As Ye Tian was talking, he took the two girls and hid behind a giant tree. The weeds here were so dense that they could hide their bodies.

Looking around, there were shadowy figures standing in several directions.

The disciples of Wuliang Holy Land were the most numerous, a total of fifteen people, gathered together with murderous faces and aggressive.

The other Taoist disciples stood in groups of three or two, confronting them.

Among them, there were three disciples of Daoyi Holy Land, standing in front of a cave, staring at everyone with a covetous look.

"This place of opportunity was first discovered by my Daoyi Holy Land!"

"You are coming here with such force, are you here to rob me?"

Their white robes were stained with blood, and it was obvious that they had fought hard and won the opportunity but were discovered by someone.

This created a situation where a group of people wanted to rob me.

After the disciple of Daoyi Holy Land spoke, someone immediately ridiculed him,"All opportunities in the Holy Ruins are ownerless. Whoever discovers it first gets it?"

"Isn't it true that whoever has the stronger fist gets the opportunity?"

The disciples of Wuliang Holy Land sneered,"This opportunity is filled with the fragrance of medicine. Maybe it is the medicine garden left by the saint!"

"There must be natural treasures and even holy medicines in it. How could it be monopolized by you!"

As soon as they spoke, the eyes of other disciples lit up.

The Saint's Medicine Garden is a heaven-defying existence.

At the very least, it should be holy medicines that can revive the dead. If you get one, it is simply a life-saving trump card!

This opportunity cave looks brand new, obviously it has just appeared.

It has not been developed by anyone.

Even if the herbs in it have lost most of their medicinal properties over time, they are still rare precious medicines!

"Either we divide it equally, or we from Wuliang Holy Land will use our numbers to grab it openly!"

The disciples of Wuliang Holy Land joked and took a step forward.

The other disciples of the other sects frowned and stepped forward, not wanting to miss this great opportunity.

The scene suddenly became tense!

"It turns out that these sects are not in harmony with each other and often fight each other."

Ye Tian narrowed his eyes and thought in his mind whether to wait until they are both defeated before taking action to harvest.

It should save a lot of effort by then.

But he glanced at the small red dot on the jade slip and found that the son of the tenth sequence was not far away.

He would probably arrive in half a day!

"Can't wait any longer."

Ye Tian signaled Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu to hide:"Look at my instructions, when it's time to attack, let go and fight!"

The two women nodded, and Ye Tian disappeared directly on the spot.

He stepped out from another direction, without concealing his breath, and walked forward lightly.

"It's quite lively."

As soon as he opened his mouth, the originally noisy and tense atmosphere in front of the cave suddenly stagnated.

Dozens of people looked at him with unfriendly faces, thinking that another wave of people came to snatch the opportunity.

After seeing Ye Tian clearly, they were all stunned.

The disciples of Wuliang Holy Land were the first to laugh:"Who did I think it was? It turned out to be the garbage from Hongmeng Holy Land!"

"What? You want to grab this opportunity too?"

"Look at your own strength, the seventh level of foundation building? Even my junior brother has a higher cultivation than you, and he can be killed with a slap!"

The people from other sects also came back to their senses at this time, looking at Ye Tian with strange expressions.

"Get out of here now, or I’ll kill you first to establish my authority!"

"The place of opportunity discovered by my Daoyi Holy Land will never be touched by your Hongmeng Holy Land, even if we have to share it equally with everyone!"

"If you don't get out of here, I'll make you shed blood here like those geniuses ten years ago!"

Voices full of murderous intent and disdain sounded one after another. No one took action at this time, fearing that someone would take the opportunity to sneak into the cave and take away the opportunity.

Ye Tianlong walked in a tiger step, walked to the front of the crowd, stopped, and glanced at these disciples.

Looking at the disciples of Wuliang Holy Land, his face was full of coldness.

"You are the only few alive in Wuliang Holy Land, and you are still showing off here?"

The disciples were slightly stunned, staring at Ye Tian angrily and were about to speak.

Suddenly, a disciple took out a jade slip and looked at it, and was immediately shocked:"Senior Brother Zhang Quanxun's position is all gone!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked!

There are only two results of the disappearance of the position, one is to withdraw from the Holy Ruins and voluntarily give up the opportunity; the other is to encounter an accident and die directly!

The disciples who dare to enter the Holy Ruins will naturally not give up the resources voluntarily.

Then there is only death!

"Senior Brother Zhang Quanxun is considered to be at the top level in the outer area of the Holy Ruins. How could he be killed?"

Amid the shock of the disciples of Wuliang Holy Land, the disciples of other sects also took out their own jade slips to check and found that many disciples had also disappeared.

So, everyone looked at Ye Tian with surprise and suspicion.

"You killed them?"

"How is this possible? Senior Brother Zhang Quanxun can kill him with just one palm at the seventh level of foundation building!"

Amidst everyone's doubts and speculations, Ye Tian had already seen their strength clearly.

Twenty people at the peak of the ninth level of foundation building!

Ten people at the first level of cave heaven realm!

Three people at the third level of cave heaven realm!

A total of thirty-three people, all of them are the genius disciples of the major sects.

If these people stand together, even if a ninth level cave heaven realm expert wants to kill them all, they will get hurt.

After all, many ants bite elephants to death. Among these people, there are more than a dozen early cave heaven realm experts!

Although Ye Tian can kill this group of people even if he gets hurt, he still has to save his strength to face the tenth sequence!


"Taunting Pill!"

Ye Tian chose the shortcut without hesitation and swallowed the pill.

"Taunting Pill: After taking it, you will have the power of taunting Taoism, and can taunt cultivators below the Cave Heaven Realm, reducing their strength by 50%!"

"Taunting a cultivator above the Cave Heaven Realm can reduce his strength by 30%!"

This pill was a reward Ye Tian received when he reached the top of the Enlightenment Pavilion. Its effect can be said to be amazing.

Simply reducing the enemy's strength by half or 30% is equivalent to being invincible!

The most important thing is: it can attack in groups!

And Ye Tian also wanted to try whether killing these people with drugs would trigger the system's achievement task reward.

After feeling the power of the pill activated, Ye Tian raised his head slightly, with a hint of teasing at the corner of his mouth

"Who said he could kill me with one palm?"

Ye Tian waved his hand and stood there, looking around with a disdainful look.

"A bunch of rubbish, I'll stand here and see who can kill me!"

After opening their mouths to mock, the disciples of Wuliang Holy Land were already furious, and they hesitated for a moment before swinging their swords.

The divine light on their bodies surged, and the might of more than a dozen people mixed together, emitting a blazing and dazzling divine light.

Sweeping towards Ye Tian.

At this time, Ye Tian spoke again

"I am not targeting the Wuliang Holy Land only;……"

"Everybody here is garbage!"

""If you don't accept it, come and kill me!"

These three sentences directly ignited the anger of everyone.

They put aside their hostility when they looked at each other, and instantly shared the same hatred for the enemy. The aura on their bodies soared into the sky, and they collectively killed Ye Tian.


At this time, Ye Tian felt that the mocking pill was activated by himself, and it spread out with his voice.


An invisible wave instantly covered the thirty-three disciples in front of him, causing them to tremble all over. Their faces were immediately filled with horror:"How could my strength suddenly drop so sharply that I can only exert half of my combat power!"

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