Chapter 1002 Seeking victory, the odds are small!

Chu Xiao still felt that this matter was a bit troublesome at this time.

But there is no way.

I feel a little difficult in my heart.

If you really want to find a way, it will definitely not be so easy.

So he also knows such things, knowing that this situation is also somewhat dangerous.

If he is not a little dangerous here, then other people can only die here.

If he really wants to find a way to get out of here, it’s not impossible.

It’s just that he doesn’t have this idea.

In this way, you really don’t need to think about other things.

No matter what, there is no need to think about it too much.

The situation is like this, there really is no need to think about it again.

Because I have already thought very clearly in my heart.

And if I think so much about this aspect, it’s really worse.

So now I won’t think about it anymore, and I won’t worry about it anymore.

If you worry about this aspect again, maybe you feel that something is not good.

And I will feel a little bad after a while.

After all, after so long, he really didn’t find any shortcomings.

This guy did not use any other means.

In this way, there is no need to think about this matter anymore.

No matter what, he also accepted 573 such things frankly.

Although he is a bit dangerous now, he doesn’t think too much.

It seems that this matter is still somewhat difficult to handle.

If you really want to solve it completely, you have to say, this is a trouble, a big trouble!

But there is no other way, he really can only do this.

If this guy is not resolved, the other people may not be able to resolve it.

Maybe you will be in great danger if you wait a while.

Now I don’t think about it anymore.

No matter what, this matter can only be accepted by himself.

If you think about it too much, you may have a big impact on yourself.

He didn’t want to have such a thing.

At this time, I don’t want to think about other things.

After all, it is difficult for me to solve it here, and it will be even more difficult if I think about it so much.

So it must be impossible to think about this matter, and can no longer think about this aspect.

After thinking of this in my heart, I completely let it go.

In fact, he can accept this kind of time and can bear it.

But later, if it is more dangerous, what other means this guy has, it might be a little bit more.

However, he also knew that in this matter, he really had to rely on himself.

Because it may not be used at other times.

But now I can only do it myself to solve such a thing.

In his opinion, such a situation is still quite bad, and it can’t be solved at all at once.

And there won’t be a solution so quickly.

Because in these few rounds, in this period of time, he has not been able to see any good solutions.

Bai Ze didn’t seem to give himself a chance to find a flaw.

In this way, you can only see if there is any chance in the future.

If there is really no way, then it is really up to you.

No matter what, he couldn’t accept that he would be swallowed by Bai Ze.

After all, if this is the case, then he might as well let this guy peel off his skin even after death.

At this point, I have completely thought about it, and I won’t think about the next thing again.

If you think about it so much, you might feel bad.

The development of the matter has exceeded my previous imagination.

The strength of this guy is really strong, so strong that he is almost unable to accept it.

I have to say that this matter is really not that simple.

If it can’t be solved, then he doesn’t know how to solve it.

What’s more, there is nothing they can do, and nothing can be done by themselves.

There is no way, then maybe they can only die here.

Although it is very possible, he still wants to give it a try.


If it is really successful, of course it is still the best.

Because it is not impossible, he will definitely not give up.

Even if it is a bit difficult now, he doesn’t want to worry about other things.

I feel that I must be able to handle such things here.

If you can’t handle it, then you will be really dangerous. Maybe you are the first to die.

As for what will happen in the future, you don’t have to think so much now.

Anyway, I don’t know what to say.

If you really have a problem here, then it’s useless to ask others to come.

So he also knows that he must maintain his current state here and cannot be injured.

オ is just the beginning, this situation cannot happen.

If this happens, none of them will be saved.

Maybe he can’t solve this Bai Ze.

Now it seems that I still have a certain chance, although the chance is not very high.

But if there is a chance, he also wants to try it.

Even if it doesn’t work, you have to try it before you know it.

If he hasn’t tried it, of course he doesn’t believe in such a thing.

At this time, it was such a mentality, and I didn’t think about it so much anymore.

I don’t have any other ideas here, some are just thinking about how to solve this guy.

When such a thing happened, I didn’t want it, and I didn’t expect it to develop into this way.

But who would have thought that such a thing would still happen, or that such a situation would still happen.

In any case, I don’t want to entangle too much next.

If I struggled so much here, it seems a bit uncomfortable.

What’s more, if you think too much under this situation, it is also very dangerous.

He doesn’t want to have a problem if he is not careful.

This is the situation at this time, just be careful.

No matter what happens later, there will be no big problems according to him being so careful.

This point, Chu Xiao’s heart can be affirmed.

Then, for sure, you have to let yourself behave.

During this period of time, he could also feel the power of Bai Ze, really strong!

Not only that, but his own attack obviously didn’t have much effect.

This also means that the defense is also very strong.

In this case, his opponent this time is really difficult to deal with.

He had known this before.

So what happens next, I definitely can’t have other ideas, think about other things.

He is thinking about how to solve this guy now!

The other party wanted to eat himself, then he thought, how to kill this Bai Ze!

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