Outside the Holy Ruins.

On the top of the mountain, a group of powerful people gathered.

The elders of the major sects stood together, looking at the Holy Ruins, with great expectations in their eyes.

"I wonder which disciple will be at the top of the ranking this time!"

"The depths of the Holy Ruins are extremely mysterious, with dangers and opportunities everywhere. Who knows who will surpass whom?"

"Those geniuses gained a lot from it, but no one has ever found the saint's inheritance... Does it really exist?"

"Perhaps the previous disciples were not talented enough or lucky enough!"

Several elders were talking and guessing.

"This time, in addition to the geniuses who are in seclusion to break through to a new realm, all the true disciples of the major sects are present. Someone will definitely get the chance to become a saint!"

"It is not easy to obtain the inheritance of a saint. Opportunity, luck and strength are all indispensable!"

The elder of Wuliang Holy Land had a subtle look on his face:"Perhaps, in this battle, a genius will be able to obtain the inheritance of a saint!"

The elder of Daoyi Holy Land smiled faintly and said:"Yes, Wuliang Holy Land and Daoyi Holy Land specially sent their saints and saints here this time, just to sweep away all the geniuses and seize the opportunity!"

Zhan Dynasty also said:"If the prince of our dynasty takes action, he will definitely be at the top of the list!"

The elder of the Beast King Clan said in a deep voice:"The young supreme of our clan is bound to reach the top!"

The elders stood facing each other, all determined to win for their young geniuses.

After they talked and laughed for a long time, they said with a joking look:

"Anyway, I'm afraid that this opportunity will not be available to Hongmeng Holy Land, haha."

The Great Elder of Hongmeng Holy Land stood alone in the distance.

His old voice came out with a hint of meaning:"Maybe, I will give you a surprise this time!" As soon as he finished speaking, the faces of the elders changed slightly.

But they returned to normal in an instant, and they were even more playful.

"A total of three disciples have come from the Hongmeng Holy Land, all of them are at the fifth level of foundation building. I’m afraid they won’t be able to walk even a hundred miles outside the periphery, otherwise they will be in life-and-death crisis!"

"If you don’t have the talent, even if you, Hongmeng Holy Land, devote all your efforts to training you, it’s hopeless!"

The Great Elder of Hongmeng Holy Land smiled faintly,"Perhaps they will all die tragically, or perhaps, they will slaughter all the geniuses of your sect!"

"Who can tell the truth about worldly affairs?"

After that, he stopped talking.

The other elders were stunned and confused.

Are these people from Hongmeng Holy Land crazy? Do they really think that a mere fifth-level foundation-building disciple can sweep across the Holy Ruins?

Any of the ten sons of the ten sequences can kill Ye Tian!

The atmosphere became weird for a while.


At the same time, in the Holy Ruins, a hundred miles outside,

Ye Tian and his companions were indeed facing a crisis, because after the Fu family members appeared, they sat cross-legged without saying a word.

""Killing array, start!"

A solemn voice came from more than a dozen people. They were filled with hatred and murderous intent, and directly activated the family killing array that had been set up for a long time!

Everyone was stained with blood, and their cultivation was at the eighth or ninth level of the foundation building. They were the geniuses of the Fu family who had escaped by chance. They stacked up layer after layer of killing array, and almost used up all the natural treasures before blocking the four directions.

As the array patterns rose, countless killing weapons appeared and slashed towards Ye Tian!


The Fu family fought back to the water, and the killing array came out.

With the intention of moving forward bravely, they approached Ye Tian in an instant.


Ye Tian waved his magic weapon indifferently, and said sideways:"You retreat."

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu immediately stepped back a few steps and left the range of the formation.

Only Ye Tian was left standing tall, with formation patterns crisscrossing around him, and his might was intimidating.

""Seven-colored destiny, cut!"

As the sword was swung out, the meaning of the supreme realm instantly spread, and the ultimate power burst out from the embryonic form of the Hongmeng divine body, causing countless divine brilliance to burst out around him, like a sword immortal coming to the world.

The sword light appeared, and the figure appeared!

Ye Tian moved like a ghost.

In a breath, he slashed out nine swords, as if a sky full of sword light exploded from his hands.


The extreme and sharp power burst out, directly crushing all the attacking arrays!

The magic weapon Seven Colors Destiny Sword, with Ye Tian's killing intention, descended instantly!

"Even if the killing array is superimposed, your cultivation is only at the peak of foundation building, so what is there to fear?"

He spoke coldly, and cut through all the array patterns with one sword, bombarding the array and trembling, almost collapsing.

"Didn’t he just establish his foundation yesterday? How could he be so strong!"

"In just one day, he actually broke through to the fifth level of foundation building? That can't be so terrifying!"

"No matter what, we must kill Ye Tian today and avenge our hatred!"

More than a dozen Fu family members burst into cultivation, forming a surge of spiritual power, causing Ye Tian to pause slightly.

In their anger, they directly caused all the killing arrays to collapse, bursting out with power comparable to the Cave Heaven Realm, condensing a powerful attack, and blasting Ye Tian to death.

""Come on!"

Ye Tian shouted, and in front of everyone, he put away his magic sword.

He stood with bare hands.

This made the Fu family members look happy in their daze:"He wants to deal with us with bare hands? He is looking for death!"

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu smiled.

Ye Tian's voice reached their ears:"Watch out, the power of the Dou word secret!"

He wanted to use these people from the Fu family as a whetstone to test the power of the Dou word secret, and at the same time let the two women feel the power of this ancient scripture of the great emperor to speed up the breakthrough!


As Ye Tian opened his mouth, the Douzi Secret Ancient Scripture on his body was directly activated, and the power of the Great Dao instantly flowed through his body to his limbs and bones.

There was a domineering and powerful force that filled his meridians.

Ye Tian only felt that he was full of power, and his every move was accompanied by divine light, evolving into countless phantoms.

It was as if a scene in the ancient battlefield was reappearing, and he was like a god of war, looking down on everyone!


Ye Tian attacked like a mad dragon, his speed was so fast that he left a trace of afterimage.

Wherever he passed, even the ground was filled with endless gravel.

One punch!

More than a dozen people from the Fu family couldn't even stop Ye Tian's attack.

Under the iron fist blessed by the Dou character secret, they vomited blood and flew backwards.

Ye Tian took advantage of the situation to chase, and the Dou character secret was raised to the extreme, as if countless phantoms were evolving murderous techniques in his mind. Every move he made contained the rhyme of Tao!

Unparalleled divine power, domineering and terrifying!

"Bang, bang, bang!"

No one in the Fu family could compete with Ye Tian.

With miserable screams, they were all killed!

Ye Tian didn't even have the interest to interrogate them. He killed every one of the Fu family members and turned this place into a Shura field.

The ground was covered with blood and murderous horror!

"Fu family, annihilate the whole clan!"

Ye Tian stepped back, and the light of the Douzi Secret Ancient Scripture on his body slowly faded. There was surprise on his face. It was his first time to perform the Douzi Secret, and he was like a fish in water.

There was no trace of shackles, as if it was suitable for him!

"Just now it was just pure physical strength. If he added the Hongmeng Divine Body and the Supreme Realm, and used the Nine Changes of the Spirit King to increase his combat power, he would probably be able to fight against a strong man in the Ninth Layer of the Cave Heaven Realm!"

Now, even if he encounters a strong man like Fu Jiuxuan, he can still fight him even without taking drugs.

This is the ancient scripture of the Great Emperor, and this is the transformation of his strength brought to him by the Douzi Secret!

"Look, the blood is seeping into the ground……"

Ji Ziyan suddenly exclaimed, and the three of them looked over and their faces changed.

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