Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 536 Threat

The key to Chu Xuehai's matter is the merchant.

Because of the red spot on the back of his head, he knew that he had been poisoned with rouge ink, and the real culprit was proved by a trader. Whoever goes to the chicken and sheep dealers every day to buy fresh chicken gills and black sheep shells is the murderer.

If Wu Yiyi was also killed by the rouge ink, then these two medicines must be used during the medication period, so the key is these two witnesses.

Even if they guessed it, the Emperor, Princess Heping and others would naturally guess it too. So someone will definitely be sent over to threaten the two witnesses.

Chu Yunpan's going out this time is to catch up with those two people.

Chu Yunpan took Yu Han and Yu Yang out of Chu's house and got into a small carriage. Chu Yunpan asked, Where is it?

Black Hu Lane in the west of the city. Yu Yang, who was driving outside, said, flicking the reins lightly, the carriage drove out.

The weather has not been very good for the past two days. Whether it is day or night, the clouds in the sky are dark and dark, covering the moon.

The small carriage was walking on the street, looking lonely, only the wind lamp beside it was flickering in the wind.

The car walked for a full quarter of an hour and finally stopped.

This is the poorest part of the west of the capital city. The yards in this area are small and dilapidated. Because of poverty, in order to save lamp oil, they turned off the lights early and went to sleep.

Naturally, this is not Heihu Lane, but an alley not far from Heihu Lane.

Chu Yunpan got out of the car, walked out of this area with Yuyang, and came to Heihu Lane quietly. In the distance, I saw rows of small courtyards without lights, but only the small courtyard in the middle was still lit. lamp.

Chu Yunpan narrowed his eyes slightly, knowing without thinking, it was here.

The corner of his lips curled up, and he jumped onto the wall in twos and threes, stepping lightly on the tiled roof with the lights on, and there was already a person lying on his stomach in the last room with lights on.

Is it all here? Chu Yunpan asked in a low voice.

Yeah. The man turned around, but it was Chu Feiyang.

Chu Yunpan squinted his eyes, and then got down on his stomach. The two of them moved away a tile, and saw that it was the main room of this courtyard. There was an Eight Immortals table in the middle, and three men were sitting around it.

In the middle is an old man in gray clothes in his sixties, and on both sides are two men in rough cloth clothes in his forties, one thin and the other fat.

The fat man stared wide-eyed: You two uncles and elder brothers, are you also... He glanced at the two of them timidly.

The old man and the thin man looked at each other and nodded.

The fat man didn't know if they were the same as himself. In the evening, two mysterious people came suddenly, caught him alive, and finally brought him to this yard.

Then came the old man and the thin man.

The fat man said, I'm a chicken seller in the city.

The thin man said, I am a sheep dealer.

The old man nodded: Me, me too...

The three of them looked at each other, and then their expressions changed.

They are the people who live at the bottom. They usually do small business, or chat with their neighbors, and they don't talk about strange things and anecdotes in the capital.

They didn't know how many times they talked about the Princess Glenn.

Yesterday there was another big news, that her maid poisoned the young master of the Chu family with a strange poison that even doctors don't understand, and finally she was diagnosed by chance. But the conviction was based on the solid confessions provided by the two chicken and sheep dealers, and finally the poison was found in the maid's house, and it was disguised as makeup powder.

At that time, many traders were called into the mansion. After these people returned, they took it as a special experience and publicized it everywhere.

But after they heard this, their faces changed.

Because they remembered that before that, there was also such a beautiful maid who came to look for Ji Nei Jin or Hei Yang Jia.

Before they could react, Mrs. Wu went to make trouble early this morning.

On weekdays, they often talked about these things, how could they expect that these legendary anecdotes would actually involve them today.

The fat man winked and said: Needless to say, the princess must have murdered her husband, heh...

Hush. ​​The thin man quickly put his middle finger on his lips, and the old man also changed his face in fright: Stop talking.

That's the princess! Moreover, they have been brought here, it must be...

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside, and the three people in the room were startled. Then, with a squeak, the door was opened, and a majestic old man in his sixties with green brocade came in.

The old man was holding a fly whisk, his face was white and beardless, and he was quite feminine. Judging by his clothes and demeanor, he could tell that he was not an ordinary person.

Behind him was a young eunuch who looked at them and yelled, Kowtow quickly when you see Eunuch Cai.

The three words Cai Gonggong rang in their ears. Living in the capital, these three words were like thunder. Eunuch Cai is a first-class celebrity around the emperor!

Ah... The three trembled, their bodies went limp from fright, and they knelt down with a plop. The old man was the oldest, so he was naturally more courageous: See...see Eunuch...Eunuch Qiantui.

The remaining two were so frightened that they couldn't even make a sound.

Cai Jie was very satisfied with their fearful and fearful reactions. He flicked his whisk lightly and took a step forward: The miscellaneous family came here today, can you guess what is the reason?

The three of them were trembling, they were business people who showed their faces, they were all very shrewd, and they knew the reason at a guess, but the three of them were so shocked that they dared not make a sound, if they made a mistake, what would they do if they were beheaded?

Cai Jie snorted softly: Did you hear about the young master of the Chu family yesterday? Did you hear about Mrs. Wu's trouble with the Chu family today?

The faces of the three were ashen and pale, they only nodded tremblingly, and the gray-clothed old man said: Yes.

Very good. Cai Jie lifted his eyelids slightly and looked down at them, But, the emperor trusts the princess, and thinks that the princess will not be such a vicious maid, don't you think so?

The word Emperor frightened the three of them into pale faces, how could they dare to deny it, and tremblingly said: Yes...

Cai Jie nodded and sighed: The princess was raised by the miscellaneous family, so gentle and kind, this is something everyone knows. Among the grandchildren, the emperor loves the princess the most. If anyone dares to wrong the county Lord, the emperor will kill that man's head.

The three of them trembled physically and mentally with fright, and nodded like pounding garlic.

Cai Jie looked down at their reactions, but was amused: So, half a month ago, did someone ask you to buy some messy things for a long time?

No! No! The three shook their heads desperately. Speaking of this, even a fool would know the purpose of Cai Jie's trip - to let them give false testimony on behalf of Princess Glenn.

As the most critical witnesses in this case, they will definitely be summoned to court. As long as they deny that Wan Xin came to buy chicken meat and black sheep armor, then Wan Xin will be innocent and Princess Glenn will be able to restore her reputation.

Cai Jie knew that the three of them dared not talk nonsense anymore, so he chuckled: Sure enough, they are all honest people. The emperor is very happy to have people like you. Let's rest here tonight. We will go to court tomorrow morning. When the time comes The yamen will come to pick you up.

Yes... The three trembled.

Cai Jie turned and left, and the three of them were so frightened that they collapsed to the ground.

After a while, they came back to their senses, the thin man said with a pale face, I knew it was like this.

The gray-clothed old man nodded: Let's be honest, just don't talk nonsense. They are all ordinary people, how dare they argue with the imperial authority.

At this time, the door creaked again and was pushed open. The three of them got up again in fright, and were about to kneel upright.

I didn't want to, but a young man in coarse cloth came in, holding a few quilts in his hands, and threw them on them: You can just make do with it here tonight.

He took out another food box and opened it to find a box of delicate flower-shaped snacks, three chicken legs and a pot of wine. He put it on the table and said, This is something my father-in-law surprised you with. , and sleep well after eating and drinking, and cheer up tomorrow.

After finishing speaking, he turned and went out, and with a bang, the carved wooden door was thrown shut.

The three of them were frightened, they still had no appetite, but the dim sum on the table was fragrant and fragrant, and it was made into a very delicate rose shape. They were all rough people, and they had never seen such delicate ones.

And there was still wine on the table, the three of them were really terrified, so they all walked over to eat and drink something to be sure.

The thin man poured the wine, but the fat man picked up a snack and stuffed it into his mouth: Delicious! Delicious!

The gray-clothed old man took the chicken legs, but stuffed the snacks into his pocket, planning to save them for his grandson.

After eating and drinking, the three of them spread their bedding on the ground and slept next to their clothes.

The three of them were sleeping in a daze, and they didn't know what time it was. Suddenly, there was a jolt, and the fat man woke up unexpectedly.

It was dark, and although there was no moonlight tonight, there were courtyard lights outside the yard, so it was possible to see something vaguely.

There was a gust of whining wind outside, and the fat man's face changed, could it be—

He didn't even dare to think about it, he just closed his eyes tightly, and hurriedly pulled up the quilt to cover himself, but the quilt was too short, and his feet were exposed when he pulled the quilt over his face.

With a snap, there was a sudden sound outside.

The fat man opened his eyes, only to see a white ghost with disheveled hair standing at the outer door, clapping his hands on the carved panes, looking at him with dead fish eyes.

Hey—— the fat man's eyes were wide open, and finally he couldn't hold back anymore, he screamed: Here it is again! It's here again! There's a ghost! There's a ghost! My God——

When the fat man howled, the thin man and the old man couldn't hold back any longer, their eyes widened, and when they saw the ghost outside, their faces turned livid with fright: Ahhh——

While roaring, the two got up together.

My mother— the fat man burst into tears.

But this room is small, surrounded by walls, there is nowhere to hide

Don't come over— The thin man and the old man were so frightened that they pushed the fat man out and shrank behind him.

The fat man wanted to die already. It was not the first time he saw this ghost. It was just seven or eight days ago, and he was looking for him every night.

Hell, he was about to pee out of fear, these two people were even worse than him, they pushed him to block in front, and the two shrank behind him! Although he was fat enough to block the two of them...but he shouldn't bully the fat man like this!

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