than a hundred people, was playing music!

The musical instruments in their hands are magical, and between the music, there are mysterious notes floating up, colliding in the air, making more mysterious music, and even more auspicious visions!

This is not born, but man-made!

Amidst the moving music, a heavy voice rang in the Great Hall of the discussion!

“A Tianjiao character like Chu Xiao Daozi came to my Big Dipper country, but it made me shine in the Big Dipper country.”

The voice fell.

Two figures stepped out of the Great Hall.

It is the Lord of the Big Dipper, and that old celestial master!

His voice reverberated in the imperial court, but after contacting the formations arranged around the imperial court, they all disappeared.

Seeing the collision of mysterious notes around, Chu Xiao’s gaze fell on the Lord of the Big Dipper and the old celestial master, and his brows were slightly raised.

The Lord of the Big Dipper is a wonderful person.

Chu Xiao is now the Daozi of Boundless Sacred Land, he travels, representing the entire Blessed Sacred Land!

The Beidou Kingdom and Wuliang Sacred Land are in the northern part of the Dao, but their powers are very different. Therefore, Chu Xiao, the Daozi of Sacred Land, will naturally greet him with a scene. This is the most basic respect for Sacred Land.

The other party apparently realized that Chu Xiao was not going to reveal his whereabouts, so he even directly activated the imperial court. The auspicious vision created by the notes and his voice were all confined to the imperial court, and outsiders could not know it.

The thoughts flashed in his mind, Chu Xiao’s gaze swept over the two of them, and then he said: “Senior Beidou is very polite.”

The opponent is a powerful king, and his cultivation realm is ahead of Chu Xiao, so he is commensurate with his predecessors.

Facing the strong, Chu Xiao has never lacked respect.

Hear the words.

The Lord of the Big Dipper shook his head and said: “I’ve only been obsessed with you for a few years. If Chu Xiao Daozi is the same age as me, I am afraid that he has left me far behind. How can I be called the predecessor, “?”

He said a word, and never talked much about this topic. Instead, he said: “This is not suitable for conversation, Chu Xiao Daozi, please come with me.

After that.

He turned around and stepped into the Great Hall.

The old celestial master retracted his gaze on Chu Xiao, waved his hand to make an invitation, and entered the Great Hall.

Chu Xiao walked along, following behind.

In the Great Hall

It has already been arranged.

The three of them sat down, and the imperial court lady took out the rare and exotic fruit with rich spiritual power and put it aside.

“Chu Xiao Daozi.”

The Lord of the Big Dipper looked at Chu Xiao and said bluntly: “I heard my little child say that you came to my Big Dipper on this trip for a mysterious place.”

“You came to the imperial city deliberately to find out some information. I don’t know what it is? Maybe I can help you.”

He is very direct.

Now that he is ready to forge a good relationship with Chu Xiao, it is natural to provide direct help the fastest.

Seeing the other party so directly, Chu Xiao didn’t hesitate, and said bluntly: “I came to the imperial city to know about the whereabouts of the star-seeking beast.”

“Star seeker?”

Upon hearing this, the Lord of the Big Dipper frowned slightly.

Seeing this, Chu Xiao asked, “Senior Big Dipper knows the news of this star-seeking beast?”

“I do know one or two.

The Lord of the Big Dipper nodded slightly, and said in a deep voice, “This star-seeking beast is an extremely rare alien!”

He stood up on his own seat and said in a deep voice: “Warrior Cave Heaven Realm is completely consummated, he has a sense of divine consciousness, contemplated his mind, and stepped into the fourth stage of the enlightenment star.”

“In the fourth stage of Wuxing, you need to perceive the Star with the soul, find your own natal Star, and obtain the Star power blessing.”

After that.

He looked at Chu Xiao and said, “Although Daozi Chu Xiao has not stepped into the fourth stage of Wuxing, he should already have some understanding of these.”

Chu Xiao nodded slightly.

He naturally understands the fourth-order of Wuxing. After Bi Jing learned of the source of the fourth-order of Wuxing from the mouth of the Shenwu Sage, he was not ready to step into it. The realm born after the devastation.

Thoughts flashed in his mind.

Chu Lei opened his mouth and said, “Star-seeking beast, star-seeking… Could it be?”


The Lord of the Big Dipper nodded slightly: “This star-seeking beast has the ability to find stars!”

“Each Star is different, and the power that each Star can provide is also completely different.

“In the fourth tier of Wuxing, the stronger the power of the natal star that the Warrior fits and connects, the stronger the warrior’s combat power.

“This star-seeking beast is exactly what can help the Warrior find a Star, and find a more powerful Star!”

“The star-seeking beast is very rare. After the fourth-order of Wuxing spread from the Dao domain, I don’t know how many Warriors are looking for the star-seeking beast. Tier 4 combat power is stronger.”

“To this day, the star-seeking beast is almost extinct and extremely difficult to encounter.

Speaking of which.

The Lord of the Big Dipper looked at Chu Xiao, frowned and asked, “I don’t know Daozi Chu Xiao, what do you want to do to find the Star Seeker?”

“A character like Chu Xiao Daozi should be able to open up ten caves, so he shouldn’t be anxious to step into the fourth stage of Wuxing.”

“The trail of this star-seeking beast is really hard to find. I’m afraid I can’t help Chu Xiao Daozi either.”

At this moment

On the side next to him, the silent celestial master said: “I know a little bit of arithmetic. If His Highness Daozi needs it, I can do some calculations to see if I can know the traces of this star-seeking beast.”

“Not for spiritual practice.

Chu Xiao shook his head: “I look for star hunting beasts. I don’t even need a living thing, only its blood.”

“Star-seeking beast blood?”

The Lord of the Big Dipper’s eyes brightened upon hearing this.

He opened the mouth and said: “The living creatures of the Star Seekers are hard to find. If they only need blood, there is a copy stored in the imperial court treasury.”

“If Daozi Chu Xiao needs it, I will send someone to get it.”

After that.

His face was solemn, and his mouth opened slightly, but there was no sound.

He is transmitting sound.

Not long..

In the Great Hall, Guanghua flickered slightly, and a glass bottle appeared in the hands of the Lord of the Big Dipper.

Chu Xiao’s eyes fell.

There was no one in front of the Lord of the Big Dipper in front of the line of sight.

After opening the third cave with the Divine Soul Crystal, Chu Xiao’s Divine Soul power greatly increased, and the Divine Soul Crystal blessed himself, and it was even more mysterious and extraordinary. At this moment… he can faintly perceive that there is a figure in front of the Lord of the Big Dipper!


That glass bottle was sent by him!

“After all, it is the royal family related to Sacred Land. It has a lot of background. It seems that it is a strong man with excellent concealment methods.”

Thoughts flashed.

Chu Xiao looked at the glass bottle in the hands of the Lord of the Big Dipper.

One side

The Lord of the Big Dipper seemed to have heard something. He looked at Chu Xiao more solemnly and shook his head and exclaimed: “As expected of Daozi Chu Xiao, I didn’t expect to be able to break the concealment method of my guard.”

After that.

He reached out and threw the glass bottle in his hand lightly.

The glass bottle was floating in mid-air, hanging in front of Chu Xiao.

Chu Xiao took it, opened the glass bottle, and looked into it.

At the moment of sight

What he saw was not blood, but a small starry sky with stars dotted on top.

In an instant

The illusion was shattered, and inside the glass bottle, there was just a piece of brilliant golden blood, and there were faintly flashing stars.

“This is indeed the blood of a star-seeking beast.

Chu Xiao nodded slightly, looked at the Lord of the Big Dipper, and said, “Thank you, Senior Big Dipper.”

The Lord of the Big Dipper smiled heartily and said: “If it weren’t for the sage master of Shenwu, we would still be kept in the dark about the truth of the great destruction of the ancients.”

“Now that the recovery of Taoism is approaching, it is very likely that the war will break out again. Everyone is the Warrior of Taoism. They are originally a family. I can help such a talented person like Chu Xiao Daozi. I am so relieved.

Upon hearing this, Chu Xiao’s face was a little more solemn: “Senior Beidou was righteous and even took the initiative to spread news from other places, but Chu Xiao could not receive this favor in vain.”

He groaned, and then slowly said: “I will send Sacred Land, the geniuses who will appear in the Beidou imperial house in the future will be able to enter Boundless Sacred Land.

“The outstanding ones can go to my Qiongloufeng to practice.

Hear the words.

The Lord of the Beidou Kingdom shook his eyes and said: “Does Chu Xiao Daozi really say this?”

“When I say it, it is naturally true.”

The Lord of the Big Dipper looked solemnly and seriously said: “Although the star-seeking beast is hard to find, a copy of the star-seeking beast’s blood is far less than the feedback of Daozi Chu Xiao.”

“If Daozi Chu Xiao needs something in the future, Yang Ning will definitely go there!”

“Although I can’t compare to the sacred elders of Sacred Land, I have also practiced in the Conferred King Realm for many years. I have a little combat power and can help Daozi Chu Xiao.

His tone is extremely solemn.

On the surface, what Chu Xiao gave was only an opportunity to enter Boundless Sacred Land.


The Lord of the Big Dipper himself has something to do with Ziyun Sacred Land, and he has a certain understanding of the forces of Sacred Land, so he understands how terrifying the background of Boundless Sacred Land is!

Being able to enter the boundless Sacred Land practice is even more likely to enter the main peak practice where the Taoist is located.That represents inheritance, one by one precious inheritance, but also represents resources, and enjoys inexhaustible resources for practice!

The value of this is incalculable!

Most importantly, this is a connection!

Boundless Sacred Land Daozi is willing, and disciples of the Royal Family of the North Dipper can enter Blessed Sacred Land to practice, and those who are outstanding can enter the main peak of Daozi!

In a word, it is better than thousands of strong people!

The Big Dipper country has this connection with Wuliang Sacred Land Daozi.Who would dare to make trouble in the Big Dipper country in the future?

If it makes Sacred Land not happy, then the consequences can be imagined.

Hear the solemn response from the Lord of the Big Dipper.

Chu Xiao opened his mouth and said: “Senior Beidou is a righteous person, I will naturally not be stingy.”

“The realm of Dao is revived, and the war will rise. What is needed is the warrior who has great righteousness like Senior Beidou.

After that.

He turned to say, “Since I have obtained the blood of the star-seeking beast, I won’t keep it much.”

He got up from his seat and bowed his fists.

The Lord of the Big Dipper and the old master responded earnestly.

Chu Xiao smiled slightly, did not stay too much, rejected the two people’s proposal to send him off, and turned to leave the Great Hall.

Came lightly, and left with the treasure.

Inside the Great Hall.

The Lord of the Big Dipper looked at the old celestial master who had never spoken on one side, and said: “Brother Yunfan, what do you think of this Chu Xiao Daozi.”

The old master was silent for an instant.

Finally said: “Peerless Tianjiao, the future is unlimited!”

“You communicated with him, but I didn’t pay attention, but I observed some.”

The old celestial master showed the color of memories, and said slowly: “I am proficient in the arithmetic and also have some understanding of the law of air luck. This Chu Xiao’s air luck is really amazing, and even he has become a physical object to protect himself. If someone wants It’s not good for him, I am afraid that if he has not taken any action, he will be backlashed by his luck first.”

“.. He wore a dragon-shaped bracelet on his wrist. After I carefully observed it, I found that it was actually a golden dragon with a real dragon vision. The whole body of the golden dragon was even more enchanted and mysterious.”

“In the Daozi ceremony, I haven’t seen the golden dragon, maybe this is his trip and obtained it after leaving Sacred Land.”

“This kind of character is extremely talented, and has deep luck. He is loved by the world. He is accompanied by beasts when he travels. The future is really limitless.

“If it is not for the recovery of the Dao realm, there will be many variables. If it is in the ancient times, I can even directly conclude that this Chu Xiao Daozi must be a great emperor who overwhelms the Dao realm as long as he does not turn around!”

“Just don’t know

“In this world, how far can he go.”

The Lord of the Big Dipper fell silent when he heard the narration of his friend.

After a long silence, he slowly said: “He can use the Cultivation Base in the Cultivation Base, and he can actually break the concealment method led by Xu, which is truly Transcendent.

After speaking, he sighed with emotion: “The cause of the past, the effect of today.”

“This Chu Xiao Daozi’s gaze was obviously placed after Daoyu’s recovery, and he admired our choice of taking the initiative to make the Divine Land public.,

“If it weren’t, it was just a piece of star-seeking beast blood, I’m afraid it wouldn’t be able to exchange his promise.

“My Big Dipper is able to get in touch with Wuliang Sacred Land, and I will have no worries in the future.

Quiet in the Great Hall.

Obtaining the blood of the star-seeking beast, Chu Xiao left from the imperial court, rose into the air, and flew toward the northwest!

Since he arrived in the Big Dipper, he confirmed the location of the Tomb of the King of Stars.


After obtaining the blood of the star-seeking beast, you can already open the Tomb of the Star King to get the chance!

Run all the way.

After the little Jin Jiao turned into a bracelet size, he was very well-behaved. He seemed to understand what Chu Xiao meant. When there were outsiders, he never moved. Only when he was alone with Chu Xue would he fly around him and play.

Since it leaped over the dragon gate, it has lived in that secluded pond and in that place of inheritance. It is a real house dragon. Now it follows Chu Xiao to run around the road, and every day is a new scenery, which makes it very happy. .

Go all the way.


Chu Xiao stepped into the void.

Looking down, it is a mountain with a unique shape!

Buried in Xingshan!

This burial star flashed at a glance, not a mountain shape, but a semicircle shape, like a huge Star falling from the sky and smashing to the ground.

Chu Xiao had already made an understanding when he came to the Beidou Kingdom.

Rumor has it that the Star Burial Mountain is also mysterious, and all the stars that fall from the sky will be absorbed.

For a long time, many Warriors have come to Burying Xingshan to explore, but they have never found anything and returned without success.

The sky has been dark since the Emperor of the Big Dipper came to this burial mountain.

Today is a clear and fine weather, the night sky is densely covered with stars, and it hangs high for a round and a half.

Chu Xiao descended to Burying Xing Mountain.

His gaze swept around, and then took out the glass bottle.

At his wrist, Jin Jiao watched this scene curiously.

Without any hesitation.

Chu Xiao opened the glass bottle and sprinkled it on the ground.

The blood drop of the star-seeking beast (Nuo Li’s) inside fell on the Burying Star Mountain.

at this moment

Chu Xiao’s mind moved slightly, and the star-catching method worked!

To open the Tomb of the Star King, you need to use the blood of the star-seeking beast as a guide, supplemented by special techniques!

This is the information in the chance card!

The special magic trick refers to the magic trick that can arouse the power of Star!

Chu Xiao practiced the method of picking stars, mobilizing the power of the star, and naturally there is no hindrance to him.

at this moment!

The star-picking method operates, and there are stars descending from the sky, traversing the sky and the earth, directly falling on the star-buying mountain, and falling on the blood of the star-seeking beast!

The blood of the star-seeking beast gleamed, and a series of visions were revealed!

Use the blood of the star-seeking beast as a guide, supplemented by a special technique to open the Tomb of the Star King!

As Chu Lei made the cut and buried Xingshan, a deafening roar suddenly sounded!

That voice resounded through the world, echoing far away!

Burying Xing Mountain is like waking up from a deep sleep, with bright brilliance flashing on the mountain, and finally at the top of Burying Xing Mountain, in front of Chu Xiao, it forms a gateway.

Looking at the door, Chu Xiao stepped into it without hesitation.

After he entered it.

The portal dissipated, the high-altitude stars disappeared, and the Buried Xingshan Mountain returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.


The movement just now is really amazing.

Now in Beidou, many Warriors have rushed here because of the news from the celestial master.

Buried Xingshan has always been famous for its mysticism, and now whenever there is a change, it immediately attracts many Warriors who are investigating around it.


Streams of light fluttered and flew over here, looking at the calm of Buried Xingshan Mountain, with different expressions.

“Brother, could it be that the mysterious place that the heavenly master said is this Buried Star Mountain?”

A crisp sound rang in midair.

The speaker was dressed in a purple dress with a nice face. He was a disciple of Ziyun Sacred Land.

Not far from her side.

A man with a serious face stood in mid-air.

“This Buried Xingshan Mountain did have a miraculous appearance just now, but it disappeared in an instant, there is no way to be sure.”

“I heard the Warrior of the Big Dipper State once said that there are often miraculous appearances in Burial Xingshan, maybe this is only one of them.”

If Chu Xiao were here, he would definitely be able to recognize the speaker’s identity!

It was Wu Zheng who was born in Ziyun Sacred Land and met him!

Wu Feng changed from Chu Xiao’s hands to the Heavenly Cave Divine Fruit, and now he has clearly broken through to the Heavenly Cave Realm.

He was born in Ziyun Sacred Land, and Ziyun Sacred Land has a connection with the Big Dipper, so he came here early to get a chance.

For a time

Outside the Buried Xingshan Mountain, because of the amazing vision that had just been revealed, there were silhouettes rushing to gather here, and noisy discussions suddenly sounded.

at the same time.

While Guanghua flickered, Chu Xiao had already arrived at the other side of the inner world.

The update of 4D Start will resume tomorrow!.

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