Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 461 Returning to Beijing (Part 2)

Ye Tang said Ping Hai, which made Zhang Lao Liu and other big bosses stop their movements of serving wine, and couldn't help but sneak a glance at Ping Hai.

He couldn't help raising his head again, only to see Ye Tangcai sitting behind the low pear wood table at the top.

The sun is just right today, refracted through layers of plum branches. It fell on her red feather gauze and gold thread cloak, which seemed to gild her whole body with a layer of light, making her more dignified and dignified, making one's back straighten involuntarily.

She has an extremely beautiful appearance, so beautiful that people can't move their eyes, but at this moment, she is very calm and cold, her eyes are as bright as ever, but with a little bit of coldness, her red lips curled up in a just right arc, her appearance is beautiful and magnificent. Zi Yanyi. Shengsheng overshadowed the beautiful and wanton Merlin behind him.

Ping Hai's heart was pounding, his body was stiff, he put down his wine bowl, and tried to put on a smile that he thought was appropriate: Hehe, ma'am...

Ye Tangcai said: Yesterday, I heard that your family has a happy event again, and you are going to take in a second room.

Ping Hai laughed stiffly and said, just a joke... He didn't know what Ye Tangcai wanted to do now, but it was obvious that she wanted to make a fuss about it, so he quickly denied it.

Isn't it? Ye Tangcai sneered, But the brothers below all know that Pinghai accepted the girl in front of his mother-in-law. Is it because the monthly money is too much? So much that he can raise a concubine.

Ping Hai touched his nose.

As the head of the family's guards, although he does not go out with Chu Yunpan and is not relied upon as much as Zhang Lao Liu, he is also an important role in protecting the family.

Zhang Laoliu followed Chu Yunpan, and it was Chu Yunpan's close attendant.

And Ping Hai is the leader who protects Chengjing Hou Mansion. One month's monthly money is twelve taels, which is enough for him to support two or three women.

At that time, he hired his own maid and set up two tables at home. Some people who knew him here all went, so they all knew about it and couldn't hide it.

Ping Hai just chuckled and said: My mother-in-law forced me.

Shouldn't you give me a beating? Ye Tangcai sneered, Da Qi's law, common people are not allowed to take concubines!

This... Hearing these words, everyone below couldn't sit still, and their eyes widened.

It is true that there is a rule that common people cannot take concubines. In addition to official status and fame, noble children can do it.

But this rule is like a waste!

Who is serious?

Any man with a little money will spend a little money to take concubines. And those merchants have a lot of money, and there are not many concubines and aunts in the house. And the government will not punish them when they see it, and they take it for granted.

Therefore, this rule is abolished and no one pays attention to it.

Just like a merchant concubine, he even made a big deal, and even invited some officials to drink wine for a small banquet, who cares about it. It belongs to the matter that the people don't sue the officials, and even the people sue, and the officials don't investigate.

But Ye Tangcai actually mentioned this here!

Ma'am... this... Ping Hai was angry and afraid at the same time, was this bullying him for not being powerful? But he... really didn't!

Drag it out and hit twenty big boards! We don't need such unruly people in Zhenxihou's Mansion. Ye Tang said.

What, what? Ping Hai froze, raised his head, and met Ye Tangcai's cold eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling. He shook his body, but he didn't dare to make a sound, and stammered: Thank you... Thank you Madam for your kindness...

Zhang Laoliu and the others were startled, their bodies stiffened involuntarily.

They know, ma'am, it's just an excuse to be sent to hell. Because Ping Hai was the one who talked the most besides Xiaoquan yesterday, although he didn't scold Ye Tangcai, but he and Xiaoquan were able to sing along and run on Ye Tangcai.

Thinking about Xiaoquan's fate, Ping Hai's current fate is really easy.

Immediately someone came up and took Ping Hai down.

Ping Hai's face was ashen, but his eyes were somewhat rejoicing that he was not Xiao Quan's fate after all. But the job of the guard head of the Zhenxihou Mansion is really a fat job that can't be found even with a lantern!

He was driven away, where can he find such a good job?

Moreover, he was expelled by the Zhenxihou Mansion, this matter will definitely be recorded on his resume, if he wants to be a guard in the future, who will want him? Even if he went to the Escort, the Escort might not use him anymore.

He obviously lives a good life of ten taels a month, but in the future... maybe it will be difficult to earn even one tael a month!

How will he live in the future? He just took a concubine and bought a little girl back, after that...

Thinking of the hard days to come, Ping Hai felt extremely regretful.

Watching Ping Hai disappear at the entrance, and then, not far away, the sound of hitting a board was heard. Zhang Laoliu and the others couldn't help but touched their noses and raised their heads.

I saw Chu Yunpan holding a duck cake and feeding Ye Tangcai. Ye Tang pouted and ignored him.

Zhang Laoliu waited for the corner of his mouth to twitch, and quickly lowered his head.

From now on, don't mess with Madam! Otherwise... It's a trivial matter if Madam finds out, it's just a beating and kicking him out of the house, losing his livelihood. If Master Hou finds out, he will be beaten to death by pulling out his tongue!

Lu Qiaoer was holding a cup of tea and lowered her head slightly.

On the corner of her table was a jug of fruit wine.

She had never drank this kind of wine before, but it was the first time yesterday, and she thought it was very delicious.

But now... She doesn't think these fruit wines are delicious at all, because Chu Yunpan specially arranged them for Ye Tangcai. You don't need to drink it, even if you smell it, it seems sour.

Hehe, ma'am, the barbecue is ready. Zhuangtou smiled, put the meat on the plate, and put it in front of Chu Yunpan and Ye Tangcai first.

Then it was assigned to the people below.

With the smell of barbecue and the heat from the stove, the atmosphere that had been cold just now became lively. Yu Yang led these big bosses to sing military songs, and it gradually became lively.

Chu Yunpan saw that the atmosphere was lively, and Ye Tangcai kissed him again as before, so he smiled slightly.

They stayed here for another night, and returned early the next morning.

After all, because Emperor Zhengxuan was seriously ill, the nobles could not buy New Year's wine without buying New Year's wine, but there was always a relationship between people.

When they came to Zhuangzi, both Lu Qiaoer and Qiuju were in high spirits, but when they went back, they looked depressed.

By the time we got home, it was almost noon.

Lu Qiaoer jumped out of the car, turned around, but saw the car in front of Ye Tangcai screaming.

But seeing Qingliu, Xiaoyue and the others knew that Ye Tangcai had returned home, they rushed over to meet her, Qingliu said: Third Grandma still doesn't get out of the car?

Huiran said: Fall asleep.

Chu Yunpan jumped out of the car, then leaned in again, carried Ye Tangcai out of the car, and walked towards the house. Huiran, Qingliu and others hurriedly followed behind.

Qiuju watched and followed from a distance, her eye circles were red, how could she fall asleep after such a bumpy journey, but fell asleep...

Lu Qiaoer saw that Ye Tangcai was surrounded by a group of people, but she was alone, her heart was slightly entangled, and she felt extremely uncomfortable, so she had to follow them from a distance, crossed the hanging flower gate, and went to her own Go to the residence.

When I got back to the house, I saw a meal in the living room, eight dishes and one soup on the table, Mr. Lu was crawling on the table, gobbling it up.

Lu Qiaoer frowned: Grandpa, eat slowly, you are so shameful. She was so angry that tears almost came down.

Who are you? If you don't eat it now, I don't know if you can eat it in the future, hiccup. Mr. Lu hiccupped, and continued to grab the things on the table and eat Hesai.

When Lu Qiaoer heard this, she was startled, her eyes were red, she stomped her feet, then turned and went back to her room.

She was resting on the bed, and before she could fall asleep, a little maid walked in: Miss Lu, the third grandma is calling you.

Lu Qiaoer was slightly startled: The third grandma called me? Didn't you always avoid seeing her before? Why did you meet suddenly?

Lu Qiaoer thought about Xiaoquan again, and remembered what Xiaoquan said, maybe it was because of that... She felt tense in her heart, and became uneasy because of this: Okay, please lead the way.

Lu Qiaoer followed the maidservant out the door, walking through the mansion in a detour.

She has always been a very good at recognizing the way, but here, she walked several times, but still can't recognize it, it's really big!

After a while, she followed the servant girl's footsteps into Yuntang Residence.

After entering the warm room, Lu Qiaoer was startled to see Ye Tangcai sitting on the couch, besides that, there was Chu Yunpan, he was actually there too.

Huiran and Qiuju were standing beside Ye Tangcai, looking at her.

Lu Qiaoer bowed her head and saluted: See you, Lord, see Madam.

You don't need to be too polite, Miss Lu, get up! It was Chu Yunpan who spoke.

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