There is no maid in Qiongmingxuan, only Yu Yang and Yu Han, who usually do the cleaning work.

Nanny Qiao was originally Chu Yunpan's nanny, but later my aunt said that she had grown up and needed a nanny, so she transferred Nanny Qiao to the kitchen to do chores.

As it was getting dark, Mother Qiao was busy in the kitchen distributing meals to the various houses and courtyards when she suddenly saw Yu Yang waving from the window.

Mother Qiao wiped her hands on her apron, and then walked out.

Yu Yang pulled her aside: Mother Qiao, the third master asked you to prepare extra meals for the three of us, and deliver them to Miss Ye at Qiongmingxuan.

Oh, that unlucky child... Mammy Qiao naturally knew who Miss Ye was. Uncle Chu suddenly brought back a daughter-in-law today.

Mommy Qiao's eyes turned red thinking about it: My aunt went away as soon as she was born, and there was no one to protect her, and the old man didn't care about anything, so he could only pick up what was left by others. He grew up through bumps and bumps, and finally ordered In the next marriage, the fiancée actually ran away with someone, and was dragged behind him for no reason... Everyone in the mansion is laughing at him now...

Hey, Mammy, stop talking, go! Yu Yang said, stuffing half a dime to her, and left after speaking.

Although Yu Yang loves to complain, he is a door handle, good and bad can only be said in front of Chu Yunpan and Yu Han.

What an unlucky boy, why did he get involved in this matter! Mother Qiao sighed.

Mother Qiao returned to the kitchen with the money. Apart from Mother Qiao, there were several other people in the kitchen. A cook, a servant girl and two women all looked over.

The cook said: What is that boy Yuyang looking for you?

Mother Qiao just smiled and said, He and Yu Han didn't finish their lunch, so please prepare more food.

As he spoke, he stuffed half a penny into the hands of the cook.

The cook was very happy touching the half-hanging money, but her mouth was not forgiving, she gritted her big yellow teeth and said, Come on, why didn't you eat lunch well, who doesn't know that the third master married a wife today.

Hee hee, I heard that she was a daughter-in-law who was not wanted by others, and she couldn't get married, so she stuffed her here. Xiaocao, the rough envoy, lifted her dark face from the stove and laughed.

Another woman surnamed Huang immediately joked: It's also my fault that Miss Ye Er, who was originally engaged, hooked up the groom and ran away.

Xiaocao winked and asked knowingly, Why did Miss Ye Er run away?

One is the concubine of our family, and the other is the son of the Zhang family. If it were me, I would have to run away with the son of the Zhang family!

As they spoke, they all laughed.

They have said these words countless times today, repeating them over and over again tirelessly, as if every time they make more jokes, they will be rewarded again.

Or maybe they are looking forward to it so deeply. If this word can reach the ears of the wife, it will be beneficial. It's a pity that my wife is not in the mansion today.

Young master of the Zhang family actually let Jingui's eldest daughter go, and ran away with the concubine's daughter. I really don't know what kind of ugly way that Miss Ye is!

Tsk tsk, if you can scare the groom away, how good can it be? It's definitely an ugly monster!

Mother Qiao felt a thump in her heart, and became even more worried and unhappy.

Even if he is really ugly, he will never want the third master.

Isn't that right! You can marry the Zhang family's son-in-law, but suddenly you're a bastard, who wouldn't be happy to change it. If you want me to say, you won't come back tomorrow.

No way? Are you all married?

It's not called getting married. I didn't even pay homage. I heard from Hongyu that the third master has been driven to Lanzhuju. How about we make a bet?

The more Mother Qiao listened, the more she felt wronged for Chu Yunpan.

She took a big food box, packed all the food, then carried it out of the kitchen, and walked straight to the west courtyard, wanting to see what Miss Ye was like.

Going west along a main road, passing a bridge and several courtyards, you will find Qiongmingxuan.

Mother Qiao walked into the yard, it was already dark, except for the inner room, only one light was on in the vestibule, and two strange maidservants stood in the vestibule, discussing something in a low voice.

The two servant girls were all dressed in water-red clothes, about sixteen or seventeen years old. One is tall and slender, with peach eyes and a small pointed chin, he looks smart and sharp. The shorter one, with almond eyes and slightly rounded face, looks quite gentle and kind.

No need to guess, it must be the maid brought by Miss Ye.

Mother Qiao stepped forward with a smile, and said politely: You two, this is sent by our third master. I don't know where Miss Ye is?

Qiuju and Huiran turned around and saw that it was an old woman with a round face. Huiran said: My girl is too tired, she has already rested.

Mother Qiao was quite disappointed not to see the legendary Miss Ye, Then don't disturb the girl's rest. My surname is Qiao, and I am a servant of this mansion. If you need anything, please ask.

Qiu Ju saw that the woman was being polite to them, and remembered how rude she was when she stopped them, she couldn't help but blush.

Thank you, Mother Qiao. Hui Ran hurriedly thanked her, very grateful. They are worrying about eating and sleeping! Unexpectedly, Mr. Chu sent someone here. Just ask Mammy to find us two beddings.

Mother Qiao agreed, went out, and brought two new quilts over after a while. Huiran thanked again and again, and gave Qiao mother two taels of silver.

Mother Qiao was startled, and pushed it a few times, but she couldn't push it, so she had to accept it.

After Mother Qiao left, Hui Ran looked embarrassed: Mr. Chu is a very good person.

Is this showing courtesy to our girl? We have been favored by him, and it will be even more ugly when we leave. Qiu Ju's face was ashen, Could it be that the girl is really married to the Chu family?

She said it was full of resignation.

Of course not! Hui Ran couldn't accept this fact either. We didn't receive too much favor from him. Didn't you see that I gave two taels of silver as a reward?

Qiu Ju said: Then what should we do now? I don't know what the situation is at home, I haven't even sent a woman here!

It was too hasty to go out at that time, and the welcoming team was in a hurry, and no one was invited to carry the dowry. The only ones who came out of the family were their two servant girls.

It seems that the wife's condition is not very good, and the old man is not clear, so I put it on the son... The son Hui Ran said was naturally Ye Chengde, Ye Tangcai's father. Hui Ran bit her lip, and didn't want to talk about Ye Chengde. And there's the second girl and my aunt... Zhang Boyuan's case, I'm afraid the house will be a mess. Now his eyes are smeared, so he can only watch one step at a time. Let the girl be guarded tonight, and wait until tomorrow to return. door, make another plan.

Qiu Ju nodded, and the two went back to the house with food.

Ye Tangcai was lying on the Arhat's bed and was sleeping soundly. The two of them looked at each other, not to wake her up. They ate something casually and then fell asleep with their clothes on.

Suddenly, a reader was the Three Dynasties Returning to the Door.

(*^ω^*) It is true that many places return to the door in three dynasties, but we return to the door the next day, so when I wrote it, I didn’t think so much, I just wrote according to my own cognition, and forgot about our big The range is three dynasties.

Because it is set to have a more atmosphere when returning to the door the next day, so this will not be changed, according to our customs.

And it’s a fiction, the customs of each dynasty and country are different, okay? (*^ω^*)

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