Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 553 Explosion 07: Help

King Liang picked her up, walked to the half-exposed broken pavilion, threw her in a corner, and stared at her coldly: Stay here for me, don't move! Otherwise, I will be given to you by a beggar. If you pick it up, I won’t look for it.” Then, he turned around and went down the pavilion, destroyed the stairs leading up to the pavilion, piled them in a corner, and then left.

As his footsteps walked away until they disappeared, the entire pavilion fell into a kind of silence.

Zhao Yingqi was bound so tightly that she couldn't move, she was completely huddled in the corner, her eyes were deeply closed, tears kept falling, she kept wriggling...struggling...

Ever since she left Beijing with him, she had expected such a day to come.

Her existence was originally a burden and shame to him, and sooner or later she would be discarded by him, but at least don't tie her up, okay?

At least give her a little way out, okay?

Although she is stupid and has no brains, as long as she is not tied down, maybe she can survive...

Why did you have to tie her up? There is no room left for her...

Frightened, she struggled for most of the day, exhausted all her strength, and it was still the same.

I can't move my hands, I can't move my feet, I can't speak...

Constantly struggling, still like this...

Thinking about it, she let out a deep breath and didn't move anymore.

The way she is now is actually... very much like her original appearance.

Being tied up, any struggle or shouting is futile.

so tired……

She just lay there like dead.


Liang Wang left this dilapidated small pavilion, erased his traces outside, and galloped away on horseback.

There seemed to be the sound of horseshoes in the distance, King Liang chuckled, and flicked his whip hard.

Over there. An angry shout sounded from behind.

Liang Wang turned around and saw more than five or four riders galloping towards him.

The cavalry behind him actually yelled coldly: Sure enough, it is King Liang! Shoot and kill!

The other said: Isn't there a woman?

Leave her alone! It's important to kill the King of Liang! Drive! Everyone raised their swords as they spoke.

Liang Wang raised the big bow beside the horse with one hand, drew three arrows at a time, turned around and pointed arrows behind him.

Mother, shoot three arrows at once, I heard that King Liang is good at bows! Spread out! A cavalryman behind him widened his eyes and shouted sharply.

The five cavalry immediately dispersed.

No, Liang Wang raised his charming eyes, turned the hand holding the string, and the feathered arrow changed its angle, he sharpened his eyes, and sneered: That is my king's thing, no one is allowed to touch it!

There was a sound of bang, and three sharp arrows flew out in three directions at the same time.

The five people scattered behind were shocked, and before they had time to react, there were three loud bang bang bang, and three people fell off the horse at the same time.

The owner fell, and the three horses tripped over their bodies. The horses let out a long cry, and then flew out. The remaining two who missed the arrow were tripped by the horses, and their hooves were high, and they all rolled to the ground. .

Hehe! King Liang flicked his horsewhip fiercely, and left in the dust.

Falling chasing soldiers rolled muddy on the snow, and finally ran to help their companions, only to find that the three of them were all hit in the heart, a fatal move!

The two surviving pursuers turned pale with shock, and after a while, one of them asked, What did Liang Shan just say?

I don't know. Let's meet up with the boss!


After King Liang left this place, the sound of horseshoes sounded one after another in the distance.

Liang Wang's expression became a little more serious, endless! This group of people is looking for him!

Thinking about it, he hurriedly rode forward to lure all these people away from this area!

Going forward, he met a group of searchers again, and King Liang couldn't resist them running on the official road.

On the way, I met Mr. Zhou who had escaped again, and they were led to go south with these people.

After going around and around, after about five miles, King Liang and Mr. Zhou hid in the mountain, and the moon was already in the sky at this time. The whole mountain is full of pursuers searching.

The two were lying in a hidden mountain depression, staring coldly at the little sparks below.

Panting heavily, Mr. Zhou looked up at King Liang, only to see that King Liang's face was covered with dirt, but he still couldn't hide his overly dazzling eyebrows and eyes. Here and now, sharp and cold and focused.

Ever since the two met, King Liang had this expression, Mr. Zhou finally couldn't hold back, and whispered: Your Highness, where is the princess?

Liang Wang's eyes fell on his face darkly: Dead.

Mr. Zhou's dirty old face froze, hehehe twice, what do you say, as long as you are happy!

At this time, it suddenly snowed from the sky, and a piece of snow fell on the back of Mr. Zhou's neck. Mr. Zhou was shivering from the cold.

Liang Wang's eyes became colder and colder...

These people below will deal with it. Liang Wang said coldly.

Mr. Zhou was surprised: But look at the situation below, there are at least twenty or thirty people.

The corner of Liang Wang's lips curled into a sneer: Taking advantage of the darkness, the snow is slippery...we are at a high place, otherwise we will really survive until tomorrow, and we will die.

Mr. Zhou was startled, then his eyes lit up, yes, they are at a high place. Liang Wang is good at the bow, almost hits a hundred shots! As long as you climb high, whoever you want to kill is who! The figure can also hide in the night!

The chasing soldiers continued to search the mountain.

But it was too dark, the snow was deep and slippery, and it actually started snowing. The weather was not beautiful.

At this time, a faint sound of breaking through the sky suddenly appeared, mixed with the sound of human voices and footsteps, which was not very noticeable.

Ah—— Suddenly a scream sounded, not surprised by the pursuers who were looking for someone with a torch, turned around and saw one of them suddenly fell to the ground.

The pursuers looked to the ground and saw that the man had been shot dead, and the expressions of the people around him changed: It's King Liang!

Speaking of which, everyone raised their heads, but they saw that the entire mountain forest was dark, densely packed with branches and forests, and there was still snow in the sky. How could it be so easy to see a living person.

Commander Chen Xin frowned deeply.

Obviously, now is not the best time for them to search, they are short of manpower, and they have encountered such a terrible weather.

However, it was not easy to push him to this point. If he could be caught or killed, the credit would be enough for him to be promoted and make a fortune.

This is what it means to seek wealth and wealth, how can you give up!

Search for me! Chen Xin shouted sharply.

The soldiers held torches and ate bread and put them on the search.

I didn't want to, there were bursts of piercing sounds, but the people around me fell down one after another.

Chen Xin was very annoyed when he heard a movement in the tree to the east: Over here!

But when they went in that direction, they didn't want to, and sharp arrows were sent from behind, and the pursuers continued to fall.

Chen Xin was so annoyed that he turned around abruptly. Before he could react, he suddenly felt a pain in his chest, and then he spit out a mouthful of blood, and rolled on the ground.

Boss! The pursuers stared wide-eyed. Seeing that Chen Xin was dead, they all threw away their torches in fright. Quick retreat!

A group of people had no choice but to run down the road.

Liang Wang and Mr. Zhou jumped off the tree and went in another direction.

After going down the mountain, Danma was already killed by the pursuers. Mr. Zhou said, Your Highness, find a place to hide first, at least for one night! Such heavy snow!

Liang Wang said coldly, No.

Mr. Zhou sighed slightly.

Liang Wang said again: Let's make a trace!

The two of them were on the snowy ground, making traces of going west, but finally turned back to the south.

It was snowing in the sky, it was dark, the road was really difficult to walk, but on the way they saw there were still people chasing here, so the two had to find a place to avoid it, and when they returned to the broken building, it was already late the next day .

After walking such a long distance, Liang Wang and Mr. Zhou felt a little numb from the cold.

Mr. Zhou looked up at the pavilion in front of him, hiding here?

The two entered the pavilion, but Mr. Zhou frowned deeply and made no movement at all.

Liang Wang also looked cold, found a broken chair, turned over, went up to the pavilion, and stood there.

When Mr. Zhou saw him standing there, he was startled. After thinking for a while, he simply turned over. He was still growing stronger, and he went up with a somersault.

When he stood beside King Liang, he also froze, and saw that the entire pavilion was empty! Not even ghosts.

Well, it's gone!

Liang Wang stood there, with a handsome face like a storm, holding his hands tightly, Zhao Yingqi!

Liang Wang jumped off the pavilion, and Mr. Zhou followed him.

Liang Wang looked around with a sullen face, and saw that there were messy footprints all around. They came in too quickly just now, so they didn't notice these footprints.

King Liang squatted down to check, his charming phoenix eyes narrowed, I haven't been away for long, let's go!

Mr. Zhou was startled, his old eyes flickered slightly: Shi Mingcun!

The two of them ran out of the pavilion in a hurry, and headed for Shiming Village in a hurry.

However, before they reached the village, they saw a group of more than 20 people walking towards them from a distance, and the leader was He Pei.

Together with them, there are brothers Yanxi and Yandong.

Your Highness! Brother Yanxi ran forward excitedly.

However, King Liang glanced at He Pei coldly and raised his eyebrows: Aren't you saying you can't do it?

He Pei said angrily: Our fourth uncle asked us to come! Although my father is the boss, it is actually the fourth uncle who usually makes decisions, and everyone listens to him.

Heh. King Liang snorted softly.

There were only three old men who came that day, and one was missing. Obviously that was the Fourth Uncle He Pei was talking about. He was not there that day, right?

King Liang walked over quickly, and saw a man among them pulling a trolley. On it was a shabby overcoat, which was wrapped tightly with a bunch of things, and only half of his black head was exposed.

Liang Wang's face turned dark when he saw it, and he tore off the torn coat.

Then Zhao Yingqi's snow-white face was revealed, and King Liang was angry and annoyed: Zhao Yingqi!

He Pei frowned deeply: The whole person was bundled up like zongzi and thrown in the broken building. If we hadn't happened to go there, we might all have died.

Zhao Yingqi, who was lying on the cart, was dying, and King Liang gave him a cold look: If you die, you will die. Then he took off the cloak on his body and covered Zhao Yingqi.

He Pei choked: Didn't you say it will be useful in the future?

King Liang said: Keep it alive and use it, forget it after death, you don't need to worry about it.

He Pei's eyes widened, I've never seen anyone like His Royal Highness King Liang!

King Liang chuckled: I've never seen anyone like General He. You asked him to kill him before, but now he's blaming me for killing him.

He Pei gasped, my God, he felt that he was very at odds with this King of Liang!

Several people went all the way to the village like this.

After entering the village, Liang Wang and Mr. Zhou returned to the same room as last time.

Liang Wang picked up Zhao Yingqi, and He Peihei imitated his face and pointed to a room.

King Liang walked in with her in his arms, and finally put Zhao Yingqi on the bed, only to see her face was as pale as snow, so white that there was no blood on her body, and her breathing was weak.

Liang Wang pinched her little face with a cold face.

Your Highness. Mr. Zhou called out from outside.

King Liang went out, and saw a tall and thin old man standing there, who he knew at a glance was the Fourth Uncle He Pei was talking about.

Liang Wang stepped forward and said, Hello, old general.

What kind of general are you still calling? The old man waved his hand, Old He is a stubborn person, so the older generation is fine. But the younger generation can't really practice in vain... What you said makes sense, since you promised There are other arrangements, if that doll really wants to follow you, then he has to trust you.

Liang Wang said: Thank you, old general, for understanding.

The old man was very kind, and he turned to He Pei and said, Go ahead! Escort His Royal Highness King Liang to Beijing.

He Pei snorted lightly, but nodded: Yes.

Liang Wangdao: Before that, this king will go to Shazhou, and then go to the capital after finishing. There are still pursuers before, so please ask General He to help lead them away.

He Pei choked, and had already started to assign tasks, but as the fourth uncle said, since he decided to follow, he had to obey and believe.

This girl, let us go first, or take her to Shazhou? said the old man.

Liang Wang said: Let this go first.

He believed that these people still kept their promises and would not kill her because of his absence.

The matter of Shazhou cannot be postponed, and she is seriously ill, so it is not easy to take it with her.

The old man said a few more words to King Liang, then asked someone to arrange meals, and returned to his home with a cane.

In the small courtyard where he lived, an old figure was sitting in the courtyard. When he saw him coming back, he snorted coldly. This person was General He.

The old man sat across from him and sighed slightly: You can't ruin the children's future just because of us stubborn old men. Besides, even if he is really so untrustworthy and unworthy of the children's following, at least... escort him Let’s go! Even if the children don’t need this ability in the future, at least give them a chance to display it once, and they won’t regret it in the future! And… thinking of her last ounce of affection, help her child once. In this way, it’s even more You won't regret it, don't you?

General He was taken aback, took a glass of thick rice wine, and gulped down, his throat was sore. For some reason, the eyes are sour and astringent.

General He gave him a cold look: It can be regarded as getting back.

The old man laughed angrily: Why are you angry? You told them to go!

General He's old face darkened, Go away! Make the bed for me, someone has taken over my house.

The old man smiled: Okay, hehehe.

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