“You… Am I really that beautiful? ”

Chen Changsheng’s face was stunned, and his expression was very serious: “There is ~~ believe me, I will not be mistaken.” ”

After secretly taking a look, he turned his head and did not dare to look again, for fear of being discovered by Chen Changsheng.

At this time, Wu Yinwen’s heart was plopping down, and the roots of her ears involuntarily turned red.

Just when Chen Changsheng was about to continue the routine.

The elevator “ding”.

The floor arrived.

The elevator doors also slowly opened.

The two stepped out of the elevator one after the other, and on the oncoming wall hung several pieces of metal company license plates.

One of the pieces has the words Legendary Pictures written on it.

Chen Changsheng felt that this plaque was too low, and there was no pressing at all.

It can’t set off the domineering of the legendary pictures.

Thinking that this office location was only temporary, Chen Changsheng had to settle first.

However, he plans to be domineering when he buys a house in the future.

Just like those big companies in later generations, draw a place directly in front of the gate on the first floor, plant a flag, write a few big words on Legendary Pictures, and then gild it.

Put away his thoughts, face the woman who is also looking at him, and stretch out his hand to show a gentle smile.

“Meet me, my name is Chen Changsheng.”

“Hello, my name is Wu Yinwen.”

Wu Yinwen?

Haven’t heard.

It is not the magnificent and beautiful figures in his memory, but it does not prevent him from coveting this good-looking, pure and charming woman in front of him.

“Why are you staring at me like that?”

Wu Yinwen’s cheeks were red.

Chen Changsheng’s aggressive eyes seemed to want to see her light.

Strangely, she was not angry at all in her heart, if it were anyone else, she would have shouted loudly and shouted hooligans.

“You look good.”

After speaking, Chen Changsheng walked away.

Leaving Wu Yinwen, whose face was flushed, she stomped her foot and chased after her.

Seeing that the company is no longer deserted, the small office area, there are already twenty or thirty people seated, it seems to have some popularity.

Across the corridor are the small offices of several company management.


There was an office station in front of the general manager’s office, with various documents stacked on it, Zhao Wenjing, who was working, heard the footsteps, subconsciously looked up and saw Chen Changsheng walking towards him, and couldn’t help but be happy in his eyes, stood up, and quickly walked to the door to say hello.


Looking at the plump and graceful little secretary in front of him, Chen Changsheng nodded slightly, then opened the door and walked in.

After a while, Zhao Wenjing brought hot tea.

After drinking for a while, the whole body was warm.

Putting down the water cup, Chen Changsheng looked at Zhao Wenjing standing in front of him with a smile, “Secretary Zhao, let me notify, let Mr. Zhou come to my office, and summarize the company’s operation in the past two months, I want to see.” ”

“Good boss.”

Looking at the hot back of the little secretary, Chen Changsheng couldn’t help but feel dry mouth, and immediately picked up the boiling water cup next to him and drank it.


“It’s a lot better than I thought, at least the skeleton has taken shape, and now there is a shortage of good screenwriters and directors.”

Looking at the business documents in his hand about Legendary Pictures for the past two months, Chen Changsheng nodded secretly.

Before he went to the island country, Legendary Pictures was completely an empty shelf, just a few people, and now two months have passed, although he still hasn’t made a movie, but the structure of various departments has been formed, making him less troublesome.

“Knock knock…”

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

“Come in.”


The door was pushed open, and a middle-aged man about forty years old walked in, with a national character face, a short flat head, and decent clothes, looking very refined.

“Boss, you looking for me?”

The middle-aged man named Zhou Mingcheng is the deputy general manager of the film company he recruited before.

Chen Changsheng looked up: “Sit.” ”

Zhou Mingcheng nodded, pulled away the chair in front of Chen Changsheng and sat down.

Chen Changsheng looked at him and said: “I have read the business report, although the company structure is complete, there is still a serious lack of talents and scripts, and we still need to work hard.” ”

When Zhou Mingcheng heard this, he couldn’t help but show a wry smile on his face, and opened his mouth to explain: “Boss, this somewhat famous director is unwilling to come to our company, and the script is the same, those screenwriters basically cooperate with Jiahe, New Art City, Shaw and other companies, and are not willing to deal with us at all.” ”


Hearing Zhou Mingcheng say this, Chen Changsheng was a little surprised.

However, it is not surprising if you think about it.

After all, Legendary Pictures is only a newly established company, there is no fame in the industry, the strength capital is not very clear, who knows if it is a leather bag company.

Taking a step back, even if it is not a leather bag company and does not have its own theater line, it is not necessary to find several major theater companies to cooperate.

Instead of this, it is better to directly cooperate with well-known companies such as Jiahe and New Art City, which is more guaranteed.

Moreover, Legendary Pictures has to sign people when it comes up, and it is ten years to sign it, which further frightens some industry people.

After understanding the problem, Chen Changsheng spoke: “The matter of signing directors and screenwriters should be put aside first. ”

“In this case, you find a time to help me meet two people.”

“One is from TVB, called Xingxing Zhou… By the way, he should be a host now. ”

“The boss is talking about the Zhou Xingxing who is the host of TVB’s “430 Shuttle”?”

Chen Changsheng looked at Zhou Mingcheng with some surprise, “Oh, you know him?” ”

Zhou Mingcheng shook his head and explained: “Let’s count it as acquaintance, I’ve met several times on TVB before, but I’m not very familiar.” ”

“Hmm~~ that’s him.”

“Okay, I’ll find a time to talk to him.”

Zhou Mingcheng nodded in agreement.

But in his heart, he was puzzled, and he didn’t understand why Chen Changsheng would find Zhou Xingxing, a host, or the host of a children’s program.

“This second one, called Chen Jiashang, is a person from the Shaw movie, it seems to be doing special effects, or screenwriting, you can look for it.”

Chen Changsheng said softly.

He also doesn’t know what Chen Jiashang is doing now, he has seen Chen Jiashang’s information in his previous life, and vaguely remembers that this guy seems to have done a special effect on Shaw’s side, and he only started to be a director after transferring to Debao Films.

The reason why he was looking for him, Chen Changsheng felt that he was a talent.

Ambitious, a man who is not content with the status quo.

It just so happens that Legendary Pictures is also worried about not having a director, and Chen Jiashang is proficient in screenwriting and directing talents in his last life, and many of the classic Hong Kong films are from him.

Such as truant Weilong series, Wu Zhuangyuan Su Beggar, Thunderfire and many other movies.

Although his reputation is not as famous as Xu Ke and others, he is also a famous talent in the Hong Kong film era, and he has a tacit understanding with Zhou Xingxing.

And the first movie he plans to make is the play “Truant Weilong”.

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