Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 586 Action (Part 1)

The spring breeze dawns in March, which is a warm and pleasant season. This morning, Ye Tangcai got up, Qingliu combed her hair, Xiaoyue rushed in, panting: Third grandma...

Ye Tangcai looked at her from the mirror until her face turned red from running, so she smiled slightly: What's wrong with you?

The mother-in-law of the Chen family came to announce the good news, saying that Grandma Chen was born! Xiaoyue said with a smile.

Ah! Ye Tangcai was startled: Little sister gave birth?

Yes. Xiaoyue said. I heard that it was launched at Wushi last night, and it was born at the second quarter of Zishi. She is a daughter.

Huh? It was born in Zishi? Why did you tell me now. Ye Tangcai was overjoyed, Quick Qingliu, don't make it so complicated, just a random bun. Let's go to Chen's house.

Hui Ran snorted: I only came to announce the good news this morning, so I was afraid that you would rush over in the middle of the night. Don't worry, Third Grandma. Bai Shui, you all go prepare the gift.

The room was suddenly busy. Qingliu combs her hair, Huiran prepares clothes, Baishui prepares gifts, Xiaobai prepares breakfast, and the two new maids greet the Chen family who came to announce the good news.

After a while, Ye Tangcai cleaned up, ate a few mouthfuls, and then went out to take the car. Seeing that Ye Tangcai only ate this little, Hui Ran hurriedly made a few snacks before getting into the car.

Two quarters of an hour later, they finally arrived at Chen's house in the north of the city.

The Chen family has inherited the nobles for several generations, and the mansion is large and elegant.

Ye Tangcai got out of the car, and was led by her mother-in-law to Ye Lingjiao's house.

As soon as I walked in, I heard chattering voices inside. Miao Shi, Luo Shi, Sun Shi, Ye Weicai, and Ye Lingjiao's two concubine sisters all came and sat in a room, chatting sky.

Seeing Ye Tangcai come in, Miao and the others immediately smiled and called, Sister Tang is here.

Especially Ye Tangcai's two aunts were so enthusiastic.

Ye Tangcai walked to the bed while saying hello, and saw Ye Lingjiao was sitting on the bed with a tightly wrapped dumpling in her arms.

Sister-in-law. Ye Tangcai walked over.

Ye Lingjiao raised her head and smiled softly: Look...

Ye Tangcai was sitting on the bed, Ye Lingjiao was holding the ball in her hands. I saw a thick layer of honey pink and silver-studded Wanfu su satin thick swaddle, embedded with a pink and tender ball, the little baby is closing his eyes, with his little face tilted, not to mention how cute it is.

Ah... Ye Tangcai's heart melted when she saw it, It's so cute. She wanted to hug her, but seeing this soft ball, she was afraid of breaking it.

Ye Lingjiao had a warm smile all over her face: That's right!

Mrs. Miao, Mrs. Luo and others gathered around again, Mrs. Sun said hehe, isn't she just a girl who loses money?

Grandma Zhang is here. A servant girl's voice sounded from outside.

There was a sound of footsteps, but I saw Ye Licai walking in, she was still holding her son in her arms, the child was already one year old, just at the cuddly and cute age.

Hey, Sister Li is here. Hurry up and bring Brother Bao over to recognize my cousin. Sun said with a smile, Oh, I thought it would be a little cousin, but who would have thought that it would be a little cousin.

Miao's face immediately darkened. Ye Lingjiao gave birth to a daughter, and the Miao family was already disappointed, but the Sun family still buried Mu, and the mood was even worse. Especially seeing Ye Licai coming in with a son on purpose, she felt rather uninspired.

Ye Licai came over with her son in her arms, hehe: At first, I saw my sister-in-law's stomach is sharp, and she likes to eat sour. I thought it was a boy, which made me prepare a few sets of clothes for nothing.

Oh, sister Li, you are really good. You are a blessing to be a man in one fell swoop. Sun said.

Ye Tangcai sneered: Miss Li only has the good fortune of being a man in one fell swoop. What about the girl, Mrs. Chen and my uncle are happy! This morning, the Chen family gave red eggs everywhere to announce the good news. The most important thing What is more important is that husband and wife are of the same heart, harmonious and loving.

Ye Licai's smug little face collapsed a little, she and Zhang Boyuan respected each other like ice now, and one of Zhang Boyuan's favorite concubines was five months pregnant and was about to give birth.

Hey, they're all here. A laugh sounded, but Mrs. Chen walked in with a smile on her face, and the maid behind her was holding a tray. Chen Zhiheng also followed behind.

Ye Tangcai hurriedly let her sit down, Madam Chen came in and saw her granddaughter sleeping, her face was full of smiles, she looked at Ye Lingjiao and said, You eat little in the morning, drink this crucian carp soup while it's hot.

Yes. Ye Lingjiao said with a smile.

Girl. Chen Zhiheng leaned forward, hugged the bun into his arms, and was as happy as a fool, bowing his head to kiss.

Ye Lingjiao glared at him: Take it easy.

Yes, hehe. Chen Zhiheng lowered his head, and kissed the little baby on the face.

Seeing Mrs. Chen's enthusiasm for Ye Lingjiao and Chen Zhiheng's lack of children, Miao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Sun's and Ye Licai's eyes were gloomy. Compared to Ye Tangcai, Ye Licai was no match. Seeing that Ye Lingjiao gave birth to a daughter, Ye Licai wanted to step on Ye Lingjiao. What I see is that other people's husbands and wives are harmonious and loving, but I feel bad about myself.

The mother and daughter had to retreat and sit outside.

Chen Zhiheng teased his daughter for a while, but there were all female family members around, he really couldn't stay for a long time, so he reluctantly kissed his daughter again, and then went out.

Ye Tangcai sat by the bed and asked, What's her name?

Ye Lingjiao patted the child: Chen Shirong, whose baby name is Tiantian. Where's yours?

With a smile on Ye Tangcai's face, she leaned into Ye Lingjiao's ear and whispered.

Everyone stayed until noon. After lunch, Mrs. Chen smiled and said, The full moon banquet will be held in a month's time. Please come and have a drink.

Mrs. Chen's words made Mrs. Miao happy again, and Ye Licai and Mrs. Sun agreed for a while. Because giving birth to a daughter generally does not hold a full moon banquet, it is because I really like it.

When Ye Tangcai returned home, she wrote to Chu Yunpan, telling him that Ye Lingjiao had given birth to a cute little milk bag, and she tilted her head when writing the date: What date is it today?

Hui Ran, who was standing by the side grinding ink, said, March 28.

Ye Tangcai wrote down the date and said, The draft will start on the tenth day of March, right?

Yes. Hui Ran said, On the 10th day of March, the draft is over, and the 18th royal selection is over. Now ten days have passed!

It's time to learn the rules for half a month! Ye Tangcai put the brush on the pen holder, It's time to learn it now.

Ye Tangcai sighed slightly, it was time for the palace to act.

Counting the days with Ye Tangcai is still the prince, queen and others.

Ever since they came out of Fengyi Palace that day, the atmosphere of the show girls has not been as happy as before. Hongying observes Su Ziqin's mood every day.

Moreover, he intentionally stimulated her, saying that she was in a bad mood, and specially cooked for her the unique delicacies of Chengzhou, which Su Ziqin and his fiancé loved to eat. Su Ziqin's expression became more determined.

That night, Hongying fell asleep early, and Su Ziqin stood by the window, silently watching the moon outside the window in a daze.

What is Miss Su thinking? A sneer sounded.

Su Ziqin turned around abruptly, only to see the masked man in black from last time, his face turned pale: You—

Have you considered what this king mentioned last time? the man in black asked.

Su Ziqin looked cold: Of course. I want to avenge Brother Fan, I want to make my father and stepmother regret it, and send them all to hell.

The man in black clapped his hands: Okay! But Miss Su, you seem to be too excited, which is not a good thing. In four days, you will be summoned. But you have to endure the humiliation of the dog emperor for another night.

Why? Su Ziqin said.

The man in black said: The beautiful girls who served the bed for the first time were all carried to the emperor's bedroom. Even the nails and hair have to be checked, so it is impossible to carry a weapon. You are a weak and unarmed woman, how can you fight a man. So Please endure the humiliation for one night, and wait until the next night, when he goes to your palace again, it will not be too late to do it.

Su Ziqin nodded: Thank you for your advice.

The man in black saw that the hatred in Su Ziqin didn't decrease but increased, smiled slightly, then turned and left.

When the man in black came out of Xiuyuan, he changed his clothes, got into the carriage, and left the palace.

Back at the Prince's Mansion, Song Xiao and others hurriedly greeted him: Your Highness, how is the progress?

The prince strode into the study while chuckling: Naturally it will be smooth. His eyes flashed coldly, It's the first day of April!

Yes. Song Xiaodao: The respect room is ready. On the first day of April, the emperor will officially welcome the beautiful girls. You can start on the second day of April!

The prince snorted coldly, and sat down on the teacher's chair under the window. With that old-fashioned character, Su Ziqin would be the first to be summoned. All the show girls were given titles, only Su Ziqin was Baolin, and Emperor Zhengxuan would be the first to choose Baolin who impressed him the most.

Moreover, Empress Zheng told the prince Zhengxuan Emperor's habits, that after Su Ziqin was gone, he would look for Su Ziqin again the next day, and would not call another one until three or four days had passed.

Even if Emperor Zhengxuan suddenly changed his habits, it would be easy for Empress Zheng to let him continue to recruit Su Ziqin the next day.

Prepare the four treasures of the study for me. The prince sneered. I want Marquis Zhenxi to prepare to return to Beijing now.

Yes. Li Gui hurriedly walked to the big book case in front, brought the Four Treasures of the Study and put them on the coffee table beside the Prince. Gently rub the ink away.

The prince held the pen, wrote a letter, and handed it to Li Gui.

Li Gui bowed and went out, tied the letter to Qing Falcon, and let it go.

Qing Falcon flew out and arrived in Lingzhou early the next morning.

Chu Yunpan was standing by the window of the west courtyard of the Lingzhou Yamen when he suddenly saw a green falcon flying over.

He raised his hand slightly, and the green falcon was on his arm.

Chu Yunpan pulled out the letter from Qing Falcon's feet, raised his red lips, and smiled sharply and wickedly: Let's do it!

Behind him, Yu Yang's eyes flickered slightly, he bowed his hands, and backed out.

Time slipped forward slowly, on March 30th, Emperor Zhengxuan thought all day long that he would soon be able to shake the majestic wind, and his whole body was a little bit flustered and absent-minded. Even going to court, it seems a bit perfunctory.

Just after talking about the epidemic situation in the morning, a guard from outside walked in: Report!

Emperor Zhengxuan was about to disperse the court, when he heard the report, he became a little impatient: What's the matter?

The imperial guard came in and knelt down on one knee: Lingzhou Town Xihou has a letter saying that King Liang was captured in Lingzhou!

What? As soon as these words came out, the whole court was about to explode.

Emperor Zhengxuan even jumped up, feeling complicated in his heart, What happened to King Liang?

The imperial guards held the paper in their hands, and Cai Jie hurriedly went down to take the paper and presented it to Emperor Zhengxuan's Dragon Case.

Emperor Zhengxuan opened the notebook and saw ten lines at a glance.

According to the booklet, just yesterday, Chu Yunpan and the prefect of Lingzhou searched again, and finally found the remnants of King Liang and his party in a private house. Zhenxihou immediately controlled the people, and there were no apparent casualties.

Emperor Zhengxuan slapped the folder in his hand on the table: That rebellious son! His expression was complicated.

It is written in the booklet that King Liang was unscathed, but Emperor Zhengxuan would rather that King Liang died in Chu Yunpan's hands, so that he would not have to send it himself.

Now that he is captured alive, he must first be decompressed and returned to Beijing, and then he will deal with it.

Emperor Zhengxuan said coldly: Let Zhenxihou quickly return to Beijing.

Yes. The guard promised and turned to leave.

However, the prince's eyes twinkled slightly, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his lips. Yes, everything went according to his pace.

The letter he sent to Chu Yunpan that night was to ask Chu Yunpan to pretend to capture Liang Wang and lead the army into the capital step by step.

The day after tomorrow Su Ziqin started, and Chu Yunpan almost arrived outside Beijing with the entire Jingwei Palace.

Of course, if there is no accident, he will not need Chu Yunpan, but it is always good to have a precaution.

Let's disperse! Emperor Zhengxuan said coldly.

Because of King Liang's news, Emperor Zhengxuan felt a little unhappy, turned around and walked inside. He also had no intention of going to the study to read the memorial, and went directly to Fengyi Palace.

When he came to the gate of Fengyi Palace, Emperor Zhengxuan sighed slightly. Whenever he thought about King Liang or Empress Xiao, he would be upset. Only when he came here and saw Empress Zheng could he feel better.

When Emperor Zhengxuan walked in, Empress Zheng immediately came out with a smile: Your Majesty.

Hehe, sit down. Emperor Zhengxuan helped her up, and the two sat down on the couch.

Empress Zheng said: Why is your majesty depressed?

Emperor Zhengxuan's face was a bit bitter again: King Liang was forced back to Beijing by the Marquis of Zhenxi.

Empress Zheng's eyes flickered slightly, but she looked surprised, Ah...are you injured?

Hmph, whether it hurts or not. Anyway, sooner or later... Emperor Zhengxuan snorted coldly.

Since the emperor doesn't want to see him... why don't you send him directly to the imperial mausoleum. Zheng Huang said.

No! Emperor Zhengxuan's eyes turned cold, A leg or an arm must be broken.

He accused King Liang of poisoning the prince and mutilating his siblings. At that time, he directly ordered King Liang's hand or leg to be cut off, and then the imperial tomb was shut down.

Your Majesty... Empress Zheng sighed slightly, and looked at Emperor Zhengxuan worriedly, After all, the Emperor loved and loved King Liang when he grew up.

However, Emperor Zhengxuan held her hand: For the common people and the world, we must do this. If he is not abolished, how can we stop his delusions? Qianer is the orthodox Daqi, and the person I like.

Empress Zheng sneered, if she really hurt her, why didn't she give up her seat! Okay, the emperor should not think about unhappy things, the emperor should think about something happy.

Oh, what else is there to be happy about? Emperor Zhengxuan was still irritable.

Empress Zheng chuckled, Tomorrow is the first day of April. I wonder whose name the emperor wants to turn over?

Ah... As soon as he mentioned this, Emperor Zhengxuan swept away all the troublesome baths just now, and his blood was agitated immediately, and he said excitedly: Hahaha, yes, I should think about it.

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