Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 495 Stay Overnight (Part 2)

On the vast snow-capped mountains around, there was a snow-white silence.

Light snow fell from the sky again, as if it wanted to drown the only hue in this vast expanse of whiteness.

A group of more than ten people walked in the vast expanse of white snow, appearing powerless and fragile.

King Liang was riding on a horse, wearing a black cloak with a stand-up collar, covering him tightly, with a hood on his head, revealing only a pair of charming cold eyes.

It has been nearly two months since he came out of Beijing. At that time, he brought more than 300 people with him. As a result, Jingzhong sent people to hunt him down all the way, and his manpower was reduced to 15 people.

At this time, a black falcon flew over from the sky and landed on his hand.

King Liang untied the letter from its feet, raised his hand, and it flew away.

At this time, under the cover of the big cloak in front of him, a small head stretched out, but seeing nothing, it shrank back limply, lying on his chest.

Liang Wang opened the letter paper and was startled when he looked at it. After he was happy, his handsome face turned slightly cold again.

My lord. A man behind him stepped forward. It was an old man in his fifties. It was Mr. Zhou: A letter from Beijing?

En. Liang Wang nodded.

Mr. Zhou took a deep breath, King Liang came out of Beijing, but there are still some eyeliners in Beijing, and every time something important happens in Beijing, he will send a letter to him. But if it is not something too urgent, Jingzhong will not send a message for fear of being discovered.

There is a letter, which proves that Beijing and China have undergone major changes.

Let's go! Liang Wang said, flicking his horsewhip fiercely. Wait until we find a place to stay before discussing.

Yes. Mr. Zhou nodded. I'm afraid the snowstorm won't stop, and it's getting dark soon. Why don't you find a place to camp and settle down, and you still have some dry food on you. We'll talk about it after tonight.

Liang Wang put his hand on the bulging bag on his chest, and he felt hot and hot, and it burned hot in his arms. She was also breathing heavily.

Liang Wang Meiyan's face darkened, Even if there is dry food, it is not enough. Everyone is hungry, how can we fight the enemy? We have to cross this snow-capped mountain before dark, find a place to stay, and find some food. Yandong!

With the sound of horseshoes behind him, Yan Dong kicked his horse forward: My lord.

Take a few people to the front to see how far it is, and whether there is a good place to stay. King Liang said.

This... Yan Dong was stunned, since they left the capital, they had no one left, and now they have to go out to find a place, if the capital chases them at this time, there will not be enough manpower to protect the prince. Your Highness, the subordinates don't eat dry food, just eat some horse grass...

Before he finished speaking, King Liang Youmei's face darkened, and he said coldly: After leaving Beijing, this king ordered you not to move?

No! Yan Dong turned pale with shock, Subordinates should obey Your Highness.

Then hurry up. Liang Wang said coldly.

Yes. After Yan Dong finished speaking, he turned around quickly. Now there were only fifteen people left. After thinking about it, Yan Dong simply ordered five people to come out and spread out to find a good place to live.

King Liang saw that he had only brought five people with him, but the things buried in his arms were scalding like boiling water, and his heart felt a little irritable, and his expression became even colder.

After about half an hour, I finally saw Yan Dong coming back on a fast horse: My lord, there is a small mountain village about twenty miles away.

Liang Wang nodded: Yeah. As he spoke, he clamped the horse's belly, slammed his whip and rushed out.

After walking for another half an hour, it was already dark, and only a few lights were dimly lit in the distance. It is a small mountain village located outside the big mountain. There are about 20 families in it.

Liang Wang and Mr. Zhou entered the village together, but more than ten people including Yan Dong settled down not far from the entrance of the village. Liang Wang and Mr. Zhou knocked on a family.

This is what Yan Dong had already inquired about. This is a widowed household, the head of the household is only an old woman, the young man is a widow, and after the daughter married out of the village, she was left alone.

Who is it? An old woman's voice sounded from the room, and she opened the door with a creak, and saw an old woman in her seventies wrapped in a thick old cotton coat.

The old woman was startled when she saw the person coming, she saw a young man and an old man, the young man only thought he was handsome at first glance, but his face was too dark, his figure was tall, and he was holding someone in his arms. The two are dressed in ordinary clothes, but better than the villagers, and they look like they are from the city.

Hello, old lady. Mr. Zhou greeted with a smile, We are passing by, can we stay overnight?

The old woman was taken aback, This... who are you? It's so windy and snowy, why did you come to our ravine?

Mr. Zhou said: We used to do business in the city, but the business... well, we lost a lot of money anyway, and now we can only go back to the countryside to farm. But we lost our way when we entered the snow-capped mountains in front of us. Now we see There are lights here, so I want to stay overnight. This is my son and daughter-in-law.

The old woman was startled, and looked at the old man in front of her with kind eyes and kind eyes, while the person in the young man's arms showed half a small face, she was indeed a pretty girl. And that little face was red and puffy, and it made him sick just looking at it.

The old woman's heart was soft, so she nodded: Come in.

Okay, thank you, thank you. Mr. Zhou was overjoyed.

Several people followed the old woman into the house. This is a thatched mud-brick house with a large gate, and there is a small hall when you walk in. There are rooms on the left and right sides, and the kitchen is set up in the thatched hut outside.

This way. The old woman gestured to let them enter the room on the right, This is where my daughter lived before she got married. You can stay here for one night.

Yes, thank you, old sister. Mr. Zhou said, took out a small silver corner from his sleeve, and stuffed it into her hand, seeing that there was five silver coins.

Ah... really. The old woman pushed it twice, then accepted it with a smile. For five cents of silver, people in the village can't earn so much money in a month! Not to mention she is an old woman. Immediately, she seemed overjoyed, My surname is Wei, you can call me Mrs. Wei.

When King Liang entered the house, he put Zhao Yingqi on the kang. This kang has not been used for a long time, and it is cold.

Wei Po received the money, but she was enthusiastic and active, and quickly brought firewood to burn the kang in the house.

Zhao Yingqi was lying on the bed with a broken quilt covering her neck, and her breathing slowed down when the kang heated up. A face was originally small, but now it has lost a lot of weight after coming out, making it even more pitiful.

Liang Wang sat down on the edge of the bed with a sullen face.

Mr. Zhou walked in and was surprised when he saw Zhao Yingqi's red face, When did it start?

Afternoon. Liang Wang's face was gloomy, I will only cause trouble for this king.

Mr. Zhou has already stepped forward and gave Zhao Yingqi his pulse, It's just a fever, but if it doesn't subside, you'll cough up blood. Wait a minute, my lord. I'll ask Mrs. Wei to find some medicine.

After saying that, he went out. King Liang sat by the bed, only listening to Mr. Zhou talking to Mrs. Wei outside: My daughter-in-law is sick. Is there a doctor in this village? I want to find some medicine from the doctor.


To tell the truth...we are in debt, and we are afraid that the creditor will find us, so please don't tell us when Mrs. Wei looks for the doctor later. He talked about a few medicines.

I understand. Just say that I am sick and look for medicine. By the way, there is steamed bun in the pot, you can eat whatever you want.

There was a sound of the door, and Mrs. Wei went out, and Mr. Zhou brought a small plate of mixed noodles.

King Liang frowned, broke off a piece of Zamian steamed bun, and fed it to Zhao Yingqi's mouth. Zhao Yingqi took a sip, and sprayed Liang Wang all over with a pooh.

Liang Wang's entire face darkened all of a sudden: You bastard, you're still picking food for this king! As he said, he threw the whole bowl out.

Mr. Zhou was taken aback, and sighed slightly: It's a sickness. Give me medicine first.

After a while, Mrs. Wei came back, and Mr. Zhou quickly took the medicine, and then went to the kitchen to fry it.

Two quarters of an hour later, the medicine was finally cooked.

Liang Wang directly picked up Zhao Yingqi, pinched her mouth and poured it.

Hmm...huh...ah... Zhao Yingqi screamed in pain, and poured the medicine directly, and drank a large bowl of medicine in a daze.

Liang Wang threw her back on the bed again.

Cough cough... Zhao Yingqi was so sick that she was in a daze, she was about to cry, she hugged the quilt and shed tears, Soil...

Earth? King Liang sneered, Earth what? He leaned over.

Only Zhao Yingqi murmured: Rabbit bag! Rabbit bag...

His handsome face was cold, and he grabbed her collar: You bastard! You are dying of illness, and your brain is full of bunny buns! Are you made of bunny buns?

As he spoke, he threw her directly on the bed, Zhao Yingqi groaned in agony.

Grandma Wei who was standing outside the door gasped, what should I do at the scene of domestic violence? After thinking for a while, he stepped forward: My brother, let me feed her something.

As she walked in, she saw a few buns on the wooden table at one side.

She took it, broke it into a bowl, soaked it in hot water, and went to feed Zhao Yingqi.

Liang Wang frowned, with a cold expression: Let Ben...I come! You go out.

Startled by his cold tone, Wei Po couldn't help shaking her body, she could only say: Okay. Put the bowl of steamed noodles back on the wooden table, and went out.

Mr. Zhou wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and hurriedly followed Mrs. Wei to explain: My son has a bad temper! Alas, it's because he's hard and...ahem, he has a strong temper, so...

Hey, I understand! Wei Po looked at Mr. Zhou with emotion, empathetic. It's the same with my daughter. These kids...sometimes it's a real hassle for the parents...well. Everyone's the same.

The walls of this rural earthen house are thin, and Liang Wang listened to them exchanging parenting virtues in the room. His handsome face was dark, and he poured the bowl of mixed noodles made by Wei Po out of the window, thinking of Wei Po's dirty Looking like Xi, scalded the bowl again with boiling water.

I broke off a Zamian bun and soaked it in a bowl. Looking at the lumpy things inside, King Liang was in a bad mood.

He used to eat the most expensive food, but knowing that poor people don't eat expensive food, he also ate dry food during this time. But this way of eating steamed buns soaked in water and then made into a paste, he really has a lot of experience. Also unacceptable.

But she seemed to starve to death if she didn't eat it, so I had to feed this thing into her mouth.

Perhaps the medicine just now was too bitter, which made her uncomfortable, but the paste was easier to drink, so she actually took it. But after eating a few spoonfuls, he frowned, turned over and faced the wall, and stopped eating.

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