Thinking that this Shiro Ichigo really killed Yuhabach, all the gods of death were very happy.

Of course, Jingle Chunshui was not blindly happy, but said objectively:

"But killing Yohabach is only the most optimistic statement."

"Whether Yuhabach is in Kurosaki Ichigo's body is unknown."

"Actually, it doesn't seem realistic to say that his body is within Kurosaki Ichigo..."

"But it should be possible to say that part of his soul is damaged."

Captain Yamamoto nodded yes.

"As long as it can weaken part of Yohabach's strength, it's already good."

Nirvana also mended the knife at this time.

"Don't be too optimistic."

"Although friendly habach is not a good thing. But how simple can this void that can devour your friend Habach be? "

"This is indeed worthy of what the Three Realms Projection said, it can be called the most powerful void!"

Nirvana's words hit the nail on the head.

Even if the threat of Youhabach is excluded, this vain cannot be ignored!

Captain Yamamoto frowned.

"In this way, if he can devour your friend Habach, isn't he equivalent to possessing the power of the God of Death, Void, and Exterminator?"

After the Grim Reaper thought of this, they couldn't help but be creepy!

Such a mixture of three species... It's terrible!

These Shinigami do not know the truth about the power in Kurosaki Ichigo's body.

But to some extent, it is true.

The Kurosaki Ichigo they face is a multi-species hybrid.

The power displayed in the future will exceed their imagination!

Juro Ukitake also questioned.

"However, what we think of as this friendly habach can really provide the power of the Exterminator?"

"In fact, so far, we have not seen the power of the Exterminator shown by Kurosaki Ichigo, mainly the power of the Shinigami, or the power of the void."

"If there really is a power of the Exterminator, we will definitely not miss it, right?"

For such a complex problem, the Grim Reaper can only give contradictory opinions.

Perhaps the power of this so-called friendly habach is still lurking...

Or that Yohabach no longer knows when, he was devoured by nothingness, so he will not show it anymore ...

Or maybe Yuhabach can't immediately give Kurosaki Ichigo the power to destroy, and Kurosaki Ichigo can't adapt for a while, so Yuhabach has to disguise himself as a slashing knife spirit...

For a while, the Grim Reaper had different opinions.


When everyone is talking about the process.

In the picture, the battle situation between Kurosaki Ichigo and Shiro Ichigo is becoming more and more anxious.

Kurosaki Ichigo was like a repeater, constantly asking where Haku Ichigo hid Uncle Satsuki?

The Bai Ichigo repeater on the opposite side did not hesitate, and said with a very impatient roar.

"How many more times do I have to repeat it, I'm the Moon Chopping Ah!"

However, the expression on Kurosaki Ichigo's face made it clear that he didn't believe it!

Bai Yigo could only continue to say bitterly:

"Ichigo! I and Chop Yue are originally one, and I am the spiritual power in your body. "

"Chopping Moon is also a part of me."

"We are just different parts of the same being."

"It's like a human being! When you are born, it is flesh, and when you die, you become a corpse. "

"If my strength strengthens, then I will dominate this slashing moon."

"Whoever can dominate the body, whose form will appear!"

"As long as I can let you continue to use the Chopping Moon, then you will continue to be dominated by me!"

The honest man Bai Ichigo's truth at this time has completely stunned Kurosaki Ichigo and countless audiences.

What the heck?

How come this guy really became a moon chopper.

That seems unlikely!

This looks like a bloodthirsty and violent void.

How could it be the slashing moon, that is, the sword spirit of Kurosaki Ichigo's slashing knife!?

The Grim Reaper, who knew the Grim Reaper and the Slashing Knife very well, all looked puzzled.

As a void, Void must be very repulsive to the identity of the Grim Reaper!?

Surely you don't want to have anything to do with the power of the Grim Reaper!?

Even if you use the Grim Reaper's slashing knife, you won't say that your essence is the power of the Grim Reaper, right!?

So why do you say that?

Kurosaki Ichigo naturally didn't want to believe it.

[Ichigo Kurosaki: He's lying!!] Can you bastard hear? Can I see the live stream? I won't believe your nonsense. 】

Of course, Shiraichigo and Kurosaki Ichigo are essentially one person, so how can they talk in a chat group?

And the Grim Reaper is also frantically complaining in private.

"Why do all kinds of guys want to disguise themselves as Kurosaki Ichigo's slashing knife..."

"This friend Habach is clearly related to the Exterminator Master, and no matter how you think about it, it can't be the sword spirit of the slashing knife and cutting the moon."

"And this obviously virtual white guy shouldn't be either!?"

After swearing to ponder the slashing knife, Kenhachi Kenhachi became more and more concerned about Kurosaki Ichigo's spiritual space.

He also noticed a lot of things wrong.

"Then you say, where is Kurosaki Ichigo's real slashing knife spirit?"

Caolu Baqian Liu also opened his mind and said cutely.

"Wow! Was the real Chopping Moon devoured by the two of them? "

"Or was it hidden by the two of them?"

"They all want to occupy Kurosaki Ichigo, so they will temporarily unite and drive away Kurosaki Ichigo's slashing knife spirit first?"

I have to say that it has to be a chopping knife to barely understand the chopping knife...

The words of Kusaka Yachiryu and Gengi Kenba made the Shinigami fall into deep thought.

Is this really the case?

Then this friend Habach is really an old yinbi.

The king of the masters is actually going to deceive Kurosaki Ichigo this poor baby?

For a while, the controversy about Kurosaki Ichigo's power can be said to have arisen one after another.

Looking at it further, it is estimated that these gods of death will be completely confused.


On the other side, in the imaginary circle.

Even Lan Ran, who is slightly close to the truth, is actually a little unable to figure it out.

Although he knew that the specific source of the void power in Kurosaki Ichigo's body came from his mother Kurosaki Shinsaki.

That is, the mother who was eroded by the whiteness of a powerful experimental product she created.

If this Shiroichigo is really Kurosaki Ichigo's virtual power, why is he so obsessed with impersonating the slashing knife?

Could it be that he also had some unknown purpose?

Ichimaru Silver continued to narrow his fox eyes and said with questions.

"Captain Lan Ran, can you fully understand the current situation?"

"Although this void was created by you, it was indeed beyond your control later, right?"

"It doesn't seem perverse to think of him simply as this white Ichigo."

Lan Ran smiled and nodded.

"Yes, in fact, seriously, when Void White directly blew himself up on Kurosaki Shinsaki, it was beyond my expectations."

"So we can't understand Shiroichigo at this time, and it's normal..."

"Could it be that he is a false person and thinks that he wants to gain Kurosaki Ichigo's trust before disguising himself as a slashing knife?"

"Then this void is really too clever, and it is worthy of being the strongest void I have worked hard to create."

"What a movie king!"

Saying that, Lan Ran looked at Ichimaru Silver's gaze, which seemed to have another deep meaning.

Ichimaru Silver looked slightly unnatural, but just shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he was helpless.

The gaze is also offset to the side.

Then, Lan Ran continued to look at Ichigo Kurosaki on the screen, with a deeper smile on his face.

Can Ichigo Kurosaki finally overcome this void?

Which guy will be in charge of his future body?

Will the pull between Kurosaki Ichigo and the virtual power continue for a lifetime?

Lan Ran is becoming more and more curious and looking forward to the future of Ichigo Kurosaki.


In fact, if Bai Ichigo learned of these people's opinions, he would definitely cry out for grievances!

I'm really for Ichigo!

Is it also a real moon chopping huh?

Why don't people believe it?

This, indeed, does not blame the Shinigami and Kurosaki Ichigo.

The main thing is that this Bai Ichigo's previous misdirection is too serious!

He repeatedly expressed his intention to devour Ichigo Kurosaki as a way to replace him.

And his laughter and tone of speech are so evil, he doesn't look like a good person...

If he is the embodiment of Kurosaki Ichigo's slashing knife, it will definitely not harm Kurosaki Ichigo!

So no matter how you think about him, he is a bad guy.

Therefore, the analysis of countless audiences also passed by this correct answer.

In fact, Bai Ichigo is indeed the real Chop Moon.

He is essentially a combination of the Grim Reaper and the Power of the Void, so he is also part of Kurosaki Ichigo Satsuki.

At the same time, it will also have the power of blurring.

But if he behaved a little more normally and treated Kurosaki a little better, it would not cause so many misunderstandings later.

Kurosaki Ichigo has been tormented by all kinds of riddlers all his life, and it's no wonder he always breaks down easily!

...... (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And at this moment.

The screen is still playing!

Kurosaki Ichigo was still very attached to Uncle Satsuki at this time.

Hearing Bai Ichigo's explanation, he also stubbornly said:

"In that case, as long as I kill this guy of yours, Uncle Chop Moon can regain the dominance and reappear in my spiritual power center, right?!"

Bai Yigo was really angry and laughed when he heard this!

Why does Ichigo Kurosaki always obsessed with that thick-eyed uncle?

Why can't you believe that you are the real Chopper Moon?

I'm really going to be jealous!

Honest people say that no one believes them?

He looks so similar to Ichigo Kurosaki, but he can't gain his trust.

He still sneered.

"Ichigo... Just by you? It is absolutely impossible to defeat me. "

Although he was suppressed by Shiraichigo, Kurosaki Ichigo could not lose his momentum.

"But it can't be... You take a look at this trick first! "

In order to prove himself, Kurosaki Ichigo directly used the swastika solution.

He doesn't believe it!

This is Uncle Chop Yue secretly opening a small stove for himself, and he will be solved!

If you use the swastika yourself, you can't beat the initial solution of this impostor?

Unfortunately, to his great surprise, Bai Ichigo made exactly the same move as him.

"Didn't you say that you can't beat me!?"

Haku Ichigo glared at him arrogantly, holding the knife in both hands!

The tip of the knife points forward!

The two of them pose together, machetes in hand, and shout together!



Ask for flowers

Both sides used the swastika at the same time, and the momentum soared sharply.

Bai Ichigo's form is almost identical to Kurosaki Ichigo's, except that the color has changed to white, and he also holds a small white sky lock in his hand.

One white and one black, as if one good and one evil form a sharp contrast!

This surprised Ichigo Kurosaki again!

This guy can even steal school?

It must be a peek at the training of himself and Uncle Chop Moon!

Really a sinister guy!

Absolutely plotting against yourself!

In the process of fighting, Kurosaki Ichigo was still unconvinced to ask.

"You bastard, when did you learn to snatch!?"

Bai Ichigo said very proudly.

"Of course you learned it at the same time!"

Just Kurosaki Ichigo, this kid, is he embarrassed to question his strength?

He must be taught a hard lesson!

You Baiye or your Baiye!


After seeing such a picture.

The audience was naturally even more shocked.

The original use of the void of the slashing moon was enough to surprise them, and now they still use the swastika just like Kurosaki Ichigo.

That's outrageous!

Although those broken faces can also use the power of the Grim Reaper.

But that's also called returning to the blade, not the swastika ah!

Is Void really a guy with the power of death?

Who wants to believe it?



The battle that followed became more and more intense.

Under the attack of Shiro Ichigo, Kurosaki Ichigo's clothes were more and more damaged, indicating that his spiritual power had been consumed more and more.

And when Kurosaki Ichigo used the crescent celestial rush, Bai Ichigo was still very dissatisfied, and directly taught him how to use the correct crescent celestial rush.

He rushed directly to Ichigo Kurosaki at close range and released the crescent moon heavenly rush!


Let Ichigo Kurosaki be blown up all over his body!

This is the right way to open the crescent sky!

Bai Ichigo was even more proud and disgusted.

"Ichigo! What a dish you are! Have you forgotten? "

"The first person to use the Crescent Heavenly Chong in the state of swastika is me."

He was referring to the scene when he helped fight and deal with Bai Ya.

"You're just going to learn from me behind my back, and you're still learning so poorly."

And after that, Haku Ichigo also directly grabbed Kurosaki Ichigo's slashing knife, causing it to be quickly dyed white.

Under the control of Shiraichigo, it keeps disappearing!

Seeing this, Kurosaki Ichigo was even more desperate...

"My Chop Moon..."

Kurosaki Ichigo completely lost his fighting spirit!

Such a powerful enemy as Haku Ichigo!

The moves he knows, he will!

He has all the weapons he has!

It's even more slippery than playing by yourself!

And a yarn!?

Seeing Kurosaki Ichigo lose his fighting spirit, Haku Ichigo was a little dissatisfied.

"What your chopping moon... Didn't I say that? I'm the Moon Chopper! "

He came with a favorite head-to-head kill!

Knocked the unarmed Ichigo Kurosaki away from a long distance and crashed into a building.


Hakuichigo was very disgusted with Kurosaki Ichigo.


This got is not only a fool, but also a coward!

In order to wake up Kurosaki Ichigo, Shiro Ichigo began to spin the knife and stared at Kurosaki Ichigo with an imposing gaze.

He explained his theory of kings and mounts to Ichigo Kurosaki.

"Ichigo! Do you know what is the difference between a king and a mount? "

"I'm not asking you about the difference between a man and a horse, the difference between 2 legs and 4 legs, this child's guessing game..."

"If two people look exactly the same, both in ability and posture, who can dominate between them?"

"When fighting, who will act as the king to dominate the battle, and who will serve as an auxiliary mount to increase the combat power?"

"What's the difference between the two?"

Seeing Kurosaki Ichigo lose his fighting spirit and hate Haku Ichigo, who is not steel, begins to teach Kurosaki Ichigo hard!

He didn't want Ichigo Kurosaki in the future to be as weak as he is now, and he would lose his fighting spirit like he did now.

Hopefully, his fighting instinct will be revived.

After a pause, Bai Ichigo said in a loud voice:

"There is only one answer..."

"It's instinct!"

Bai Ichigo's words were loud, and it was deafening for Kurosaki Ichigo.

Kurosaki Ichigo was stunned to hear this, and he didn't know why Bai Ichigo said this to himself...

This is what Haku Ichigo taught Kurosaki Ichigo.

One of Bai Ichigo's original powers is Void White, with that primitive desire to kill!

This is the instinct to crush the enemy to ashes!

And Kurosaki Ichigo does not have this wildness in his body, only rationality.

Kurosaki Ichigo's battles are basically out of various passives...

They all want to protect their companions, so they are forced to fight.

When dealing with the enemy, there is not much ruthlessness!

Previously, when dealing with Gengi Kenhachi and Kurumi Hakuya, if it weren't for their release of water, Kurosaki Ichigo would definitely not have survived.

In the future, when facing blue dyeing and broken faces, he will definitely not be as easy as in the past.

Therefore, it is necessary to awaken Kurosaki Ichigo's instincts!

This is Haku Ichigo's deep love for Ichigo! .

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