Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 419: Arrival (Part 2)

Qingliu was startled by Ye Tangcai's proposal, but Ye Tangcai was the master, so she didn't dare to say anything, and Huiran didn't dissuade her.

Hui Ran wanted to dissuade it, if it was Ye Tang's wishful thinking, that's fine, but if it was true, then what should I do... Hui Ran didn't dare to think about it.

Ye Tangcai thought for a while before saying, Let's go find Minmin.

Huiran's eyes lit up: Yes, let's find her! If you really want to go, it's always good to have her take you out.

Qi Min has been wandering outside since he was a child, setting up a stall to do business, and has done everything. With her leading him, there is no one more suitable.

Go quickly. Ye Tangcai hurriedly urged her.

Huiran agreed, then turned and went out.

Third Grandma, you must be thirsty for this pigeon soup. Qingliu said.

Ye Tang was not in a hurry to collect, and his heart was in a mess, so he turned around and drank the soup.

After Qi Min came over, it was already noon, and Ye Tangcai had dinner with her, then he kicked out all the people below, told her about the matter, and discussed with her.

Ah, you want to travel far away? Qi Min chuckled, It's nothing. In fact, the outside is not as scary as I imagined. When I was twelve or thirteen years old, I resold some jewelry, often from one state capital to another state. Mansion, I drove the donkey cart out by myself.

Yeah. Ye Tangcai's eyes lit up and she nodded.

It's just that there are still quite a few people out there who don't feel ashamed, but as long as they disguise themselves, it's fine. Qi Min said.

The two of them muttered in the room for a long time, and then it was time for dinner again. After eating, Ye Tangcai called all the maids in the room over: Tomorrow I will go out with Minmin to offer incense, so I will bring ... Huiran and Qingliu will stay in the temple for half a month! Qiuju, please stay at home and watch carefully.

Okay. Qiuju nodded quickly, she doesn't like to go out very much recently.

Ye Tangcai nodded in satisfaction, Qi Min will not go back today, and will stay overnight in Zhenxihou's Mansion.

The next morning, Ye Tangcai asked Qinger to drive the car, took Qingliu and Huiran, and boarded the car with Qi Min.

In addition, he brought six other guards from the Xihou Mansion of Zhenxi, and went out together.

But after leaving the capital and passing Fahua Temple, the carriage didn't stop, but continued on.

Riding on the horse, the six guards behind looked at each other in blank dismay, among which Ping Hai, the leader, immediately stepped forward: Third grandma?

Ye Tangcai opened the curtain: What's the matter?

Ping Haidao: Didn't the third grandma go to Fahua Temple to offer incense? Fahua Temple has passed.

Ye Tangcai said: I'm going to Xuzhou to deliver winter clothes to the third master.

Ah? Ping Hai was shocked, No! It's a mess outside, how can the third grandma be bumpy outside, what if she encounters danger?

Aren't you too lazy to move? Ye Tang raised his eyebrows, his bright eyes were frighteningly bright, and he stared at Ping Hai, Why does the Zhenxihou Mansion raise you? You just walk around the house all day long. If you have nothing to do, shake your legs, drink alcohol, and that's one day?

Ping Hai was startled, and quickly waved his hands: No, no, third grandma, you misunderstood...

Your mission is to protect the master! Are you still afraid of danger outside? Then use your abilities to resolve the danger and protect the master thoroughly! Otherwise, what use are you for? Ye Tangcai said, her voice sharp.

Yes! Ping Hai shuddered and agreed repeatedly.

Only then did Ye Tangcai's lips curl up in satisfaction.

Ping Hai used to be a bodyguard before, but he knows a lot of things: Since the third grandma is going to Xuzhou, let's hurry up. First pass the two state capitals in front of me, and when we get to Mingzhou, it will be a bit chaotic. We have to pretend , it will be safer.

Okay. Ye Tangcai nodded, Hurry up.

Then the third grandma, don't think it's bumpy. Ping Hai smiled.

He was also terrified that Ye Tangcai would be injured during this trip, and he was determined to make a quick decision.

And Ye Tangcai was also anxious about Chu Yunpan's side, and wanted to get there as soon as possible.

The goal of the entire team is the same, and the efficiency is naturally high.

Three days later, it was finally time to enter Mingzhou.

Qi Min then ran to a nearby town and got some worn out clothes for Ye Tangcai and Huiran to change into together. Then put a few handfuls of ashes on Ye Tangcai's face, pretending to be a kid.

Ye Tangcai was wiped so badly: It's so uncomfortable.

I have to feel uncomfortable. Qi Min said while plastering her face, Bandits are very rampant in this area, and now that the Chinese New Year is approaching, when they see a decent horse team, they will follow and grab things.

In the end, even the carriage was replaced by a small broken donkey cart, and Ping Hai and the others pretended to be farmers who went out to work and returned home for the New Year.

After walking for another two days, I finally came to Mingzhou.

Originally, Dafu said that Chu Yunpan was in Mingzhou, and that letter was intercepted by her, so Chu Yunpan probably would not go to Xuzhou.

So after coming here, Ye Tangcai asked Ping Hai to find the prefect of Mingzhou.

When going out to fight bandits, you must join forces with local officials, so if you go to a state, you will settle in the magistrate.

Ping Hai took the token of Zhenxihou's Mansion, found the prefect of Mingzhou, and told Xue according to Ye Tangcai's advice, and offered to send winter clothes to Chu Yunpan.

As a result, the magistrate of Mingzhou said that Chu Yunpan had already gone to Xuzhou.

Hearing that Chu Yunpan had really gone to Xuzhou, Ye Tangcai shuddered, and had to ask Ping Hai to take her to Xuzhou again.

After walking for a day, I finally arrived in Xuzhou early the next morning.

Ye Tangcai rushed to the Xuzhou yamen, and outside the yamen, she saw Chu's army guarding it. Ye Tangcai's eyes lit up, and she quickly jumped out of the car.

When they entered Xuzhou, they had already changed their clothes. Ping Hai and the others were dressed as guards of the Chu family, while Ye Tangcai and the others were dressed as servants.

Ye Tangcai quickly jumped out of the carriage, before Ping Hai could walk over.

From a distance, I saw a familiar figure walking out leading a horse, it was none other than Yu Yang.

Yuyang! Yuyang! Ye Tangcai felt very kind when she saw him.

Ah? Yu Yang was stunned, and raised his head, only to see a familiar voice calling to him on the bustling and bustling street.

He looked across the street and saw a man waving to him. Before he could take a closer look, the man had already rushed towards him.

When Ye Tangcai stood in front of him, Yu Yang was startled. He only felt that he was a servant in front of him, wearing very ordinary gray clothes, wearing a small black bonnet on his head, and a dirty little face. Looking at him and smiling. This young man felt familiar no matter how he looked at it, but for a while he couldn't remember who it was.

Yuyang! Ye Tangcai called out again.

Uh... Yu Yang was startled by this familiar voice, and then his eyes widened suddenly: Third wife...cough, why are you here?

I... Ye Tangcai curled her lips, I'm here to deliver clothes to the third master.

Uh...Okay! But, you have come here all the way, the third master will be angry, come in quickly. Yu Yang said, and hurriedly called Ye Tangcai and others to enter the house.

Seeing that Ye Tangcai was finally sent to Chu Yunpan's side safely, Ping Hai breathed a sigh of relief.

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