Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 602 Sin (Part 1)

It only took half a day for Chu Yun to climb out of the palace, arrive at Prince Liang's Mansion, and then return to Zhenxihou's Mansion.

By the time Chu Yunpan packed up, it was already dark.

The imperial palace and the capital city were heavily surrounded by the Jingwei, and the atmosphere suddenly became oppressive and solidified, even the sky seemed to be shrouded in black clouds.

All the people tensed up, especially those courtiers and clan nobles, who couldn't eat or sleep well.

In the evening, the palace is shrouded in darkness, and even when the lights are on, the darkness and oppression cannot be driven away.

The bedroom of Emperor Zhengxuan——

There was a burst of strong medicinal smell inside, which made people breathless.

Emperor Zhengxuan was lying on the dragon couch, still in a coma.

The paralysis and stiffness of his body made him extremely painful, because of the physical pain, his dream was only extremely painful.

For a while, he dreamed of the misery of living in the cold palace when he was a child, and for a while he dreamed of the beautiful girl who came riding a horse, with a smile as bright as the sun in the sky, warming his cold and painful heart.

Dreaming of getting acquainted with her, she taught him how to practice swords and horses, and he taught her how to compose poems and paint, the heartbeat, sweet time.

He also dreamed that the second daughter of the Zheng family fell in love with him, and he was pleasantly surprised and a little proud at that time. That was the moment when he first discovered his masculine charm.

After marriage, he made great progress all the way, and finally ascended to the throne. There is nothing more proud than this in life.

Then he felt pressure and admiration for Empress Xiao. After the Xiao family was destroyed, he was happy. When she left Beijing, his soul seemed to be liberated, and his heart flew freely. This is the life he feels he should have as an emperor.

When Xiao's family was rehabilitated, his guilt and the anger in his heart, and his guilt towards her came like overwhelming...

Finally, when King Liang returned to Beijing, he saw his son, whom he had never met before, who was only six years old. His small appearance and facial features were very similar to Empress Xiao...

At that moment, he was so distressed that he couldn't cry himself. I swear that this son must be cherished.

But he was seriously injured, and it seemed that there was no cure for it. Empress Zheng said she wanted to congratulate him, so she found a little folk girl to congratulate him as a child bride.

Liang Wang has a surly personality, but he still spoils him, and he piles up all good things in front of him.

But only this world... cannot belong to King Liang.

He was still the crown prince, who was also his beloved son, but in the end...he wanted to kill him to seize the throne.

King Liang is back! Sister Xiao's son...

No, how can...

In the dream, it was all about Chu Yunpan coming to Beijing to rescue him, doctor Luo was stabbing him and paralyzing him, and Chu Yunpan said that King Liliang was the crown prince.

One is his most trusted general, and the other is Yizheng, who he can give his life to, and they all betrayed him...

King Liang took the throne, and sister Xiao's son...

How could this be--

Emperor Zhengxuan had nightmares again and again, and screamed suddenly: No, it's not true!

His body jerked violently, almost bouncing with excitement. He opened his eyes abruptly, panting heavily, his pair of dim and shriveling eyes widened, looking ahead in panic.

What he saw was the all-too-familiar golden dragon-pattern sky brocade roof, which was a noble and gentle color that reassured him.

Huhu—it turned out to be a was a dream... Emperor Zhengxuan panted fiercely and breathed a sigh of relief. The dream was so unreal, an evil swept him away, it was so real that he thought it was all real...

Water—Cai Jie...water... Emperor Zhengxuan struggled to get up.

But when he moved, his eyes widened suddenly, because he found that he had no feeling in his hands and legs! Even his face was hard and turned.

Ah... Emperor Zhengxuan screamed in horror, but because of his weakness, his tongue was tied, and his throat could only make an old, hoarse and even slightly broken voice,

As he spoke, his old eyes kept glancing around.

What is Father looking for? A sarcastic and cold voice sounded. The voice was nice and a little hoarse, but it was so familiar that it made people tremble with fear.

Emperor Zhengxuan's dim old eyes suddenly widened: did you come back? No...impossible, everything is a dream... It's all a dream!

The prince and queen did not betray and kill him to force the palace.

Neither Chu Yunpan nor Luo Yizheng betrayed him, nor did King Liang return to Beijing...

Hehe. Liang Wang chuckled lightly.

Emperor Zhengxuan didn't want to believe it, nor did he dare to believe it. But he couldn't help but confirm it.

He turned his head with difficulty, and finally, he saw a grand master's chair placed beside a table not far away. A handsome man of twenty-five or six years old is sitting on it with great strength.

Slightly bent over, the slender fingers of both hands were crossed on the lips, and a pair of charming eyes slightly slanted were staring at him with a sharp, cold and mocking cold light.

It is Liang Wang! The son he loved the most before, Jing was the son he feared the most!

He really is back! could you... Emperor Zhengxuan wished he could faint immediately, but at this moment he was extremely awake, and his body was paralyzed, so he couldn't move at all. He made a hoarse and piercing voice: Come...Come here! Cai Jie...Shangguan Xiu...Catch this traitor...

Liang Wang let out a chuckle, but he was not in a hurry. He leaned back, changed his posture, and continued to appreciate the embarrassment, fear and struggle of Emperor Zhengxuan at the moment. This appearance is really ridiculous and interesting.

Emperor Zhengxuan yelled for a long time, and found that Liang Wang was looking at him mockingly. In an instant, his old face turned black and white, and he felt that he was extremely ashamed and humiliated at the moment. rebellious son... Emperor Zhengxuan finally accepted the reality.

How can I disobey you? Liang Wang said indifferently, Father, the real disobedient son is Mu Dingqian! Your most beloved son wants to kill you and take your country and throne. His world, but he can't wait any longer. The loving father and filial piety that you care about become rubbish in his eyes! Tsk tsk, he is really a son spoiled by the emperor!

Emperor Zhengxuan's old face turned blue and white, this was the most embarrassing thing. Be bitten by the person you depend on the most! Emperor Zhengxuan struggled and shouted coldly: You... the crown prince is wrong... I have misjudged the person. But I do not love him the most, I have always loved you the most! But what have you done now? Marquis Zhenxi and Luo Yizheng are plotting against me! Compared with the prince, your crimes are even worse!

Liang Wang's eyes turned cold: Do you love me the most?

Of course! Emperor Zhengxuan said bitterly, You are the son of my sister Xiao and I, and I have held you in my hands since I was a child. Whatever you want...I will hold you in front of you. What do you love? I have worked so hard to find you the paintings of everyone in the previous dynasty. I will give you whatever Zhuangzi you want...

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