Sun was so choked that he couldn't make a sound.

Ye Licai was so wronged that she wanted to die of shame and indignation! She didn't want to pick up my sister-in-law's remaining dowry! Don't blame her! She is not!

Miao's face was so black that ink dripped out. She originally held the second room, but she just wanted to make the icing on the cake, but now she is picking on her old book, how could she want to!

Miao said coldly: Sister Li wants to gain a firm foothold in the Zhang family, but sister Ling doesn't need it? Besides, if you want to gain a firm foothold in your husband's family, you should do your duty as a daughter-in-law and serve your husband's family... Cough, do it It's best to be honest.

She originally wanted to say that it would be decent to give birth to a fat boy for her husband's family as soon as possible, but she herself was unable to give birth to a son, which was a pain point in her life, so she changed her mind again.

Sun's face turns green and white, she knows that Miao's here really can't be picked out. She gritted her teeth, not knowing what to do for a moment.

Father! Ye Chengxin looked at Ye Hewen at this time: I know that the dowry for Sister Li is already within the family's capabilities, but this marriage is actually a bit difficult, unlike my sister who has been going smoothly all the time, and uncle Home. Sister Li’s side... No matter what, we have to deal with it. Otherwise, let’s go outside to borrow it first, and our Jing’anhou’s mansion can’t borrow fifteen thousand taels, can’t we?”

Ye Hewen frowned, thinking.

Old man! Old man! At this moment, a voice sounded from outside, but it was Ye Hewen's servant Liu Er.

Ye Lingjiao's eyes flickered slightly, and she said with a smile: It's so urgent, there must be something urgent, let him in quickly!

Come in! Ye Hewen said.

The maid raised the curtain, but saw Liu Er walking in. His face was covered with sweat, and the black soft hat on his head was crooked, which showed how hurried he was walking.

Liu Er was startled when he saw that the second room and the first nest were all there, and that Ye Licai's face was full of tears.

What's the matter? What's your business? Ye Hewen became impatient.

It's like this... Liu Er glanced at Ye Chengxin: Just now I was doing business outside, but I heard the news that the second master lost all the dowry of the second girl!

Sun and Ye Chengxin's expressions changed, and Sun became even more annoyed: You, you are talking nonsense!

This... Liu Er was startled. how? The second master's family of three were all here, and the second girl's eyes were red and swollen from crying again, so he thought something happened! Dare to love the old lady and others are still being kept from it?

Is it true? Ye Hewen couldn't believe it.

At this point, Liu Er didn't dare to lie, and frowned, Of course it's true. I was picking inkstones for the old man at the pen and ink shop outside, and a young man came over and told me whether the things that the second master pawned should be redeemed or not. When I asked, I found out that he was the waiter of Jinwailou. He said that the second master and the second wife moved a lot of things the day before yesterday, and what looked like a dowry should be given to them in the building. Ten thousand taels of silver. The waiter said again, seeing that they had taken the money, he went to the Star Picking Bureau and placed a bet. Seeing that the second master was determined to bet, he also bet six taels of silver with him, but he lost!

Miao and Ye Hewen gasped, then trembled with anger.

You— Mrs. Sun wanted to tear up Liu Er.

Liu Er flinched from her stare.

Is it true? Ye Hewen stared at Sun with a dark face.

Old master... Sun's body trembled.

Wuuuuuuuuuuuu...Grandfather! Grandma, you have to be the masters for me! Ye Licai finally couldn't hold back, crying and knelt on the ground: My dowry, my dowry is gone! How can this make me Married? I'm dead! I'm dead!

You two bastards! Ye Hewen's eyes darkened, he roared angrily, grabbed the teacup in his hand and threw it over.

Old man...we know we're wrong! Sun cried and said, The most important thing now is Sister Li's dowry...No matter what, let me borrow...

The lack of dowry is also your fault! Ye Hewen's face darkened even more.

borrow? Now that all the savings in the family have been exhausted, Sister Ling will have to pay another seven thousand taels of dowry when she gets married in half a year, and a thousand taels of silver will also be spent on the wedding day.

As for the debt owed to Luo Shi, you can take it easy, but the previous one received wedding invitations from two family friends, and the crown prince's thousand years are coming soon, so he will have to give generous gifts when the time comes, even if the land tax and land rent come up three months later, it will not be enough Woolen cloth!

If you borrow more than 10,000 taels of silver for Ye Licai, how will the family live?

Mrs. Sun understood that if Ye Hewen knew the truth, it would be impossible for the family to fill in this pit. She gritted her teeth and said, How about this... Now the richest person in the family is Sister Tang, let Sister Tang help.

She must be willing to help! Ye Hewen said coldly.

Let's go to Mrs. Chu and let Mrs. Chu ask her for it. A ruthless look flashed in Sun's eyes.

She just found out that the Qin family punished Ye Tangcai to kneel down in the ancestral hall. It can be seen that the Qin family can still control her! If Ye Tangcai still doesn't want to, then try to mess with the Chu family, if you don't believe her, she won't take it!

Second brother and sister are good at calculating! A sneer sounded, the curtains outside were lifted, and Wen walked in angrily. It's actually tricked Sister Tang again!

Sun's expression changed.

Master... Ye Hewen frowned.

Old Master! Wen Shi shouted coldly, and saw her standing in the middle of the room, her gorgeous face, which was five points similar to Ye Tangcai, was full of coldness, but there were tears of resentment in her eyes: I don't understand, why once Once again, when Erfang committed a crime, the whole family has to bear it for them? Why should Sister Li have an accident, and it is always Sister Tang who suffers!

Ye Hewen was startled, his lips moved, and he felt guilty after all, so he kept silent.

Sun's anger turned into anger: Back then... if she hadn't snatched away the Zhang family's dowry and Sister Li's dowry, we, we wouldn't have come to this point!

Didn't I make it clear a long time ago, Ye Licai should make up for her! Didn't the family contribute another share to Sister Li? I'm just not greedy enough! Wen said coldly, and then looked at her with tears in her eyes. Looking at Ye Hewen: Old master, if it was Sister Tang who married at the beginning, how could there be so many things!

Ye Hewen's face darkened, that's right, if Ye Licai hadn't snatched this marriage at the beginning, how could there be so many troubles! It's all Ye Li's work! One after another!

And it was obviously the money they lost, but it was relying on Mrs. Zhang to fill in the hole for the family! What a calculation!

Bang! He swept the teapot on the kang table away and shattered it to the ground. Ye Hewen roared angrily: You guys have to take care of the things you made up yourself! No matter who you ask for the dowry, go get it yourself. If you don't come, then don't marry! Get out!

Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo on you! I hate you to death!

Sister Li! Mrs. Sun was ashamed, and hurriedly chased her out.

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