Chapter 1011 Powerful means, act in advance!

Several people all turned into ice sculptures at this moment.

And now there is no breath anymore.

If someone feels it here, he might not think that they are made by human beings.

This situation became a little weird.

The surrounding wind and snow are still continuing, at this moment, no one can make any more movement.

On Chu Xiao’s side, facing this Bai Ze, it is really not that good to deal with it.

Fortunately, I can handle it.

Otherwise, this matter is really not easy to say.

The situation is like this, and he has no other way.

Things at this time have become even more unacceptable.

And I also knew that with Bai Ze’s anger, it became a little difficult for him.

But he was not discouraged at this time.

It’s very clear that this matter, you definitely don’t need to think about it too much.

The situation is already like this, if you can’t accept it, it will definitely be very bad.

I didn’t think too much, and felt that this kind of thing was quite normal.

The matter is already like this, so I won’t think about it for the time being.

Looking at Bai Ze in front of him, Chu Xiao also knew that he must find a solution as soon as possible.

However, it seems that there is no such good way.

Apart from this, I don’t even know what method should be used to solve it.

In fact, when he came here, he didn’t know how to deal with this guy.

Now I can only find it slowly on my own.

Fortunately, his strength can still face such a situation.

If not, things may be worse than they are now.

However, if this situation did not occur, I was still able to accept it.

Apart from this point, there will be no other ideas.

Judging from this matter, there is even no need to entangle too much.

If you go there so much, this matter will really turn out to be very bad.

The situation is already like this, thinking so much, it’s really useless.

In any case, he must be extra careful here.

Because it is very clear that this guy cannot be dealt with so easily, nor can it be solved so easily.

He knows this very well, and he also knows that this kind of thing is more dangerous.

I also know what my situation is like.

But it is exactly like this, he is going to be more vigorous than before.

Only in this way, オ will not get hurt on the opponent’s hand so quickly.

If you are injured like this, the outcome of this matter may be doomed.

He didn’t want such a thing to happen.

And I don’t want to be so aggrieved.

So of course, be more careful than ever.

Even in this situation, he can’t be distracted.

Once there is a pause and the opponent finds a chance, it will definitely be a miserable end.

I still know this, and I know that this matter will not be so easy.

You don’t have to think about what will happen afterwards.

At least I can accept this development of the situation.

If it reaches a point where it is unacceptable, it seems that there is no need to resist.

But there is no such situation, as long as there is a chance, he cannot give up.

After thinking of this, I was completely determined in my heart.

Regarding this matter, I really don’t think about it anymore.

If you think about it so much, it might get very bad.

Apart from this, there will not even be other ideas.

He knows very well that this matter is still relatively dangerous.

So in this danger, of course, he must be more careful than before.

No matter what, he must ensure his safety.

If there is really too much danger, then he can’t bear it here, and it is estimated that he can only die here.

He definitely didn’t want to see such a result, and he also believed that several other people didn’t want to see it either.

If this is the case, then there is really no need to say more.

Anyway, this time has come. Here, I haven’t been able to find a way yet.

I’m not sure if I can solve this guy.

But he also wants to try it, or he has to try it.

Otherwise, there is really nothing to say.

In the current situation, I don’t think about it so much anymore.

Now that this is the case, then, in the future, it must be more serious to find a way.

Take a look at the other party’s weaknesses. After such a discovery, it will definitely be easier.

After thinking it over, the smile on his face also increased.

In any case, he can still accept the situation at this time.

Although I know that the other party is angry, I still seem to be able to accept it.

In this way, Chu Xiao’s heart has added a bit of confidence.

There is no other way, and indeed it can only be maintained in this state now.

If you want something too good, it may not happen.

There will be nothing to help you get yourself.

Then all of this is on your own.

And if he can defeat this guy and solve it, of course it is a good thing.

Maybe he will be able to fully understand the situation here.

This storm’s eye will be able to understand clearly.

Of course he hopes he can be like this.

But he also knows that this matter is still very difficult.

If you want to do this, it really won’t be that easy.

Maybe you will be more dangerous if you wait a while.

Maybe the other party hasn’t really made a move yet, and there will be more powerful means.

He has completely thought about things like this now, and he also knows that there will be such a situation.

And this is not impossible.

At this time, of course he has to be more careful than before.

Otherwise, there really is nothing (Li Zhao Zhao) to say.

The situation at this time is like this, no matter what, it is necessary to deal with it.

But the look of the other party seemed to be a little sarcasm.

He didn’t pay attention to this, because this is also relatively normal.

But I don’t know what happened to the other people, so Chu Xiao took a moment to look behind him.

But after seeing the situation behind him, his face suddenly became difficult to look.

He can now see that all of them are now ice sculptures!

In this way, without even thinking about it, you know that this is Bai Ze’s handwriting.

If it weren’t for this guy, there would be no other existence at all.

Because there was no reaction at all in his previous feelings.

In this way, it can indeed be completely determined.

Then he turned his head and looked at Bai Ze in front of him, with anger rising in his eyes!

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