Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 509 (one more)

What happened to the Wu family was so weird that everyone in the capital was paying attention.

We all know that the female family members of the Wu family have filed a complaint in the palace, and everyone is waiting to see the result.

I don't know which one spread the news from the palace. Someone said: I heard that this matter has been heard by the heavens. After all, she is the emperor's granddaughter! How dare the Chu family insult you so much? She came out.

The people gathered around one after another: What happened next?

The emperor said, since this incident was caused by Wu Yiyi's ghost in a dream, then ask Wu Yiyi.

Oh, how do you ask?

I heard that the emperor has invited the abbot of Fahua Temple—Master Liao Ming to come to Wu's house to perform ceremonies.

When the common people heard this, they all nodded and said, That's good! Master Liao Ming is an eminent monk, and he will definitely ask the true meaning of Wu Yiyi's dead soul.

Early the next morning, the common people gathered in front of Wu's house.

Then I saw a carriage walking into the gate of Wu's house, and finally stopped outside the Chuihua Gate.

People from the two carriages came down one after another, but it was Mrs. Qin and Uncle Chu. Chu Feiyang, his wife, Chu Miaohua and others were not present.

Seeing them get off the carriage, the mother-in-law of the Wu family's face darkened on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, another carriage came in, and the driver was dressed in dark blue eunuch clothing. When the carriage stopped, two young eunuchs came forward, and then helped Cai Jie and a red-clothed man in yellow Monk in cassock.

Oh, this... The reception woman cried out in shock when she saw Cai Jie, Isn't this Eunuch Cai?

Wu Yiyi used to be a close minister of the emperor, the emperor had many rewards, and Cai Jie often came to the mansion to issue decrees in person, so the Wu family recognized him.

If it was before, he would respectfully welcome him into the living room. But now, Wu Yiyi is dead, and the Wu family is not as good as before, so the old woman asked the little maid to rush in immediately, and after a while, Mrs. Wu and the whole family came out to welcome them.

Even Mr. Wu, who was bedridden, got up: My father-in-law actually came to visit in person, and I am disappointed.

The miscellaneous family is just following orders and is responsible for sending Master Ming here. Cai Jie said.

Amitabha. Master Liao Ming slapped the Buddha.

Elder-in-law, if you understand Abbot, please hurry up. Master Wu said.

Mrs. Wu only wiped her tears, knowing that the abbot is an eminent monk, she would definitely return the Wu family's innocence.

A group of people walked across the vertical flower gate with a whimper, and were finally led to Wu Yiyi's room.

The place was still completely white, and Princess Ge Lan pulled a pale and sickly child to the side.

Master Liao Ming took a few glances, raised the altar again, made some calculations and said: Amitabha, it is indeed the haunted spirit of the departed benefactor Wu!

The Wu family and others were all startled. Madam Wu's eyes widened: What does the abbot mean? Could it be... Do you really want Ge Lan to remarry immediately? How could this be so!

Master Liao Ming continued: Princess Ge Lan and Chu Feiyang are destined to be husband and wife. In the end, the two of them missed the original marriage of the princess, and Wu Yiyi was the one who took away his lover. If there is no continuation of fate, Wu Yiyi will suffer from oil disaster and frying in the 18th hell. Fangzhang Liaoming said.

The expressions of everyone in the Wu family changed suddenly. Mrs. Wu's face was ashen, trembling all over: No way! Impossible!

Qin said anxiously: Look, even the abbot has confirmed it. Otherwise, I would like to be widowed... Ahem, I didn't lie to you! You are the ones making trouble out of no reason.

How could it be like this... Princess Glenn was already crying softly on the ground, I don't want to! I don't want to!

Master! Master! But there was another exclamation, only to see that Master Wu had passed out to the ground. But his second son pressed the person hard, and he woke up again.

Master Wu turned over and knelt on the ground, holding Cai Jie tightly: Elder-in-law, is this all true? Why did God treat our family like this! When my son was alive, he made many contributions to Daqi, and now he is dead, daughter-in-law But immediately remarried, what is this? This is undoubtedly digging his grave and whipping his corpse.

As he spoke, he spat out a mouthful of blood with a puff.

The Wu family was so frightened that they screamed again and again, and all of them burst into tears. The sound of mourning was even more miserable than when Wu Yiyi was at the funeral.

The monk actually started lying these days, and I would never believe it. Now not only is he insulting my son, but he also wants to piss off my master. Mrs. Wu said. It's unreasonable! I'm dead

Cai Jie's face sank: If Ma'am doesn't believe it, you can find someone to come and see it yourself. Saying this, he waved his sleeves fiercely, turned and left.

As soon as Cai Jie and Ming Fangzhang went out, it was confirmed that Wu Yiyi's ghost was scattered, and the news spread all over the capital.

Madam Wu was so angry that she called a few more monks to watch the matter, but these monks all had winks.

Now even Abbot Liao Ming said that Wu Yiyi's ghost was causing trouble, and the emperor didn't refute it, so he just said so.

The Wu family was so angry that one Buddha was born and the other ascended to heaven. Master Wu spat out a few mouthfuls of blood again.

Cai Jie went back and reported: Everyone in the capital now thinks it is Wu Yiyi's own idea, but the Wu family is still making trouble, which is really ugly.

Emperor Zhengxuan said: Then let them stop making trouble. Wu Yiyi died, and Ge Lan remarried, so he had to give something to compensate. It just so happened that there was a vacancy in the Ministry of Punishment, so let the original Zuo Shilang be promoted, and the doctor's position will be vacant... ...

That's right. Cai Jie said hastily, Wu Yiyi's second brother, Wu Yifeng, is a member of the Ministry of History, Wai Lang.

Emperor Zhengxuan nodded, and with a swipe of his pen, he promoted Wu Yifeng to the rank of doctor of the Ministry of Punishment. But knowing that Wu Yifeng is only twenty-five years old, it is really rare to be a fourth-rank official at such a young age!

Master Wu was still making trouble at first, but now he stopped immediately when he heard that his second son had been promoted.

He himself is incompetent, and it is rare for a son to be promising, but in the end he was crippled and died. At any rate, his wife is a princess, so she can always reap some benefits. As a result, even the daughter-in-law ran away.

Now that Wu Yifeng was promoted and received compensation, Master Wu suddenly changed his attitude and said, Since it's Yiyi's intention... then let's do it according to his intention!

Mrs. Wu rolled her eyes angrily when she heard this, and she fell back straight when she spat out a mouthful of blood. His son died, but now the compensation fell on the bastard. What a double whammy!

Mrs. Wu still wanted to make trouble, but Mr. Wu asked someone to lock her up.

And released the news that An Wu Yiyi's dead soul is suffering underground, if Princess Gelan does not marry, it is Wu Yiyi who suffers.

After many pleadings and decisions in the Wu family, Princess Ge Lan could only destroy her chastity, and promised to make a clean break with the Wu family, return to Princess Ping, and remarry Chu Feiyang eight days later.

The common people sighed and sighed one by one.

Some said: Although it is the request of the soul of the dead, but the husband remarried as soon as he died, it is really... tsk tsk, no matter how you think about it, it is unacceptable, women's morality is corrupt.

Yes, it is the corruption of women's morality! Desperate!

Some said: Hey, now the Princess has been wronged so much, and she still wants to discredit the black family. She also wants to save the souls of the dead, and to release her husband from the frying pan of hell.

Oh, although it sounds inappropriate, really can't blame her, she is in a difficult situation! If she doesn't marry, everyone in the Wu family will die! She was also forced to be abused by outsiders, really Pitiful.

Princess Glenn's husband had just died, so she immediately changed her family to her rival's, which added a lot of talk in this early spring. At first some people scolded her, but later the trend slowly changed, and more people did not sympathize with her.

Zhenxihou Mansion, Yuntang Residence——

Ye Tangcai sat on the couch, put the embroidery frame in her hand on her lap, and frowned deeply.

Qingliu stood in front of her: Anyway... this marriage is really going to be settled.

Xiaoyue said anxiously: That Glenn County chief has just started. Doesn't the third grandma want to be her sister-in-law? It doesn't look like she's a good entanglement.

Not only is it difficult to entangle, but it's disgusting. Hui Ran's face was cold.

Yes, it's extremely disgusting! Qingliu said, Who's woman is like this! Her husband just died! Really just died! The funeral was just a few days ago, and the grass on the grave has not yet grown, and the soil has been refurbished. As a result, she Turn around and marry. God, the bones are not cold! How heartless.

Ye Tangcai sneered: That's all, the most disgusting thing is not this, but, she is obviously ruthless, but she has become a sacrifice for her dead husband, so great.

Fortunately, the family has been separated, otherwise I don't know what to do. Qingliu said.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside, Hui Ran, Qing Liu and other maidservants hurriedly said, Third Master. After speaking, they immediately turned and went out.

Seeing Ye Tang's disgusted expression as if swallowing a fly, Chu Yunpan said: The emperor wants her to marry, no one can stop her, and it's not easy to stop him. At this time, he has to play a good role as a loyal minister.

Ye Tangcai sighed slightly: I always feel that she accumulated it carefully.

Yes. Chu Yunpan nodded, I will investigate as soon as possible.

The second watch is TAT ​​tomorrow morning. Something has happened at home these few days. I haven't slept in the past two days. I really can't bear it. What about you, chirp.

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