Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 638 Provocation and attack

Seventh day of July, Longevity Festival.

Today the Chu family was naturally invited, but the Qin family and Chu Miaoshu did not come.

Thinking of Chu Miaoshu's affairs, Qin felt extremely ashamed, and she couldn't come by herself. Chu Feiyang, Chu Congke, Chu Miaohua and others were also not allowed to come. Uncle Chu was the only one present.

The banquet was adorned with bright lights, singing and dancing.

Lu Zhi, Liao Shoufu and other old courtiers couldn't help but get angry when they saw this bustling scene.

When other people's fathers died, they had to observe three years of filial piety, but the royal family considered the future state banquets and contacts with other countries, so only one year of filial piety was enough preferential treatment.

The new emperor couldn't make it through half a year, so he sang and danced.

But there are still many people who are extremely happy. At least the Shangguan family is very happy, because there have been rumors recently that the emperor and empress are loving each other, and the Shangguan family suddenly felt proud.

Ye Tangcai sat next to Chu Yunpan, and was also the chief on the left, one of the two positions closest to the emperor. Looking up, you can see King Liang and Shangguan Yun sitting at the top.

Liang Wang was as cold and handsome as ever, but he was less gloomy than before. It seemed that he had really begun to accept Shangguan Yun.

Ye Tangcai couldn't help thinking of Zhao Yingqi. In previous banquets, King Liang and Zhao Yingqi would sit opposite her, and Zhao Yingqi would constantly make expressions on herself. There were three bunny buns on the table, Zhao Yingqi would eat two, and the remaining one would be secretly hidden. Get up and leave it to her.

Ye Tangcai's heart skipped a beat, so he lowered his head and drank the soup.

Shangguan Yun glanced at Ye Tangcai, smiled, pointed to a colored plate of five blessings on the table near King Liang, and said, Your Majesty, can you help my concubine hold this?

Liang Wang looked down and saw that the front row was filled with buns of the twelve zodiac signs, one plate for each zodiac sign, three buns, a total of twelve plates.

Liang Wang picked up the chopsticks, put a rabbit bun in there, put it down again, and put a horse face bun in her bowl: Eat it.

Thank you, Your Majesty. Shangguan Yun smiled and picked it up. She couldn't help but look up at Ye Tangcai, but Ye Tangcai didn't look at herself.

Shangguan Yun couldn't help but snorted. Ye Tangcai flatly refused her own begging before. Later, I told her to wait, wait slowly! This is a joke from the sidelines, see if she can't wait!

Now that I have finally been favored, I naturally have to let everyone see it so that I can slap those people in the face.

Yes, today's banquet was proposed by her. And the emperor agreed to her without even thinking about it.

Ye Tangcai was drinking soup, while Chu Yunpan was talking to Yandong next to him.

Qi Min squeezed over: Sister Tang.

En. Ye Tangcai said calmly.

Just now Shangguan Yun saw you twice. Qi Min sneered. Looking like he wants to show us.

Ye Tangcai chuckled, Leave her alone. Hey, look, Chu Pingfeng is here.

Qi Min raised his eyes and saw Chu Pingfeng sitting behind Liao Shoufu. Ever since they were named county heads, Chu Pingfeng and Liao Jueyao kept a low profile. Liao Jueyao basically didn't go out, and Chu Pingfeng didn't attend any banquets except going to the Yamen.

Today is an exception to attend the birthday banquet. Seeing Qi Min, he immediately lowered his head.

Qi Min snorted softly: It's none of my business. However, I heard that Liao Jueyao gave birth to a pair of sons, who were born last month.

Ye Tang raised his brows: A couple! That task is completed!

Qi Min let out a snort.

Chu Pingfeng made an appointment with the Liao family not to marry, but the second son was sent back to the Liao family as heir. Originally thought it would take a few years, but it turned out that there were two in one life, and they were both sons. The task was naturally completed.

It's no wonder that Chu Pingfeng didn't hide anymore, and rushed out to walk. Otherwise, if he hides again, Liao Shoufu will no longer support him.

You know it very well. Ye Tang said.

The maid at home will always say it. Qi Min snorted softly. Don't care about him, don't care about him.

After a while, the banquet broke up.

Ye Tangcai and the others were about to go back, but they saw a court lady approaching with a smile: Princess, county lord, empress, please go over and sit down.

Ye Tangcai nodded: Okay.

The two of them followed the footsteps of the maids and came to Fengyi Palace. They saw Shangguan Yun was talking to Mrs. Shangguan. They didn't know what they were talking about, and they had a very happy chat.

See Your Majesty the Empress. The two saluted at the same time.

Please. Shangguan Yun raised her lips, Sister Tang, what you said was good last time, just wait a while, as expected.

Mrs. Shangguan said: Oh, I finally kept the clouds open to see the moonlight.

Ye Tangcai smiled lightly: That's really congratulations, empress.

Please sit down.

The two sat down and only listened to Shangguan Yun chatting with Mrs. Shangguan. When there was something to talk about, they would answer a few words and wait until halfway through before leaving.

Ye Tangcai and Qi Min were sitting in the carriage, Qi Min said: What did she mean just now? We didn't look at her at the banquet, she just called us to her palace to see her nearby?

Ye Tangcai sneered: Leave her alone. Anyway, I'll be leaving Beijing in half a year. After I leave, she probably won't make things difficult for you.

Qi Min curled his lips sadly, Actually... I don't want to stay here. I have thought about it, or if I go back to my hometown to buy a house and a few acres of land, I don't know how comfortable I am as a small landlord. Don't look at these disgusting people face.

Ye Tangcai said: This kind of life is good, but you are alone, away from the capital, far away from the emperor. Even if you really have a title, you will be bullied. Chu Pingfeng and Liao Jueyao treat you There is also resentment, if you leave Beijing alone, even if you die in an 'accident' designed by them, no one will know.

Qi Min nodded: You're right. That... He said, looking at Ye Tangcai with bright eyes: Can I go to Yingcheng with you?

Ye Tangcai was startled, and said happily, Would you like to go to that remote place? It's not as prosperous as the capital there.

What's remoteness? It's poorer than my hometown? I don't like the bustling capital. Qi Min said.

That's good. Ye Tangcai nodded, The third master said that he promoted several generals there, and then...hahaha!

The most uncertain people in the border military camp are men, maybe there are really young talents who can get along well with Qi Min.

Oh, thank you, Sister Tang. Qi Min seemed excited. Finally, I can escape from this embarrassing place in the capital.

After July 7th, it will be Zhongyuan soon.

Ye Tangcai and Qi Min went to worship Zhao Yingqi and Aunt Yun with their things.

After returning, Ye Tangcai said: Now that you have become famous, even if my aunt is not a regular wife, she cannot enter the Chu family's ancestral grave, but she should find a good place to bury her.

Chu Yunpan nodded: That's what I mean too. The cemetery has been chosen a long time ago, and the two of them will be moved there together.

Ye Tang nodded. By the way, on the first day of August, I want to take my baby to Fahua Temple to pay homage to the Buddha.

The child has never stopped since he was born, and he is always sick. I have seen imperial physicians and eminent monks and Taoists. The monk said, let's worship Buddha when he recovers.

Now that the child is stable, Ye Tangcai wants to take him to the temple to worship.

Recently there are children missing in the capital, it's best not to go out. Chu Yunpan was talking, but seeing Ye Tang pouted, he sighed: Don't be afraid, I will go with you when the time comes.

Yeah. Ye Tangcai then laughed. However, you have been very busy recently.

It's still busy. In the past, Chu Yunpan was in the Jingwei Camp, where he usually managed affairs or trained soldiers.

Now Chu Yunpan is still holding the post of commander of the Jingwei Battalion, and all the actual positions have been handed over to He Pei, and Chu Yunpan will immediately go to court in Beijing. After going to court, he was also very busy, because many complicated things in Beijing were thrown on him.

After Jin Linwei came out of Beijing, Liang Wang concentrated on the government for a while, but he was absent-minded during this time. Although he went to the court, many things were: Ask the king of Zhenxi. or Give it to Zhenxi. King decides.

On the first day of August, Ye Tangcai asked Ye Lingjiao and his wife to go out together.

Chu Yunpan took hundreds of people to escort him.

When they came to Fahua Temple, Chu Yunpan and Chen Zhiheng sat and chatted outside the temple.

Ye Lingjiao took Ye Tangcai to pay homage to Guanyin, followed by the nanny holding the child, and several maids followed them.

Ye Tangcai laughed and said, We've all given birth to a baby, and we still worship Guanyin?

Ye Lingjiao turned her head and glared at her: What are you talking about? All of our children were sent by Guanyin, so of course we have to worship. Besides, let's worship so that we can have another one in the coming year.

Then he blushed and giggled.

The two came to the place where Guanyin sent their son, worshiped the gods, added more money for sesame oil, and were about to leave.

From far away, I heard an exclamation: Isn't this Sister Tang?

Ye Tangcai was startled, but turned around to see a beautiful lady in her twenties walking slowly.

This... Concubine Lu? No, it should be called Concubine Hui. Ye Tangcai laughed.

The person who came was none other than the former Concubine Lu and now Concubine Lu Hui.

See Concubine Hui. Ye Lingjiao and the maid hurriedly saluted. Ye Tang didn't want to use it, because Ye Tang's quality was higher than that of Concubine Hui.

You don't need to be too polite. Concubine Lu Hui smiled lightly.

Ye Tangcai said: Your Majesty is here to pay homage to Guanyin, the Son of God?

Concubine Lu Hui smiled awkwardly: That's right! Grand concubine of Qi, concubine and above, has a chance to leave the palace once a month.

While talking, she knelt down, and the maid hurriedly handed a stick of incense to her. She bowed and put it in the incense burner.

Standing up, he said, No matter how much we pray, it's useless. He hummed softly.

Ye Tangcai and Ye Lingjiao looked at each other.

Concubine Lu Hui looked at Ye Tangcai with a look of embarrassment: Oh, why is it so difficult for us! We couldn't have children before, but now, the emperor won't be with us at all.

Ye Lingjiao smiled awkwardly and turned her head. She didn't want to hear about these palace secrets.

Ye Tangcai frowned: Oh, why is this!

It's not just me, he doesn't usually enter the harem. Now he only visits the empress occasionally. Concubine Lu Hui snorted softly, It's just a stepmother who jumped out halfway... Even the former princess is not in my eyes. It was Zhao Yingqi.

She wiped her tears with a handkerchief, Ye Tang gave her a white look, and said lightly: Concubine Hui, don't be sad, take your time. It's getting late, I'll be leaving first.

Uh... well, next time you enter the palace, come and sit in my palace. Concubine Lu Hui said regretfully.

Ye Tangcai and Ye Lingjiao turned and left.

After leaving the temple where Guanyin was sent, Ye Lingjiao looked back, and then asked in a low voice, What is she doing?

Hui Ran behind her rolled her eyes, and whispered: She is not favored in the palace, and the emperor's attention is all on the queen. Our third mistress was also close to the deceased Princess Liang, so she deliberately said this to make our third mistress hate her. Go to the queen and help her.

Ye Tangcai snorted lightly.

Ye Lingjiao looked at Ye Tangcai anxiously: Don't be provoked by her. If the queen doesn't offend you, you must not stand in line.

Ye Tangcai smiled and said, I'm not stupid. As long as the queen doesn't offend me, I won't offend her either. Let's go!

After leaving the hall, several people went to the room to have a fast meal, and then rested for a while before returning to Beijing.

Back in the capital, on the way home, he encountered a mourning team far away, so Chu Yunpan had to take a detour.

Passing by the yamen, Ye Tangcai could hear the sound of grievances from a distance.

Ye Lingjiao lifted the curtain: Ah, there are quite a few people in front of the yamen.

Ye Tangcai was startled, but also looked over, and sure enough there were a dozen people standing in front of the yamen, either crying or making noise. Ye Tangcai frowned deeply: Third Master, what's going on over there?

Chu Yunpan rode to the window, Yesterday, the governor announced that more than a dozen children were missing inside and outside of Beijing. We all said that there were traffickers again. The emperor asked the governor to investigate thoroughly.

Ye Lingjiao hugged the child tightly: These traffickers are really hateful. But... are they all pig brains? They even kidnapped people to Beijing.

The price in Beijing is high. Chu Yunpan sneered.

Abducting and selling children is still a matter of location? Ye Lingjiao is quite knowledgeable.

There are indeed people who say so. Ye Tangcai said, If these children are sold to people as adopted children, those buyers will think that the richer the children, the better their lives, and they can lead their family to prosperity in the future. If the girls are sold to Dirty places, those buildings or buyers will also think that women in Beijing are the most delicate. Wealth and wealth are in danger, so only businessmen dare to take risks and abduct them to the capital.

Ye Lingjiao gasped: A group of people who kill thousands of knives.

So, even if Tian Tian is still young, it's better not to go out. Ye Tangcai said, Some people only pick on noble children.

I know. Ye Lingjiao nodded solemnly.

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