Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 591 Chaos (Part 2)

The doors and windows of the bedroom were tightly locked, and no one knew what was going on inside.

After Shangguan Xiu exited the bedroom, he stood at the gate of the courtyard with a livid face. His subordinate said: Sir, what should we do now?

Shangguan Xiu's tiger eyes turned cold: Call two thousand people to surround the entire palace, and call another two thousand people to surround the Prince's Mansion and the Zheng family. The rest of the people are deployed outside the palace, blocking all the palace gates .Also, call all the courtiers into the palace.

Yes. The subordinate took the order and rushed out immediately.

It's past the ugly time.

The entire capital was shrouded in darkness. The weather has not been very good these past few days. Whether it is day or night, the clouds in the sky are dark and dark, covering the moon.

The common people have fallen into sleep at this time, and no one knows that there is a huge wave in the palace. This day is about to change!

At this time, an army rushed out from the palace, riding fast horses, rumbling through the streets and alleys, making a series of harsh sounds.

Some people were startled awake, and even frightened so much that they turned on the lights and lay down outside the windows to look out.

Prince's Mansion——

Chu Miaoshu was soundly asleep, and when she didn't want to, there were quick knocks on the door outside.

Chu Miaoshu turned over and shouted coquettishly: Who is it? What are you doing at night?

Your Majesty! The door creaked and pushed open, only to see Chun Shan's livid face: There seems to be something wrong in the palace.

Chu Miaoshu and the others remembered that the prince had only entered the palace not long ago, and were startled: What happened? Is there any news from the palace?

No! Chun Shan was so anxious that tears were about to come out, There is no news from the palace, but... many imperial guards have surrounded the entire Prince's Mansion!

What? Chu Miaoshu's face changed, How could this happen? What happened?

I don't know. Chun Shan kept shaking his head.

Chu Miaoshu was stunned, even though she didn't understand political affairs, she knew from her script that being surrounded by the Imperial Army would not be a good thing.

Chu Miaoshu couldn't stay any longer, she got up with a grunt, and Chun Shan hurriedly put on a suit of clothes for her: Call the housekeeper!

Before she could call for someone, a young servant came in and knelt down in front of Chu Miaoshu: See Your Majesty.

Chu Miaoshu frowned slightly: Aren't you an errand for the prince? What's the matter?

Before His Highness left, he told the younger one that the imperial army encircling the mansion was within his expectation. He told the younger one to tell the empress that there is no need to worry. In a few days, the big thing will be accomplished, and the empress will just wait to be the empress! fellow said.

Ah? Chu Miaoshu was so excited that he was about to jump up, Is everything you said true?

Of course, such a trivial matter would not dare to lie. The boy chuckled, Your Majesty can just wait at home, nothing will happen in the future.

Okay! Chu Miaoshu breathed a sigh of relief, Then you go out first.

The servant turned and left, Chu Miaoshu lay back on the bed. But she was so excited that she couldn't sleep, so she discussed with Chunshan and Luzhi about becoming a queen soon.

In the next few days, my side concubine will be the queen! Chu Miaoshu snorted coldly, At that time, I will let Ye Tangcai kneel in front of me.

Yes! Kneel three times and knock nine times. Lu Zhi said.


While the Imperial Army surrounded the Prince's Mansion and the Zheng family, another army ran to the courtiers' homes, knocked on the doors desperately, and called out Liao Shoufu, Lu Zhi and other high-ranking courtiers.

The courtiers didn't know what happened, but when they saw the imperial guards knocking on the door, they all looked dignified. After changing their clothes, they hurried out and rushed to the palace.

When it was dawn, all the important officials arrived and gathered in the court hall where they usually go to court.

What's the matter, you called me all of a sudden?

Could it be...

Originally wanted to wait for Emperor Zhengxuan, but didn't want to, but saw Shangguan Xiu walk in with a gloomy face: My lords.

Commander Shangguan, what happened? Liao Shoufu said with a cold face, Gather everyone here in the middle of the night.

Shangguan Xiu's expression turned cold: Tonight, the emperor favored Xiu Nv, and Xiu Nv assassinated her, but it turned out that the prince ordered it. The emperor summoned the prince into the palace, but unexpectedly, His Royal Highness put a sharp weapon at the emperor's throat to force the palace. Let the emperor abdicate! Now, the emperor and Eunuch Cai are trapped in the palace by the prince and queen.

What did you say? The whole hall exploded in an instant. The prince forced the palace?

My God, how could this happen!

The emperor and His Royal Highness... have always been loving fathers and filial sons... how could they be so rebellious?

The courtiers were full of disbelief, but they thought in their hearts that Emperor Zhengxuan was old and had a serious illness. At that time, everyone thought that the crown prince would soon be crowned a great treasure. The crown prince must have thought so at the time!

As a result, it was all in vain. The prince couldn't wait, and was dissatisfied, which was a matter of course. But of course, such words cannot be said.

The eyes of Qian Zhixin and other officials flickered slightly. They are all the prince's people, so they naturally hope that the palace will go smoothly at this time. At that time, they can be considered to have the merits of the dragon.

However, Lu Zhi and Wu Feng, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, sneered: It's unreasonable! No matter what, it is a treason for a son to use a knife against his father! And he is still the Son of Heaven, the Emperor! That is a death penalty!

Not bad! Liao Shoufu also gave a cold shout. Mu Dingqian, this traitor, is beyond the law, he should be killed!

Chen Miao and Zhang Zan touched their noses when they thought of Chu Yunpan, without humming.

Now, we should think about how to rescue the emperor. Shangguan Xiu said.

Liao Shoufu and the others all turned pale, Lu Zhi said: How should the commander-in-chief deploy his defenses?

I have ordered people to surround the palace, and surrounded the Prince's Mansion and Zheng's house, Shangguan Xiu said.

Where's Marquis Zhenxi? Wu Feng asked.

Liao Shoufu said: Didn't Zhenxihou go to Lingzhou to arrest Liang Wang a few days ago? He said it a few days ago! Now he is on his way back to Beijing.

No, that's not what I'm asking. Wu Feng said with a livid face, I'm asking, can the commander-in-chief of the Shangguan encircle Zhenxihou's mansion as well?

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of the courtiers in the entire hall changed, and they realized it instantly.

Chen Miao couldn't help but took a step forward, and asked coldly, What does Wu Shangshu mean?

Do you still want to ask questions knowingly? Wu Feng said coldly, The reason why the prince is so confident, do you think he is really impulsive to do stupid things? Maybe he has something to rely on. And the prince... just married Zhen last year. Xihou's younger sister is married to Zhenxihou. If... Zhenxihou is his man...

The courtiers all gasped.

You know, Chu Yunpan is now the number one person in Daqi!

He holds the 100,000 Beijing Guard Battalion, all the troops in the capital! As long as he rushed in, the imperial army would be unable to resist. At that time, Chu Yunpan rescued the prince, cleared the forbidden army, and sent the prince directly to the dragon chair by force. Although the reputation is not as good as it sounds, but in the end it is sitting on it. History books are written by the victors.

At that time, it will not be what the prince says.

After the crown prince ascended the throne, he didn't have to think about Qin Wang at all!

To the north is the Zheng family, the prince's uncle's house, and it's too late to support the prince. The only ones who will be King Qin are King Kang and General Xu in the northwest. But when Chu Yun shook his arms and shouted, the whole Yingcheng would be used by him.

King Kang and General Xu were already vulnerable in front of those wolf and tiger soldiers in Yingcheng, and there was a God of War like Chu Yunpan sitting in the battle. Don't be fooled by fortune-telling!

Therefore, if Chu Yunpan belongs to the prince... then the emperor is really doomed!

I heard that Marquis Zhenxi dotes on his wife very much. Let's surround the mansion of Marquis Zhenxi... Wu Feng said.

You are crazy! Lu Zhi sneered, You also say, what if! Then what if he is not? Although Chu Miaoshu is married to the crown prince, but Chu Miaoshu is the daughter of the concubine, Zhenxihou is the son of the concubine, and the concubine is not a concubine. And. And his aunt also rubbed Zhenxihou from time to time, do you think they have a good relationship?

Yes, the Zhenxihou Mansion cannot be surrounded. Liao Shoufu said coldly.

A person who holds great power and military power, without evidence that he rebelled, who would dare to surround his mansion? Being surrounded means that he rebelled, if not? Who will bear this responsibility?

Who can bear the charge of framing him for rebellion?

Don't say that he is not a member of the prince, but sees the forbidden army besieging his mansion, he said in a fit of anger, maybe he really rebelled for the prince.

Wu Feng's face was ashen, and he didn't hum.

Then what should we do now?

What else can we do? Let's discuss it! Liao Shoufu said.

So a group of courtiers gathered together, constantly discussing ways.

But many people were silent, or they were discussing and chatting in their hearts.

For them, it doesn't matter whoever ascends the throne, as long as their prosperity and wealth can be guaranteed!

Moreover, the emperor is indeed old, and it is time to abdicate. Last time, when the emperor was about to die, they were already ready to welcome the new lord. The result is...

The sky started from being dim, and finally the sun slowly rose, illuminating the entire capital city brightly.

Those who set up stalls at the common people's door set up stalls, and those who went out to eat breakfast had breakfast. But today is destined to be a restless day.

The people soon learned of the news of the prince's rebellion during the conversation.

Various teahouses, wine shops, theater buildings... even in the stalls, among hawkers... all talked about this matter.

Have you heard that something happened in the palace?

What happened? I came out early in the morning to set up a stall, but last night I kept hearing the sound of horseshoes. Is that the army?

It's the army! The imperial army! Surrounded the Prince's Mansion and the Zheng family!

What? What's the situation? Could it be the prince...

They are all from the capital, and they have heard about the royal family for many years. The forbidden army surrounded the prince's mansion and the empress's mother's house, what else could happen, the prince must have rebelled.

Did you see the imperial army pulling out all the people in the Prince's Mansion?


The people couldn't help but gasp, it was...

I heard that the prince rushed directly to the emperor's bedroom with a knife and pressed it against his neck, forcing the emperor to hand over the throne.

The people couldn't help but gasped again: Unfilial! Great unfilial!

How kind the emperor is to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. He has given everything to him, but he still does such a rebellious thing. It's like a pig and a dog.

Some time ago, we said that King Liang was unfilial and mutilated his brothers! But no matter how unfilial King Liang is, he never put a knife on the emperor's neck!

In this era where filial piety is the heaven, mutilating siblings is nothing compared to killing fathers and kings.

The common people were talking about it, and a young servant rushed into Chu's house.

Uncle Chu was having breakfast with Mrs. Qin, when the servant rushed in and knelt down with a livid face: Master, it's not good, His Royal Highness is forcing the palace to kill the emperor, and now the Imperial Army has surrounded the entire Prince's mansion.

What did you say? Uncle Chu and Mrs. Qin jumped up, and Uncle Chu's eyes widened: Say it again?

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince forced the palace to kill the Emperor, held the Emperor hostage, and the Imperial Army surrounded the Crown Prince's Mansion and the Zheng family.

Uncle Chu was in a daze, staggered, and almost fell to the ground. That's his son-in-law, unexpectedly——

No. The Qin family was about to go crazy, and the Prince's Mansion was surrounded? Her book sister is still inside!

She knew that the prince must be planning how to seize the throne, but it was all a happy ending of how to secretly kill the emperor, the prince became the emperor, and the book sister became the empress.

How could she have guessed that she guessed right, the prince was really planning, but it wasn't some kind of conspiracy, but directly holding a big knife to force the palace?

Is he stupid?

Sister sister Shu... Qin was quite frightened.

Let's go, let's go to Sanlang's side. Uncle Chu said, and rushed out.

Qin's body was staggering, and Nanny Ding quickly supported her: Madam, don't worry.

Why don't you make me worry? Qin's tears were about to come down, Is he crazy? He rushed into the palace like this. If he failed, what should we do? The Imperial Army has surrounded the Prince's Mansion.

No, ma'am. Nanny Ding said in a low voice, The side concubine is still doing well in the prince's mansion, which proves that the palace is deadlocked, and now she is waiting for foreign help! A few days ago, the side concubine told the wife However, the crown prince has already caged the third master! The third master is returning to Beijing now. As soon as he comes back, he will lead the Jingwei camp to kill the prince, and the prince will be rescued. At that time, the dog emperor will not even dare to utter a word, and the prince will If she can sit on the throne, the side concubine will also be a queen.

Qin Shi was startled, then smiled: You're right. She took a deep breath and suppressed all her emotions. Or, it should be so vigorous!

As he spoke, a ruthless look flashed in his eyes.

What kind of conspiracy and tricks, I don't know how long it will take, so it's better to fight with live ammunition like this!

Let's go, let's also go to Zhenxihou's Mansion. Qin Shi supported Nanny Ding's hand and turned to go out.

Qin came to the Chuhuamen in a hurry, and saw that Uncle Chu had already got into the car, so she quickly climbed up.

After a while, he came to Zhenxihou Mansion.

The two got off the car at Chuihuamen, and seeing that the house was still peaceful, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Yuntang Residence——

Ye Tangcai was sitting in Xici's room doing embroidery.

The news that the prince forced the palace had already spread throughout the mansion, Qing Liu and the other maids were also a little scared and anxious, after all, Chu Miaoshu entered the prince's mansion, and Chu Yunpan was her elder brother. Now that the Prince's Mansion is under siege... there must be some involvement.

However, when rumors spread in the mansion, Ye Tangcai ordered all the gossipers to slap their mouths, and then it stopped.

Ye Tangcai was doing embroidery, but her little face was tense.

Huiran and Qingliu at the side looked at her out-of-shape embroidery, but they didn't dare to say anything.

The third grandma's wife and master are here. Xiaoyue's voice sounded from outside.

Ye Tangcai raised her head: Come in, please! She knew that they would definitely come to her.

There was a sound of rapid footsteps outside, and after a while, Uncle Chu and Mrs. Qin came in hastily.

Sanlang's daughter-in-law... Uncle Chu said anxiously:

Ye Tangcai raised her eyes and glanced at him: Father and mother, please sit down, Qingliu, go pour tea.

Uncle Chu sat down in an armchair on one side: I heard that something happened in the palace...

Ye Tangcai said calmly: I've heard about it too...but...what's the meaning of father looking for me? I'm a woman, and I usually just do embroidery and tying. I don't mind if you tell me about it. I understand. Everything can only be left to the third master!

Uncle Chu's expression froze, and then his old face flushed red. He is a big man, and he came to find a woman in a panic when he encountered such a thing... He is really ashamed.

Qin Shi looked at Ye Tangcai and snorted coldly, what a worthless bitch! Not even this kind of overall view! Look at Sister Shu, she is able to help His Highness the Prince in planning big things. Even she cares about this kind of family, country and world.

But Ye Tangcai... Tsk tsk, what a stupid woman! I only know how to please men all day long, and I only know some trivial things between women.

I just came here to ask you... When will Saburo come back? Uncle Chu searched for a while before he found the words.

Ye Tangcai said: It's just a few days. Hurry up! The letter said that he will be back within two days!

That's good. Uncle Chu heaved a sigh of relief, and after finishing speaking, he couldn't find anything else to say.

But Uncle Chu was sitting there, unwilling to move his buttocks.

Because the matter in front of him is too disturbing, and Chu Yunpan is the most capable person in the family, only here can Uncle Chu feel a sense of security. So he didn't want to leave.

Ye Tangcai saw him like this, so he said lightly: Father and mother, let's eat here!

Okay! Uncle Chu said excitedly.

Huiran went down to prepare meals.

At noon, after dinner, the two were sent away.

When Qin Shi was about to get into the car, she glanced at Ye Tangcai and snorted coldly, she is such an ignorant woman, she deserved to be able to kneel at the feet of Shujie in the future!


The bedroom was still locked tightly, and Emperor Zhengxuan and Cai Jie were tied to chairs, already emaciated. But the two still slept for a while on the way.

Prince Edward, Empress Zheng and Li Gui took turns to watch over them.

On the way, Li Gui went out and asked someone from outside to bring in food.

The courtiers outside wanted to poison the dishes, but Li Gui said that all the meals would be fed to Emperor Zhengxuan.

People outside had no choice but to prepare non-toxic things.

You rebellious son! Emperor Zhengxuan cursed while eating the food the crown prince fed him.

He knew that this was to test him for poison, but he was really hungry and could only eat. Otherwise, if someone really came to rescue him, he wouldn't even have the strength to struggle.

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