Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 398 Everything is Ready (Part 2)

The prince and Chu Miaoshu returned to Miaoyanxuan together, and the two seemed to be back to the sweetness they had a few days ago, but Chu Miaoshu had realized that she was there only because of Chu Yunpan's favor, and that Chu Yunpan was her backstage.

Thinking about it, Chu Miaoshu only had deep hatred left in her heart, and when she became a queen, she kicked those two disgusting things away.

Chu Miaoshu reconciled with the prince and gained confidence. He hurriedly asked the maid and the mother-in-law to go outside with the money, bribed some idlers, and let them go to the theater and restaurant to talk.

It was all a misunderstanding yesterday, but it was because she married too hastily, she had to do embroidery work, and she had to learn court etiquette, and some rules were not clear, so she made such a joke, and finally turned into Became like that.

Believe it or not, anyway, she and Ye Tangcai's husband and wife have finally settled their suspicions.

Fengyi Palace——

Empress Zheng was sitting crookedly on the long couch where the dragon and the phoenix made auspiciousness, and a young palace maid in Tsing Yi stood in front of her, reporting the situation outside.

Empress Zheng rubbed her temples while listening, and finally waved her hand, and the little palace lady bowed her body and retreated.

Ma'am, are you alright? Shi Momo worriedly stepped forward.

It's okay... Empress Zheng's slightly rounded face was a little dark, but she was finally overwhelmed with anger, and said coldly: That Chu Miaoshu... is really a fraud, I have never seen such a shameless person.

As he spoke, he took a deep breath, and patted the kang table on one side with his hand.

No matter how you say it, she has reconciled with Zhenxihou now, and after this incident, I believe she will never dare to be a demon again. Shi Nanny said.

Empress Zheng wished she could catch Chu Miaoshu and give her a hard lesson.

But this matter was said to be a matter of Chu Miaoshu's rules, which belonged to the affairs of their imperial palace and was originally managed by her, the empress. If Chu Miaoshu was called to punish her now, it would be like hitting her, the empress, in the face.


That night the prince slept in Chu Miaoshu's room.

When the Crown Princess heard about this, her face was gloomy, but she didn't react much.

She has been fighting with the former Concubine Feng for many years, and she knows better than anyone else that as long as Chu Yun can't fall, Chu Miaoshu will regain his favor if he restrains himself a little.

Early the next morning, the prince went to court as scheduled.

In the Jinhua Palace, a group of officials had already arrived, and when they saw the prince walking in, they hurriedly saluted.

Chu Yunpan also saw the prince, his handsome face froze, and then he stepped forward and cupped his hands: See Your Highness, the matter of the flower viewing banquet the day before yesterday... really made you laugh.

The prince laughed, and patted Chu Yunpan on the shoulder: Zhenxi Hou Yanzhong, these women are like that, they always like to make troubles about trivial matters.

Why didn't he catch up a few days ago? Because he is the crown prince, and before Chu Miaoshu became the crown prince's side concubine, he was a daughter of the Chu family first!

As the elder brother, Chu Yunpan naturally had to bow his head to the prince first.

Chu Yunpan just lowered his head and smiled.

The surrounding courtiers looked at him hehehe, and they all knew that the prince and Chu Yunpan were back together again.

After all, it was just some trivial matters, even if Chu Miaoshu was really confused at first, it is time to figure it out now. When the interests of brothers and sisters are in agreement, they will support each other.

Yao Yangcheng's eyes on the side couldn't help but darken.

The courtiers waited for a long time, half an hour passed, and Emperor Zhengxuan had not yet come to court, so they couldn't help talking.

What's going on? Zhang Zan asked softly.

The prince frowned lightly: I'm going to ask someone to take a look...

The emperor is here— The prince heard the eunuch's report before he found anyone to go to Emperor Zhengxuan's bedroom.

The courtiers immediately straightened up and stood neatly in two rows.

After a while, heavy footsteps were heard, and Emperor Xuan was seated.

After the courtiers below shouted long live three times, they heard Cai Jie say Excuse me.

Everyone looked up, and saw Emperor Zhengxuan sitting behind the dragon table with a gloomy face, and his face was pale, his old eyes were raised and drawn, and he looked listless.

The courtiers were startled, and Liao Shoufu immediately cupped his hands and said, Your Majesty has been in a bad mood recently, but the dragon is not in good health?

All the courtiers looked at him worriedly. After all, it was not a matter of a day or two for Emperor Zhengxuan to be seriously ill.

Emperor Zhengxuan wanted to wave his hand, saying he was fine, but he was so ill that he didn't even have the strength to wave his hand.

Cai Jie on the side quickly said: It's just that the wind and cold hit the body due to the alternation of autumn and winter, just take a little rest.

The ministers are very anxious, please take care of the dragon's body. All the courtiers hurriedly greeted each other.

Emperor Zhengxuan only waved his hands coldly: I'm fine.

At this moment, a young eunuch came in: Report to the emperor, Liu Xuan of the Jingwei Camp is asking for an audience.

The graying eyebrows of Emperor Zheng Xuan raised slightly, and said coldly: Xuan.

After a while, a rough man in his forties, dressed as a military officer, came in and knelt down: Liu Xuan, the last general, see my emperor, long live, long live.

The courtiers below looked at Liu Xuan, a little puzzled, but some had a slight glint in their eyes.

Everyone knew that Liu Xuan and Wu Yiyi were chasing bandits together, but now that Wu Yiyi hadn't come back, there was only Liu Xuan alone, some of the courtiers guessed that something had happened.

Where's Wu Yiyi? Emperor Zhengxuan said in a hoarse old voice.

Back to the emperor... Liu Xuan lowered his head, The ministers were ordered to chase down the bandits. When they arrived in Hezhou... they were ambushed by the bandits in Qiaoshan. General Wu... was shot with arrows and sent away. The right leg... is dying now, and is already on the way back to Beijing, and it is estimated that it will arrive the day after tomorrow!

The courtiers gasped, Wu Yiyi was not only defeated, but also disabled!

Liang Wang's long eyelashes drooped slightly to hide the cold light in his eyes.

Emperor Zhengxuan, who was at the top, had a slack face and a gloomy face, but he didn't say a word, and he didn't show any anger.

Obviously, Wu Yiyi's incompetence during this period of time has worn out Emperor Zhengxuan's patience.

And these guys in the Jingwei camp are all full of wine and food, and they can't even deal with a mob.

He has long since stopped counting on this group of trash.

Thinking about it, his eyes fell on Chu Yunpan. Now, only Chu Yunpan is capable.

Emperor Zhengxuan glanced at Chu Yunpan.

During this period of time, Chu Yunpan was placed in Beijing without any order or arrangement, just to prevent Wu Yiyi, a fool like Wu Yiyi, from falling into the trap, so that Chu Yunpan could go out and wipe out the nest.

But the Jingwei Battalion and the Forbidden Army are his armor, and they cannot be handed over to others easily. Those who are loyal to him must die without hesitation, even the crown prince.

And Chu Yunpan is now owned by the prince, and he is too famous. The Southwest has become his power, and it is impossible for Emperor Zhengxuan to be unscrupulous.

But after this period of observation, I found that Chu Yunpan was really loyal.

In the past two days, the prince and Chu Yunpan had conflicts because of some trivial matters, but Chu Yunpan did not make the major incidents small on the spot, but almost severed ties with Chu Miaoshu.

Thinking about it, Emperor Zhengxuan felt a little comforted, even if he stood in the prince's camp, it was all because of his gift of marriage. In fact, Chu Yunpan was more loyal to him.

Cough cough... Emperor Zhengxuan coughed twice weakly, and lowered his wrinkled fingers a little, Marquis Zhenxi.

The last general is here! Chu Yunpan immediately knelt down.

I order you to order 30,000 troops to go to Hezhou to wipe out the bandits. Emperor Zhengxuan's pale and hoarse voice sounded.

The last general respects the order. Chu Yunpan said.

Let's go tomorrow! Emperor Zhengxuan added.

The prince watched, his eyes became more and more eager for Chu Yunpan.

The courtiers were not surprised either.

Yao Yangcheng on the side had an old and gloomy face. If things continue like this, the Crown Princess has no legitimate sons. When the Crown Prince ascends the throne in the future, the Queen's position may not be the Crown Princess's.

Even if the concubine could be the queen, as long as Chu Miaoshu gave birth to a son, the crown prince must be Chu Miaoshu's child.

During this period of time, the prince cared less and less about these old courtiers.

Emperor Zhengxuan waved his hand again, and Cai Jie said, Retire!

He didn't even listen to other court affairs.

Emperor Zhengxuan stood up, swayed his body, and went straight to the download. The prince and courtiers exclaimed: Your Majesty!

Cai Jie and several young eunuchs had already caught Emperor Zhengxuan, and the courtiers turned pale with shock: Your Majesty...are you alright?

Emperor Zhengxuan stood up with the strength of Cai Jie and other eunuchs, and only waved his hand, and let Cai Jie and others help him in.

The ministers all had different expressions, they were very worried, and they all wanted to go to the emperor's bedroom to greet Emperor Zhengxuan.

Emperor Zhengxuan only saw Liao Shoufu, Shangguan Xiu and Chu Yunpan, and the other ministers were gone. Then the prince came over again, asking An to say hello.

When Chu Yunpan returned to Zhenxihou's Mansion, he took the bowstring he bought yesterday to string Ye Tangcai's small bow, and carved flowers on the bow and arrow.

Ye Tangcai came back from the outside with Huiran and Qiuju, and when she saw Chu Yunpan sitting under the porch in the courtyard carving flowers, she rushed over: Third Master, I came back very early today.

I'm going to Hezhou tomorrow, and you have to be good at home. Chu Yunpan put down the little bow in his hand as he said.

Ye Tangcai's mood changed: You have to be careful.

Oh, I even passed the thousands of troops in Yu'an Pass, and I'm still afraid of this little bandit. Chu Yunpan smiled lightly, After this settled, soon, we will be at ease.

Ye Tangcai shuddered, knowing that he was talking about King Liang's affairs: Really?

Yes. Chu Yunpan said, standing up and holding her hand, It's cold here, let's talk inside.

There are some things that must be made clear to her, and she must be involved, otherwise, it will put her in danger.

Okay. Ye Tangcai stepped forward, turned around and said to Qiuju and the others: You all go out and play, I'll talk to the third master.

The husband and wife entered the house hand in hand, and then shut the door tightly with a bang.

Qiuju and Qingliu were startled.

Looking at the tightly closed door, Qiuju felt depressed for a while.

The husband and wife have gotten along enough, the third master, apart from going to court, or occasionally going out to socialize, once he gets home, he gets clingy with her, and now he has to drive everyone out to get clingy again.

Apart from the incident, the husband and wife have nothing else to keep people from entering.

This is the morning, not even noon!

Let's go, let's go outside to fly a kite. Huiran smiled, calling Qiuju, Qingliu and others to go outside.

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