Chapter 1139 Attracted everyone’s attention!

After a while, Qiao Ling opened her eyes slowly, but her eyes were stained with sad emotions.

Several people were startled by Qiao Ling’s solemn expressions, and their hearts tightened.

Ouyang Xue couldn’t wait to ask: “Sister Qiao Ling, what happened to Chu Lei?”

Monk Ouyang Jian also leaned forward, looking at Qiao Ling nervously.

Qiao Ling exhaled deeply, greeted the eagerly anticipated eyes of everyone on “Sixty-seven”, and slowly said, “Brother Chu’s meridians are all damaged, and the internal strength is severely depleted, which is a sign of exhaustion. ”

Fang Cai Qiao Ling is really using the unique spells of Yaowanggu, inputting her own internal force into Chu Xiao’s body, wandering through the various meridians of Chu Xiao’s body, and probing the true condition of Chu Xiao’s body at the moment.

“The state of exhaustion!?” When Qiao Ling said so, everyone was shocked. The meridians of this cultivator are the foundation of cultivation. If they are exhausted, how can they practice cultivation?

Moreover, the exhaustion of this meridian is not an ordinary injury, it is not an ordinary medicine stone that can be cured.

Come to think of it, Chu Xiao has been mobilizing his internal strength to resist the strength of the yellow spring, sea and sea, and was injured by the tiger shark monster.

“Such like this, but how is it good?” Ouyang Jian’s eyes are full of anxiety. If all the meridians in his body are exhausted, even if Chu Xiao wakes up, he will become an ordinary person and can no longer continue to practice. Way off.

That would be a big blow to such a cultivator who has just broken through his own realm.

Ouyang Jian and others are anxious and do not know what to do.

He even wanted to put his Cultivation Base into Chu Xiao’s body, trying to awaken Chu Xiao.

However, Qiao Ling stopped him.

Because this is all in vain, Chu Xiao’s meridians have been exhausted at this moment, and it is useless no matter how much water is irrigated, if the trees are already dead.

And then Ouyang Xue dragged a pile of pills from her Universe Bag and piled them in front of Qiao Ling, “Sister Qiao, look, these are all the pills given by the elders in my family before I go out, is there any cure? Chu Xiao’s?”

Qiao Ling looked at the medicinal pills. They were just ordinary medicinal medicinal pills. The best medicinal pill was only a third-rank low-level medicinal pill that supplemented Yijiazi’s power. The injury has an excellent effect.

However, for injuries like Chu Xiao, it won’t do anything at all.

Qiao Ling shook her head towards Ouyang Xue and sighed, “Sister Xue, these medicines are not very useful for Chu Xiao’s injury. You should keep them in case you need them.”

Just when everyone is at a loss,

“Sister Qiao Ling, do you think this pill can be useful?” After Chu Xiao’s internal strength was exhausted, Shang Ruyi did not hesitate to take out a little finger-sized pill from the close-to-the-world bag. Pass it to Qiao Ling.

That pill, although not big, it caught everyone’s attention as soon as it was taken out of the still-ruy universe bag.

I saw that the surface of this small pill was shining with a faint 1.8 golden light, which was very different from the pile of pill in Ouyang Xue’s hand just now.

The elixir in this world is practiced by various schools and schools with their own magic weapons. However, the elixir made by each school is restricted by the Cultivation Base, naturally there are three, six or nine grades.

Of course, the advanced cultivator of Cultivation Base, the higher the level of refinery treasures and materials used, the higher the level of the refined medicine, and the more rare it is naturally. .

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