Ye Tian and his two companions stood in front of the square, in front of them were thousands of disciples from the Hongmeng Holy Land.

Their cultivation levels were uneven, almost all of them were disciples in the Qi training and foundation building stage, and there were also disciples in the cave in the distant mountains who looked up.

They had felt a stream of light returning to the holy land before disappearing.

Then they saw Ye Tian and his companions returning with the great elder, along with a huge black tortoise that exuded a terrifying aura.

The great elder went straight to the depths of the holy land without saying a word, which made everyone shocked and suspicious, not knowing what was going on.

But they instinctively felt that something was wrong, as if a storm was brewing.……

""Son, what happened?"

A voice came out, and countless disciples looked at Ye Tian with burning eyes.

Now all the elders had not shown up, and only Ye Tian had the highest status.

So as soon as they opened their mouths, they asked their doubts.

"I just felt the breath of the Holy Lord's return, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye. Did something big happen?"

There are smart people among these disciples who guessed something.

"Did the Holy Lord get injured in the Qinghuang Secret Realm?"

"Maybe! If the Holy Lord is injured, the Hongmeng Holy Land may be coveted by other holy lands, which would be dangerous!"

"Oh my god! Doesn't that mean we are all in danger of life and death?……"

Ye Tian didn't expect that they would get straight to the point when they spoke, leaving him no room for thought.

Listening to the voices of these disciples discussing, they were getting louder and louder.

Gradually, a violent and panicked aura emanated from them, and they were about to panic.

Many of the timid disciples had already felt weak in the knees and wanted to escape.

Ye Tian knew that he couldn't let these disciples speculate recklessly, otherwise people would be confused, and before the enemy arrived, the Hongmeng Holy Land would collapse first.


Ye Tian watched countless disciples begin to scatter, and he immediately made up his mind.

As he spoke, the spiritual power in his body surged, making his voice sound like thunder, resounding in every disciple's mind and echoing throughout the Hongmeng Holy Land.

"The Holy Lord and the elders all have important things to do, so we disciples, please be patient!"

He did not try to deceive these disciples, because even if he found an excuse to evade them, he would first calm everyone down.

As long as the enemy attacked, the lie would be broken, and it would be even more troublesome.

So Ye Tian spoke frankly.

"We are back, representing the Hongmeng Holy Land, and two major events are happening."

"First, the crisis of Hongmeng Holy Land is approaching, and we need to work together to overcome the difficulties!"

"Second, the opportunity of Hongmeng Holy Land is coming!"

"The battle of the Holy Ruins caused great damage to the vitality of other sects, and the number of geniuses was broken! As long as we survive this disaster, the Hongmeng Holy Land will soar to the sky and surpass all the sects in the Hundred Battles Domain!"

Ye Tian's voice was loud, making sure that everyone could hear it clearly.

As soon as the voice fell, countless disciples' expressions became complicated and suspicious, and the discussion started again.

Not long after, someone's voice came out, trembling slightly.

"Is the Holy Land in danger? The Lord and the elders have not shown up, how can we survive?"

"Holy Son, you can't fool us! It's great that you came back alive from the Battle of the Holy Ruins. How could you possibly cause serious damage to other sects?"

"When you entered, you were only at the Foundation Establishment stage, and the other side's disciples were at least at the Cave Heaven Realm.……"

Knowing that the crisis was about to come, they did not care about the difference in status and started to question.

Ten years ago, in the battle of the Holy Ruins, hundreds of Tianjiao died!

This has shocked countless disciples of the Hongmeng Holy Land. Ye Tian and the other two were extremely lucky to be able to come back. How could it be possible that they had a Tianjiao gap?

There were more than a dozen sects, thousands of Tianjiao together, and the ten great sequence sons!

Each of them was a young supreme being who could kill Ye Tian and the other two in seconds!

They did not believe it and became even more panicked.

The scene inevitably began to get out of control.

""Everyone, shut up!"

Ye Tian frowned and shouted, knowing that there were so many people that he couldn't calm them down with words.

So his face became solemn, and his aura soared.

His cold voice came out faintly:

"A mere genius in the Cave Heaven Realm is like an ant to me!"

As his aura exploded, nine cave heavens slowly emerged behind him, like nine huge black holes, stretching across the sky above the square.

It emitted a terrifying devouring force, and there was a faint emission of attribute power.

This made Ye Tian's aura as powerful as a rainbow, with a faint strength beyond the Cave

Heaven Realm! This shocked all the disciples:"The Holy Son actually crossed an entire realm in the Holy Ruins?"

"Amazing talent and incredible strength!"

"But even so, it is impossible to kill nearly a thousand geniuses, right?"

Many disciples, both men and women, looked at Ye Tian with doubt, waiting for his answer.

However, before Ye Tian made any move, Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu looked at each other, and their spiritual power burst out, and a spiritual power light curtain formed when they waved their hands.

This is a secret method they have, which can temporarily present some pictures.

Suddenly, on the light curtain, scenes emerged, which were scenes of Ye Tian powerfully killing enemies in the Holy Ruins.

"Break the killing formation with one sword and annihilate the remnants of the Fu family!"

"Ambush in the bushes, killing the genius in the medicine garden!"

"Collapse of the small world, killing the tenth sequence!"

"The geniuses from various sects surrounded and killed Ye Tian, but he killed hundreds of them with just one sword!"

"The sea of blood is surging, and the huge mountain of thunder is killing the young supreme!"

"Fight against evil corpses, collect holy beasts, and invite powerful people in Nirvana to die!"


All the scenes were presented in front of all the disciples of Hongmeng Holy Land. Ye Tian's invincible figure was like a god coming to the world, killing all enemies.

No one survived wherever he passed!

The scenes on the spiritual light screen made them feel as if they were there, and they could feel the horror and crisis, as well as Ye Tian's outrageous figure.

In their inner shock, their eyes looking at Ye Tian had changed, and they began to believe that he really killed so many enemies.

The grief of ten years ago was recreated, allowing other sects to feel the grief and weeping of the gap between the Tianjiao and Tianjiao!

At this time.

Ye Tian ignored everyone and walked directly to the front of the square. There was a hundred-foot open space.


The Supreme Realm swung out the pure and sharp spiritual power in his body, and directly transformed into countless divine lights, standing on the distant giant mountain, breaking countless rocks.

Then Ye Tian stretched out his hand and waved, and with a roar, the spiritual power and divine light roared.

Those rocks were cut into the shape of stone tablets, and fell to the ground with a bang.

More than a hundred stone tablets appeared in front of everyone.

As they became more and more surprised, Ye Tian spoke in a deep voice with a solemn and sad intention.

"Ten years ago, in the battle of the Holy Ruins, hundreds of Hongmeng geniuses died"

"Ten years later, the disciple Ye Tian returns to avenge his hundreds of fellow brothers and sisters!"

"During the trip to the Holy Ruins, a total of 1,000 disciples of the ten great sects were killed! Seven young supreme beings were killed!"

"In addition, the great elders of Daoyi Holy Land, Wuliang Holy Land and other four great Nirvana Realm masters were killed!"

Ye Tian's voice was cold, as if shouting out endless murderous intent:

"At the cost of the lives of 1,111 people!"

""Build a tomb to see off the hundred Hongmeng geniuses!"

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