Fu Tianyu's sword intent was roaring. After he was promoted to the holy body, he looked even sharper than a sword drawn from its sheath.

As he spoke, he jumped onto the gambling platform and looked at Ye Tian with disdain.

"Today I will suppress you with my invincible strength!"

"The position of the Holy Son is mine, and the opportunity to enter the Dragon Vein and cleanse the marrow is also mine!"

With full confidence on his face, he looked at a distant place and nodded slightly.

There, there was an old man with a smile in his eyes.

He was also an elder of the outer sect of the Holy Land, with the peak cultivation of the Cave Heaven Realm! He was also Fu Tianyu's guide and a member of the same clan.

"My uncle taught me the Holy Body Method, and my strength is comparable to the peak of foundation building!"

The two are from the same clan, so this elder thinks highly of Fu Tianyu.

Especially after he was promoted to the Holy Body, he taught him the body training method last night to improve the strength of the Holy Body, which greatly increased Fu Tianyu's strength!

As long as Fu Tianyu grows up, he will be a generation of genius, sweeping the younger generation of the Holy Land.

By then, this elder will have more say in the Holy Land and have countless resources!

Complement each other!

"You can duel based on your skills on the gambling table, but you are not allowed to kill anyone!"

"Just this point, the rest is up to you!"

This elder is also the referee of this gambling fight, and he is not the same elder as yesterday.

As he spoke, he glanced at Ye Tian with a playful look.

"With me as the referee, Ye Tian will definitely lose!"

"The position of the Holy Son must belong to Fu Tianyu!"

Almost everyone could see what the master and disciple were thinking. It was very obvious and rampant.

The other elders just stood in the distance and watched with an inexplicable look on their faces. It was unknown what they were thinking.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian's eyes narrowed slightly.

"As expected, having power is different. He has a backer in Hongmeng Holy Land!"

First, he taught Fu Tianyu the body-building technique, and now he controls the life and death of the gambling arena. It is clear that he wants to find ways to defeat himself and take away the position of the Holy Son.

"The Holy Lord actually condoned this behavior?"

Ye Tian couldn't guess what those powerful people were thinking, so he didn't think too much about it.

Instead, he sneered in his heart:"You have improved your strength, and I was not idle last night."

"All conspiracies will be vulnerable in the face of strength!"

Ye Tian turned onto the stage and stood in front of Fu Tianyu with an indifferent look.

When Fu Tianyu saw him coming onto the stage, a ferocious look suddenly appeared on his face:"I will crush you completely and let you know that I am the supreme genius of the younger generation of Hongmeng Holy Land!"

"The position of the Holy Son is mine!"

Seeing him keep saying the position of the Holy Son, Ye Tian couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Do you think I want the position of the Holy Son? Isn't it given to me for free?"

"There is no way, who made me awaken the supreme bone?"

"I can't help it, I'm so talented……"

He sighed faintly, as if he was helpless.

This scene fell into everyone's eyes, and immediately caused a commotion. Looks of jealousy and envy appeared on the faces of all the disciples.


"Suddenly I feel depressed"

"God damn, it's for nothing, I suspect he's just pretending, the evidence is solid!"

They made weak complaints, smiled bitterly and looked at each other.

Fu Tianyu was furious:"Ye Tian, die!"

He didn't want to talk to Ye Tian anymore, lest the fire of jealousy in his heart explode. With the clamor of spiritual power all over his body, he just wanted to knock him down and take away the position of the Son of God.

""Huanyuan Palm!"

He used his family's martial arts to attack with the power of the peak of Qi training.

Even with the blessing of the holy body, Fu Tianyu's attack was already very powerful.

Even ordinary disciples at the peak of foundation building could not compete!

To have such combat power in the Qi training period, he was really a monster!


Ye Tian also felt this might and could sense that Fu Tianyu's strength had increased by at least several times. He was much stronger than yesterday.

His face was indifferent, but there was no trace of contempt in his heart.

The spiritual power in his body burst out, and he directly used the skills he got yesterday.

""Flames burn the sky!"


The iron fist was instantly covered with flames transformed from spiritual power, with a red and burning meaning, meeting Fu Tianyu's Hunyuan Palm.


During the collision of strong forces, countless spiritual powers surged out.

The entire gambling arena was shaken and almost collapsed!

One strike and they were evenly matched!

"Ye Tian actually blocked this attack. That was Fu Tianyu's family martial arts technique, which was almost as good as the top martial arts in the holy land!"

"The supreme bone is indeed mysterious. Even without practicing any body-building techniques, it has power comparable to that of a holy body!"

"Did you find that the technique used by Ye Tian looks familiar?……"

Countless disciples cried out in surprise for the audience, and took a few steps back unconsciously during the fight between the two to avoid being hurt by the aftermath of the spiritual power.



Various collision sounds instantly exploded on the stage. Ye Tian and Fu Tianyu fought with real fire.

Every punch and kick was terrifying and fierce.

They all relied on physical strength and the power of the skills to fight hard.

Every strike exceeded the limit of the Qi training realm and was comparable to the power of the late foundation building stage, which shocked thousands of disciples.

"Both of them are geniuses, if they advance to the foundation building stage, won’t they be able to fight against the cave heaven realm?!"

"It’s so scary!"

As people were horrified, the two people on the stage had already exchanged dozens of moves, with all kinds of divine lights bursting out between them.

On the fierce gambling arena, rocks were flying everywhere, and spiritual energy was exploding wildly!

""Shua, shua, shua."

Fu Tianyu moved his body in a chain, performing a variety of family-inherited skills, as well as body-building skills, bringing the power of the holy body to its extreme.

The whole person drew a series of phantoms on the stage, and the Hunyuan Palm blasted out overwhelmingly.

Ye Tian was surrounded!

""Wind and Thunder Phantom!"

Ye Tian was not afraid of playing with his body skills.

He also had Wang Teng's family-inherited skills, which were also top-level skills.

When he used them, thunderous sounds came out, instantly destroying all kinds of attacks from Fu Tianyu.

In his dark eyes, there was a scorching divine light, and the might was fierce.

Fu Tianyu also burst out with terrifying power, causing the air in front of him to explode.


The two shouted at the same time, launching the strongest attack.


On the gambling arena, countless pieces of stone suddenly exploded, and smoke flew.

After a short silence, people looked up and suddenly screamed in shock.

"Fu Tianyu, actually lost?!"

Under countless gazes, Fu Tianyu's clothes were torn, and he knelt on the ground in a mess.

It was as if he was punched by Ye Tian, and the powerful force directly suppressed him and he couldn't get up!

There was extreme resentment on his face, and humiliation!

"Ye Tian, you cheated me!"

He thought that Ye Tian's strength was equal to his own, and that he would not lose even if he did not win.

But he did not expect that Ye Tian would emit an extremely strong force, which made him unable to resist at all!

He retreated directly like a crushing blow!

"Cheating you?"

Ye Tian said coldly:"I have exchanged so many moves with you, but I am just honing my skills. Do you really think you are my opponent?"

"The holy body is just a piece of cake!"

"If I want to kill you, three moves are enough!"

Ye Tian stood tall, standing in front of countless people, looking at Fu Tianyu who was kneeling in front of him.

He sighed faintly:"It's a pity... I can't kill people, this gambling arena is really boring."

This sentence made countless people change color instantly.

Fu Tianyu trembled violently, as if he had suffered extreme humiliation.

A long sword suddenly appeared in his hand, and a divine light suddenly appeared!

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