Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 545 Conviction

Princess Glenn was in a daze, feeling that the whole world was unreal.

I just felt as if all my clothes had been stripped off, and I was standing here naked, letting passers-by humiliate and point me out. Her face was pale and livid, but she was so choked that she couldn't speak a word for a while.

Even Mr. Wu and his son, Mrs. Qin and Mr. Cheng Fu Yin were also confused, and they were all ashamed of her.

Chu Feiyang squeezed her hand tightly, his expression became more and more serious: Speak!

Princess Ge Lan's body was stiff, her little face was bloodless, and she finally came back to her senses: Feiyang...I...I mean...Wu Yiyi is with me, with me...

In front of him, she never mentioned Wu Yiyi or the past before, as if the past did not exist. It should not affect the relationship between husband and wife.

Who would have thought that the two would bring up this topic on such an occasion and cause such a conflict.

Say it! Chu Feiyang was still aggressive. Do you love Wu Yiyi the most, or me?

Princess Ge Lan wanted to die, and here, she couldn't say that she loved Chu Feiyang. Otherwise, what is it that I don't want to marry in front of me, and I have a deep love with Wu Yiyi and his wife?

But if he says he loves Wu Yiyi and never forgets Wu Yiyi, then what does it matter if he keeps expressing his love for Chu Feiyang during this period of time? That's not self-slapping, wouldn't he become a hypocritical villain? In the future, Wu Yiyi's thorn will always be deeply buried between husband and wife.

When Princess Ge Lan was in a dilemma, Chu Feiyang sneered: You are too anxious.

Princess Glenn's face froze, and said: I don't understand what you said.

Then I'll explain it to you more clearly. When Chu Feiyang let go of her hand suddenly, Princess Ge Lan fell to the ground, lying there, feeling the ground was cold.

Chu Feiyang said coldly: Since you are only marrying because of Wu Yiyi, then you should pretend to be cold and unwilling when you enter the door, and wait a year or two before 'accepting me slowly', so that the process can be gradual. But you are too hard-hearted. Anxious, or too competitive, looking down on everyone, even though she is a widow, she still feels superior to others. I can't bear it even for a moment, and I want to suppress and hit my wife, so I have no scruples to reminisce about my old relationship as soon as I started .”

Princess Ge Lan's face changed, and each sentence seemed to peel her heart away layer by layer. She raised her pale face: Feiyang...what are you talking about...I...I...

Enough! An angry shout sounded, but Qin Shi stepped forward. Her face was distorted, but she was looking at Chu Feiyang: Since the murderer has been caught, let's go home quickly. Let's talk about it when we go home! Wansu, help your master, let's go home first.

No one is allowed to leave! Madam Wu hurriedly stepped forward, pointing at Glenn County's voice, weeping every word: Everyone has seen her true face just now! Shameless, vile, despicable, double-faced! While remarrying under the banner of my son, she turned her head and stabbed the old lover's arms to talk about love. Why didn't my son repay the dream, why didn't you report the dream to me? Why did you repay the dream to these vicious and shameless things like you? Pooh!

The surroundings gasped, and couldn't help but look around at those people who said they would repay their dreams, Mr. Wu, Wu Yifeng, Qin's family, Princess Ge Lan...all of them are really not cheap.

Gen Lan... Mrs. Wu stepped forward with a smile, You are that kind of person, aren't you?

What are you talking about, I don't understand. Princess Ge Lan has not yet turned around from Chu Feiyang's words, her body trembled too much, she gritted her teeth, and just wanted to escape from this place that made her extremely humiliated immediately. .

Princess, let's go! Wan Su helped Princess Ge Lan get up.

The master and servant turned around, and Mrs. Wu immediately rushed forward, pulled Princess Ge Lan back, and pushed hard again: You bitch! You were engaged to Chu Feiyang at the beginning, but in the end, The Chu family suffered a big defeat, and you immediately resigned from Chu Feiyang. At that time, my son was favored by the emperor and was an upstart in the court, so you seduced my son and married into our Wu family. Now my son has been defeated and disabled. If you don’t do it nonstop, just poison him to death so that you can marry back to the rising Chu family. It’s not safe to marry back to the Chu family, so first suppress the first wife, and then poison the stepson! So that I can take the position of the first wife.”

The people around took a deep breath, such an analysis, one by one example and summary, is indeed more convincing than some maid who somehow poisoned Wu Yiyi and Chu Xuehai for the sake of the master.

What kind of servant girl kills someone for her master's sake? It's nothing more than a crime!

Everyone looked at Princess Glenn with contempt.

Not only is she snobbish, dislikes the poor and loves the rich, but in the end she even murdered her own husband and remarried during the hot filial piety. This kind of woman should die riding a wooden donkey.

Enough! A cold shout sounded, but Cai Jie stepped forward with a serious face: Mrs. Wu, have you made enough trouble. Now that the criminal has committed the crime, everyone should leave!

No, no, no! Madam Wu yelled sharply, and in the end she rushed towards Princess Gülen, beating her for a while, and greeted Princess Gülen with one paw: You bastard! Man, I beat you to death! Tear you apart!

Ahhh—my face! Princess Glenn screamed and kicked Mrs. Wu's stomach, You old bitch—

But no matter how she kicked, Mrs. Wu didn't even get up, and slapped her face desperately.

Come on, pull her away! Pull her away! Cai Jie shouted coldly.

The servants around hurried over and pushed Mrs. Wu aside. But Mrs. Wu's hands were pressed, and her legs were still kicking desperately: Mu Chang, you bitch! Murder my husband! Murder my husband—

Ah... Princess Ge Lan was helped up by Wan Su, and she saw bloodstains on her graceful and beautiful face, her hair was disheveled, she was in a mess, and she smiled angrily: Okay, how dare you insult the Royal Princess!

You bastard! You bastard! Cai Jie pointed at Mrs. Wu with her orchid finger, Where can a shrew be so vicious. Very good, the miscellaneous family will go back to the palace and report to the emperor immediately, and take your order!

Master Wu also hurried forward, seeing Mrs. Wu's face, she slapped her face twice: You old bastard, come on! Now the order that Yiyi fought for you will be over. All of this You did it yourself. You did such a thing, I want to divorce you!

Wu Yifeng on the side was overjoyed, after he divorced her, he would be able to straighten his aunt. Then he will be the eldest son! There is nothing more satisfying than being promoted first and then promoted.

Princess Ge Lan gritted her teeth fiercely, stared at Madam Wu and raised her eyebrows and said, Everything was done by Wanxin. This princess doesn't know anything about it!

She has a ferocious face, and today, her reputation has been discredited. But at least I can't fall into her sin!

In the future, after a long time, everyone will naturally forget about it, and then find someone to whitewash it outside, and she will still be innocent. As for Chu Feiyang... In the past, he would slowly accept his heart.

Ahhh—— Mrs. Wu screamed unwillingly. God has no eyes! No eyes!

The voice was shrill, and the people present and the servants all felt pity.

Oh, really, obviously... There are obviously some things, and everyone knows it well! But partiality cannot cure her sin. The people shook their heads again and again.

Silent! Silent! Cheng Fu Yin kept patting the gavel.

The humming of the people stopped.

Cheng Fuyin coughed dryly: Back——

Wait! At this moment, another cold shout sounded.

Everyone was startled and lowered their heads, only to was that fat man from just now again! He raised his chubby hands high, and his chubby face was full of anxiety and uneasiness, but there was a touch of firmness between his brows.

Cheng Fuyin frowned unceasingly, What's the matter?

How could Princess Ge Lan not know, she must have known! The fat man took a deep breath, summoned up his courage and said, Actually, the first time, that maid came to buy chicken with Princess Ge Lan. Inner gold.

What? Everyone inside and outside the court was shocked, There is such a thing?

Princess Ge Lan's expression changed, and she sneered coldly: You nonsense! This princess is the honor of the princess, how could she end up in a dirty place like the vegetable market?

How many times have you called this nonsense? Mrs. Wu screamed, But every time it only proves that it is not nonsense.

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