Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 375 Hard Work (Part 1)

Ye Tangcai's Prince made Zhao Yingqi tremble in fright, and before she turned her head, she felt his cold gaze. She lowered her head, not daring to make a sound.

My lord. Ye Tangcai saluted him.

Liang Wang's cold eyes fell on Zhao Yingqi, and he saw her with her back facing him, with her head bowed, revealing a slender, snow-white neck.

He walked over step by step, then stretched out his hand, and landed his big palm on her snow-white neck, and laughed loudly: What are you doing here?

Zhao Yingqi shook her body, and when he touched her skin, she felt terrified.

She turned around to avoid his touch.

His handsome face was as cold as ice, and his charming phoenix eyes were raised slightly in a very perfect arc, blending with a kind of enchanting sharpness, his pupils were cold, revealing a mocking and cruel smile, and his red lips were soft. Hook lightly.

Ask you? King Liang snorted, his voice getting colder and colder., I happened to meet Sister Tang... I didn't dare to say a word just now.

Ye Tangcai didn't dare to utter a word when she saw that Zhao Yingqi was frightened by King Liang. Then he smiled and said, Your Highness, the concubine was just joking with me, but she just wanted to hang out with me.

Zhao Yingqi was so frightened that she wanted to hide behind Ye Tangcai.

No, Liang Wang looked at her deeply, and said with a smile: Then go!

Zhao Yingqi was shocked, full of disbelief: Really...really... Surprised and happy, happiness came too suddenly.

En. Liang Wang said coldly.

However, Zhao Yingqi felt a sense of fright, and wanted to avoid him even more, so she stepped forward and pulled Ye Tangcai.

Ye Tangcai smiled and said, Thank you, my lord, then let's go first.

Saying that, he pulled Zhao Yingqi and turned around to leave.

The two walked out of the garden quickly.

King Liang looked at Zhao Yingqi's pink back, thinking about what she said just now, his eyes deepened.

Want to run to someone else's house as a maid? Even being sold? hehe!

There was a cruel smile on Liang Wang's red lips, and his eyes became colder inch by inch.

The king's stuff, only the king throws away and doesn't want it! No one can escape from the palm of this king!


Zhao Yingqi took Ye Tangcai and ran outside, thought for a while, and then went all the way back to Pingting Xiaozhu.

She pulled Ye Tangcai to sit down on the imperial concubine chair, reached out and grabbed a handful of silk thread from under the pillow, and then began to twist and twist: I made it for you...but he threw it on the fire. I am now Make you another one.

Ye Tangcai was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, with a worried look on her face again: Will he hit you?

Zhao Yingqi shook her head: When I was young, I would hit me, kick me out of bed, pull my hair, grab my bag, and push me... She lowered her head with a sad expression on her face , When I grow up, I like to hold me down and bully me, which makes me hurt so much, and even bite me...

As he spoke, tears fell down.

She used to sleep with him, and he hated her, always pushing her into the corner of the bed and not letting her get close to him.

He was twelve or thirteen years old, and he loved to drag her over to bully him, so Zhao Yingqi could only cry.

He was fifteen years old, and the emperor arranged for a maid of honor for him. As a result, he only stayed in the room for a while, and then ran into her room and bullied her.

Half a year later, the emperor arranged for him two more concubines.

He was going to someone else's room, and when she hugged him, she burst into tears: My lord, you don't want to sleep with someone else! Do you only treat me? You can bully me however you like! You can bite me! You can hurt me too! Don't cry, okay?

As a result, he just pushed her away in annoyance, turned and left.

She didn't know what was wrong with her, she just didn't want him to go.

That was the first time she felt that the pain in her body was not pain, but the pain in her heart was the real pain.

I couldn't cry myself, the whole world seemed to be collapsing, and the pain seemed to die.

She didn't even know how she survived, and sometimes felt that she had already died at that time.

Later, there were many such things, and she accepted it, and she didn't even want to see him anymore.

I don't want to be with him, I don't want to be bullied by him, I just want to run away.

But Prince Liang's Mansion is like a cage, a place she cannot escape from for the rest of her life. Her heart extinguished the so-called escape heart.

It wasn't until she met Ye Tangcai that she felt that the world was bright again.

Because only Sister Tang is willing to get close to her, doesn't dislike her, and treats her well.

When I was young, I was bullied, but when I grow up, there is no more. Just stare at me and hurt me... Zhao Yingqi said with her head down.

She never told anyone about this, because she was all alone in this magnificent mansion, the royal palace of Nuoda.

Now only Sister Tang is close to her, so she can't help but talk about the past.

Ye Tangcai sighed slightly. When he was a child, it was because the child was ignorant, and his personality was twisted, so he loved to fight. Now that he is older, he naturally won't do it.

Ah, it's done. A butterfly net in her hand was finally drawn, and she unfolded it to Ye Tangcai like offering a treasure: Look, look, isn't it pretty?

She looked at her with bright eyes, as if she was about to praise me to ask for credit.

Ye Tangcai smiled softly: Ah, it's really beautifully done.

Zhao Yingqi laughed: Yes, yes! How much can one exchange for?

Ye Tang smiled: In this case, if you remove the silk thread, you can earn about two pennies.

Ah, it looks amazing! Zhao Yingqi was delighted to hear that.

The corners of Ye Tangcai's mouth twitched, he couldn't help but look at Zhao Yingqi.

She was wearing a chest-length skirt of sky brocade silk and satin, a red gold ruby ​​tassel hairpin in the shape of a rabbit on her head, an eight-treasure necklace necklace around her neck, and even a pair of show shoes under the couch were poked with East Sea pearls.

She wanted to say that with such a net, tens of thousands of them would not be able to buy half of her embroidered shoes.

But Ye Tangcai couldn't beat her, so he had to boast: That's amazing! Keep working hard.

Yeah. Zhao Yingqi nodded quickly.

So, it's really not difficult to learn this, you have to study hard. Ye Tang couldn't help guiding her, Learn this little thing first, and then take your time with other things.

Yeah, I'll make it for Sister Tang. Zhao Yingqi hugged Ye Tangcai's arm, leaned her small head on her shoulder, and said stickily: Sister Tang is the best for me!

Ye Tang smiled: Don't do it for me, but also for yourself.

That's right! Zhao Yingqi nodded, I want to do what Minmin said, and live on my own!

Ye Tangcai let out a snort.

Hey, by the way, I don't see Minmin. Zhao Yingqi realized with conscience that she thought of Qi Min.

The corners of Ye Tangcai's mouth twitched, well, she also forgot about Qi Min.

Zhao Yingqi chatted with Ye Tangcai while chatting on the Internet, feeling very happy.

After staying for a while, Ye Tangcai saw that it was getting late, so he said: It's getting late, Concubine Lu will treat us here with a meal, and you come with me.

Zhao Yingqi was overjoyed, and was about to nod her head, when a cold voice sounded across a big peach blossom screen: No, the prince will come back for dinner later!

Zhao Yingqi's face froze and she could only lower her head.

Ye Tangcai looked in the direction of the screen, but she couldn't see anyone, but she recognized the voice. It was Mammy Wei who used to follow Zhao Yingqi. Last time when he was in Yugui Tower, King Liang brought her , asked her to comb her hair, seeing that it was someone whom King Liang trusted.

Madam Zhenxihou, Concubine Lu has someone calling for you. Nanny Wei said again.

Understood. Ye Tangcai smiled, turned her head and prayed to Zhao Ying, I'll go first.

Zhao Yingqi's face showed bursts of disappointment: Come to play again next time!

Okay! Ye Tangcai nodded.

Zhao Yingqi's eyes lit up: I'll wait for you! Let's pull the hook!

Princess! Mother Wei shouted coldly outside: Prince Liang's residence doesn't like other people visiting, Madam Zhenxihou, please remember your identity.

Ye Tangcai rolled his eyes, the situation was uncertain now, and Chu Yunpan was apparently going to side with the prince, so he couldn't come to the Prince Liang's mansion often. If it happens once or twice, it can be said to be a normal human relationship. If it happens more often, it will be abnormal, and no one will doubt it.

Ye Tangcai sighed slightly, and had no choice but to pray to Zhao Ying: I have a lot of things at home, so I can't come here often.

Zhao Yingqi's bright eyes darkened, feeling a burst of disappointment.

I'll go first, you, study hard. Ye Tangcai said.

Hmm... Zhao Yingqi could only nod her head, eyes full of reluctance.

Ye Tangcai got up and walked around the screen, only to see Wei Nanny dressed in black as usual, with a serious face. Ye Tangcai glanced at her indifferently: By the way, I still don't know how to address Nanny.

The old slave was the dowry of the empress, but when the empress and the princess went to Tongzhou, all the servants could not follow. The old slave went to the laundry bureau. After the prince returned to the palace, the old slave was able to return to the prince's side. Madam Wei Said with a straight face.

Oh. Ye Tangcai nodded and sighed slightly, it turned out to be Empress Xiao's confidant, no wonder King Liang trusted her so much.

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